Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1257: The next blue ocean in the navigation in

However, in Wu Tao's eyes, the development of Yuanqi Technology no longer needs Samsung as a partner.

On the contrary, according to his memory of the development of the mobile phone industry in the past, from now on, Yuanqi Technology needs to guard against the sudden emergence of this mobile phone manufacturer called the "King of Android".

Therefore, Li Xuxian was dismissed casually, and Wu Tao quickly took the Samsung Group to the back of his mind.

Looking at the project information in his hand, Wu Tao made a call to Gu Xueli, and with the help of small talk, he asked the information of the leaders in the research group.

Fortunately, more than half of Gu Xueli was able to say that he was ugly, and he even commented on the academic style of these people in the industry.

This is secret information that laymen cannot find, and it is the key to determining whether the project of the research group can be implemented.

Fortunately, according to the results known by the care of Xueli, more than half of the research groups in his hands are doing practical things.

In contrast, with this majority of the research group underpinning, it doesn't matter whether the remaining half of the research group can be completed.

With this mood, I happily turned to the last piece of information, from the research group of Princeton University in the United States.

The age of the leader of the research group is only 26 years old. Compared with the qualifications of other leaders who are at least 35 years old, this is a bit of a trifling matter, isn't it?

Could it be that Sun Xiaoyu also made the mistake of admiring foreigners?

As a result, it was not until Wu Tao glanced at the other party’s resume that he had experience studying at Tsinghua University, that he suddenly felt like an alumnus?

At this time, his eyes returned to the leader's name, only to realize that it was spelled two words: Yan Ning.

It turned out to be her!

Unexpectedly, this beautiful senior girl still remembers the motherland after going abroad for further studies. The money was spent right, and it should be encouraged and supported.

As for the high school elder sister, it doesn't matter whether she can achieve something with a halo on the matter of anti-non-fighting.

Changjiang Road, Tianxing Media Group.

When Chen Fang and Yan Fei found Ding Tiantian together, they were rehearsing in the practice room with the newcomers who were about to participate in the show.

Although they are all outstanding people selected in the draft, but on the stage of the same song, isn't it just a real new look?

Ding Tiantian saw the formation of these two people, and guessed that the things they were talking about must be nothing trivial, so they sent them directly to the office to sit down and discuss them in detail.


The result is naturally predictable.

It was no surprise when the two generals came out of Director Ding Da’s office with a helpless expression in the summer.

After all, Director Ding has always been the kind of person who has no desire to be strong. Being in the vanity fair of the entertainment circle, but being able to sit at this point, summer is particularly admired by himself.

Holding a cup of steaming coffee, summer knocked on Ding Tiantian's office.

Although there was an unpleasant affair with the two at the same time, the great director's perfect face still had a slight smile, which made people feel like spring breeze.

"Thank you, summer." Ding Tiantian took the initiative to take the coffee, although she didn't really want to drink it at the moment.

Xia Xia retracted her hand and waved her hands again and again and said, "Director Ding, no thanks. Actually, I just want to tell you that I support you in participating in the show!"


As the founder of AutoNavi, Cheng Congwu developed a map navigation function module, which is simply a mistake.

Originally, he was only doing GPS module development, hoping to cooperate with traditional car manufacturers to earn the first pot of gold.

However, in the process of contact and cooperation, it was discovered that the cost of GPS module has no room for development, and it is not a product urgently needed by traditional car manufacturers.

Instead, it is the car navigation function that relies on the GPS module, which is an urgent development goal for traditional car manufacturers.

This led to the establishment of AutoNavi.

Originally, Cheng Congwu planned to establish the company in the capital. As a result, he is catching up with the opportunity of the software valley's vigorous promotion. Settling in the software valley can have many advantages and benefits for development.

That's why the company was founded in the Jinling Jiangbei Software Valley.

Who would have thought that after more than six months of development, the momentum is good and the response is also very positive.

Now, he has even been summoned by Hua Xia Wu in person.

On the night of receiving the call, Cheng Congwu, who was nearly young, was excited like a child and did not sleep all night.

Thinking over and over in bed, what should I say and talk about when I see the legendary entrepreneurial giant?

It's just that, until he arrived at the gate of Yuanqi Technology, he didn't think about it clearly.

The door guard looked at his business card, only made a phone call, and then gave him a VIP badge and let him walk into the factory.

After entering Yuanqi Technology, Cheng Congwu looked up and saw that this all-steel-structured office building looked so majestic and tall.

It will be beautiful when your own Gaode company can have such an extraordinary office building.

As for the modern management and beautiful environment of the nearby factory and warehouse, Cheng Congwu can't even think about it.

Of course, his AutoNavi Map Company is said to be a software development company. In addition to a map surveying and mapping vehicle, there is no need for such a large factory area.

President's Office.

When Wu Tao saw Cheng Congwu's first impression, he felt that this person was particularly The outfit was not particularly formal and solemn, but it was so integrated, which undoubtedly sets off his own elegant temperament.

Facing the smiling young face in front of him, Cheng Congwu knew that he was more than one round older than the other, and still did not dare to neglect.

"Mr. Wu, it is a great honor to meet you and listen to your teachings and guidance."

This makes Wu Tao feel that he is twenty years old. "Where, Cheng Zong, I admire your entrepreneurial ideas, please come over, just talk casually, without any teaching or guidance."

The two sat down on the sofa area, and Liu Ruoxi followed and had tea.

Cheng Congwu took a sip of tea and stopped drinking too much. Instead, he looked at Wu Tao with a little nervousness. It was really a momentum to listen to teachings and guidance.

Wu Tao laughed a little dumbfounded.

But in this case, he can only provoke the responsibility of leading the topic, "Cheng Zong, your company stood out in this software valley project evaluation and won the second prize. I would like to congratulate you first."

Cheng Cong Wu arched his hands and thanked him again and again.

In the next moment, Wu Tao changed his mind and asked directly: "Zong Cheng, do you know why your company did not win the first prize?"

Cong Wu suddenly felt a little ashamed. How could anyone answer this?

The scene began to be silent, and it didn't take long for the clumps of sweat to patter down. On the surface, it was still so elegant and calm, but my heart was more panic than anyone else.

He was really afraid that he could not deal with it properly, dragging down other founders to the end.

Fortunately, Wu Tao didn't make him nervous for long, but immediately raised the next question: "Change the question, Cheng Zong, in your opinion, where is the next blue ocean in the navigation industry?"


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