Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1266: Simple but not simple meeting

Wu Tao is naturally inseparable from discussing business affairs.

What's more, he indirectly contributed to seeing the parents this evening.

As a powerful figure and heavyweight representative of Gu Fei's party, Wu Tao's attendance is particularly important.

This is not only Gu Xueli's belief, but An Dingguo also takes it for granted.

In fact, in front of the Xiao family, he, a provincial senior, was just an assist. The only person who really played the main mediation role could only be Wu Tao, who had been in a relationship with the Xiao family a long time ago.

When Wu Tao arrived, he couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw the Gu family's battle like a big enemy.

Gu Xueli dressed in a brand new Chinese tunic suit, sitting upright, and Yin Wenfang in a classic cheongsam suit, looking special with the style of the Republic of China.

As for Gu Jin from top to bottom, he is more expensive and not high-profile.

But An Dingguo was wearing an inconspicuous jacket, if it weren't for the indispensable official frame, it would be really easy for people to look at him.

He smiled and greeted everyone, and then when An Rong was pulled to sit down next to him, there was a strong twist on the back of the waist.

The heart is so eloquent to this point, I can't hide anything, I don't know if it's good or bad.

The clock on the wall passed by one minute and one second, and the night outside the window gradually calmed down, mixed with the occasional crackling and smashing cannons.

Everyone in the room was extremely enthusiastic. With Gu Jin's help, all the hot tea and fruit snacks were served.

I don't know, I thought it was New Year's Eve in advance.

This battle made Xiao Zixia also nervous, and she felt sorry for her and said, "In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

This was originally just a fake speech by her, just to talk about it. In fact, it is particularly useful in my heart.

I can't hide this from the boss Wu Tao.

I don’t know that Gu Fei really took it seriously, and then echoed: "That’s right, as I said, I’ll just follow Zixia tomorrow. Why are you making such a big battle?"

After all, Gu Fei was used to being outside, so he was in conflict with the rules of meeting parents on these serious occasions, so that he would not take it seriously.

Yin Wenfang listened to the photo and gave it to her son, and immediately sold Xiao Zixia a smiley face, "Xiao Xiao, he just talks ridiculously, don't take it to your heart."

How could Xiao Zixia know what kind of person Gu Fei was.

It's just that things have developed to this point. Whom does she marry? After all, at her level, it would be extremely difficult to find a man with perfect scores in all aspects.

So for Gu Fei who is seventy to eighty points, it can be tolerated.

What's more, once the two are combined, Xiao Zixia is confident that she can hold Gu Fei.

This is actually a bonus item.

But marriage has never been a matter of two people, but a matter of two families.

Especially the family behind these two people. A high-level knowledge, a high-level cadre.

Ordinarily, with the background of the Gu family, you can get on the table wherever you get it. There is no need to worry about the old couple and An Dingguo.

Reluctantly, Gu Fei has been around for so many years, and finally the prodigal son will turn around.

Yin Wenfang was so grateful that he was cautious about the youngest son's marriage in his heart. How can I think that the other side's family background is so prominent, and the old couple suddenly became more sincere and frightened.

Wu Tao understands these situations in his heart. But after arriving at the scene, she found that An Rong was purely looking at her younger uncle's lively style, and she was silly to watch the lively with her.

Until the topic was a little uncomfortable and everyone was at a loss, An Dingguo put down his teacup and slipped him out and said, "Xiaotao, what do you think?"

However, before Wu Tao took over, An Rong laughed first, "Dad, what did you ask him about the marriage of my uncle? He has never been married..."

Before he finished speaking, An Dingguo was stared into his stomach.

An Rong spit out a fragrant tongue, felt the touch from her shoulders, and looked at Wu Tao narrowly, as if I could tell what you could tell, she didn't take Gu Fei's marriage to her heart at all.

In fact, this is no wonder, after all, the age difference between the two is not big, and they have been used to playing around since childhood.

Even if Gu Fei's boss is not young now, in the eyes of the unmarried An Rong, the image of this elder still can't stand up.

But Wu Tao can't think so.

Moreover, the anxiety of the elders in front of him, what he saw in his eyes, could not allow him to ignore it.

"In fact, I think it is enough for grandpa and grandma to go there in person and express their importance. For both families, the sincerity is reached, the simpler the situation, the better."

These words won Gu Xueli's approval.

In the eyes of scholars like him, he dislikes the red tape in the communication.

It's just that Yin Wenfang doesn't think so. She is a college professor, but she is also a worried mother.

"It's okay to make things simple," Yin Wenfang said hesitantly, "but Zixia's house is after all..."

Having said that, Xiao Zixia immediately said, "It doesn't matter to be simple. My grandfather is a soldier, so he likes to go straight."

This aspect was settled, and Yin Wenfang immediately asked another question, "I'm worried that if both of these masters go, Gu Fei, this kid will be troubled."

This is very vague.

Except for An Rong, who didn't think it was a big deal, Gu Fei didn't take it seriously, and Xiao Zixia didn't hear the extraneous sound, everyone else was a face that took it seriously and must be taken seriously.

Especially An Dingguo, he turned his attention to Wu Tao: "Why don't you take a look at Xiao Is it convenient for Fang to follow along?"

An Rong couldn't sit still anymore, "Dad, Wu Tao is a junior, so it's not his turn to come forward..."

However, before finishing speaking, An Dingguo interrupted, "Don't talk, just see what Xiaotao means."

Wu Tao took a picture of An Rong, who was not upset, and said, "Marriage matters, I believe that Fei Ge will not be treated as a child's play, and he will definitely perform well."

"So about this matter, it must be inappropriate for me to come forward to Xiao's house." Wu Tao immediately explained: "It will complicate the nature of this matter."

This did not convince An Dingguo, but he did not refute it on the spot.

However, Wu Tao's next conversation changed, and everyone was immediately brightened, thinking that this method couldn't be better.

"...But I can follow along and have a chat with Big Brother Xiao, and beat the drums for you on the periphery."

"This is very good, very good." Gu Xueli said immediately, and An Dingguo nodded. He could hear that Wu Tao said he was beating the drum, but he was actually escorting him.

After all, the influence of this kid is not just as simple as a strong capital.

With him following, this matter is a no-brainer.

Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Zixia said with a sorrowful expression: "I thank the boss for your care! This year, my father and grandfather will go south to Xihang to celebrate the New Year. It won't delay you too long."

The biggest problem is settled.

Everyone felt relieved, and then Gu Jin took Yin Wenfang's hand and began to squint, "Mom, this Chinese New Year visit to see in-laws, do you want to bring something to take advantage of?"

Yin Wenfang patted his head, very cute, "Oh, I'm so confused, how can I forget such an important thing..."


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