Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1258: Seize the outlet in the era of mobile in

Facing the question Wu Tao suddenly raised, Cheng Congwu hesitated.

It is not that he does not understand the meaning of the blue ocean, but keenly grasped the key point in this question, the next piece, the next piece of blue ocean...

Wait, isn't the domestic navigation industry just getting started?

At least at present, the information collection project that AutoNavi and the relevant national geographic institutions and organizations cooperate has not yet been fully developed.

Only the map information of several major cities across the country is still surviving in the company's map database.

For an instant, Cheng Congwu had many thoughts in his mind, but he just didn't know how to deal with the question raised by Wu Tao.

He coughed twice, put his hands together, and tentatively replied: "Mr. Wu, our company currently focuses on cooperating with well-known auto manufacturers such as Volkswagen to undertake the development of car navigation modules as the company's business breakthrough."

"...In this regard, because we have the basis for GPS development and application before, we are very confident..."

Before Cheng Congwu’s determination was finished, he was interrupted by Wu Tao: “In this regard, I know that the information of your company has been reflected in the project evaluation. But this does not support your company to open an IPO and enter the international market. Long-term goal, isn't it?"

"This..." Cheng Congwu was so disapproving in his heart that he was a little anxious: "Mr. Wu, the automotive market, especially China's future automotive demand growth, is still very impressive."

However, Wu Tao is not at all in a hurry. He leaned back in his seat and said, "I don't deny this. But can the increase in the number of cars and the number of navigation modules that your company bears equals? ?"

Cheng Congwu's thoughts turned sharply, but in his heart he began to understand that the young man in front of him was indeed a smart person with a leap of thinking.

"Mr. Wu, you are right. In the future, this market will certainly be entered by similar domestic or foreign counterparts, which will carve up the market. Therefore, AutoNavi's market share is not the same as the domestic car ownership rate."

After saying these words, Cheng Congwu felt a little dry mouth, and drank the tea in the cup in one breath, but he was still a little uncontrollable.

It is indeed the legendary entrepreneurial giant, and speaking, it is deadly and hit the nail on the head.

It is no wonder that Yuanqi Technology has become the top three in the global mobile phone industry from an unknown mobile phone manufacturer in just a few years!

However, Wu Tao's next words made him feel even more on pins and needles.

"I can honestly say that the competition between the total and the industry is not the main reason why AutoNavi's market share is much smaller than the car ownership rate."

"...In other words, the car navigation module will not become a necessary module in auto parts." Wu Tao is also too lazy to scribble around, "because it has flaws in its functional design, it is born with shortcomings."

Hearing this, Cheng Congwu's old face flushed instantly.

When he was nearly young, he had rarely blushed with people.

But now that some people criticize their products, don't they have to be the same as protecting the calf, regardless of it?

"Mr. Wu, your remarks may be because you don't know enough about our products. The selection of AutoNavi navigation modules can help car owners get familiar with the route as soon as possible, and expand the car's range of actions."

"...This, in turn, will also help automakers to promote their products. The two complement each other and are in a win-win relationship."

Faced with Cheng Congwu's radical reaction, Wu Tao smiled, and did not take it seriously, "You are right, and I agree."

"...But now all parts of China are in a period of rapid development, and city maps are changing with each passing day. How can the AutoNavi navigation module provided by your company realize timely update of map information?"

Cheng Congwu rubbed his chin and the stubble around his mouth. This was his subconscious reaction after being nervous.

As soon as the expert reaches out his hand, he will know if there is any.

The legendary figure in front of him is really not a vain name, he even knows the products he is good at.

"This is indeed a difficult problem," Cheng Congwu had to admit, "At present, the plan we have given is that the company provides regular updates to major manufacturers, and then major manufacturers promote it to 4S stores. Automobile customers can maintain and repair Or at the right time, choose to upgrade the map package."

Speaking of later, Cheng Congwu's momentum gradually weakened, and his inner confidence was exposed.

Wu Tao re-poured a cup of tea for the other party, and then toasted to invite him: "Cheng Zong, believe it or not, this kind of upgrade path will not reach 30% of the customers who really choose to upgrade in the future."

"...In the long run, the role of the navigation function module will be abandoned, so that it will eventually become a non-essential option to highlight the grade and specifications."

That said, Cheng Congwu's heart sank little by little, and it was cool.

Originally, the company's internal estimate for the update rate of this upgrade was 60%, but Wu Tao did not expect to cut it in half with a single sentence.

This is not a question of doubling the market share.

It is the self-link that determines the car navigation module from the expected mandatory module to an optional module that can be equipped or not.

This is really going to die.

No wonder AutoNavi only won the second prize in this huge project evaluation activity.

When Cheng Congwu's thoughts turned back, he understood the starting point of Wu Tao at the beginning.

Looking at the meticulous thoughts of others, even casual conversations can echo from the beginning to the end, revealing the truth step by step, sentence by sentence, which makes people suddenly realize that they have to be convinced.

Cheng Congwu's idea is to make a circle.

But Wu Tao, who raised this topic and guided this conversation, has not yet achieved his original goal.

However, he did not take the initiative to mention it, but waited for the founder in front of him to feel and ask questions.

Of course, in the end, if the other party does not ask at all, Wu Tao will consider choosing another person to convey the development concept he wants to express.

Anyway, there is always no shortage of similar talents.

It just needs to be patient to discover.

Fortunately, Cheng Congwu didn't let him down. After a brief period of absorption and precipitation, his face was suddenly excited like a child. He even said unfavorably, he stumbled and asked: "Mr. Wu, you... you just... ...Speaking of that... the next blue ocean, must you have something to show us?"

Wu Tao smiled and said with satisfaction, but still said without credit: "The instructions are not available. I also think that your company belongs to Software Valley, so I want to communicate with you."

"...Since the simple car built-in navigation module has shortcomings in terms of updating and upgrading. Then, can we consider changing to an application form to overcome this problem and flatten the market?!"

Suddenly, the brain power of Cong Wu began to overclock.

Because he didn't want to disappoint the young man in front of him anymore.

After a while, the clumps of Wu had a bright light, and a bold idea jumped into his mind. Although this idea came out, some tricks, some flattering, but he still said it firmly.

"Combine with the Lotus smart phone platform, and realize the promotion through built-in mobile phone applications, and open up the next blue ocean?"

Wu Tao slapped his legs and said without concealing his appreciation and encouragement: "Yes, to be precise, it should open up the next blue ocean through built-in applications for the mobile Internet!"

"...In this case, the navigation function will break away from the framework of the automobile industry and become a daily function popularized by the whole people. Such a market size can even make your company stand on the front of the mobile Internet era and become the first batch of take-offs. "


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