Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1316: Take a guise to wave the flag

When his thoughts burst out, he couldn't even stop his long white legs as tender as jade.

Wu Tao's thinking about video websites is getting richer and more overflowing.

After sorting out his many ideas, he suddenly found out that the establishment of a video website was ultimately to meet the increasingly vigorous needs of netizens to follow and watch dramas.

It's just that today's netizens are addicted to the feeling of Internet surfing, and are accustomed to collecting various resources by themselves, accumulating them, and then sharing them happily.

For them, collecting resources, and then downloading them with a small water pipe, until they look at the full hard disk resources, the joy of the process is even far better than watching the drama itself.

However, with the increasing popularity of the Internet and the continuous growth of netizens, the crowd who are accustomed to using doctrines will surely become the mainstream.

Under this trend, supplemented by a steady stream of dramas and video resources to form a scale effect, this is the foundation of a video website.

Liu Ruoxi, who had changed into her home clothes, was a little hesitant in her steps as she watched her boss staring at the long legs lying motionless in front of her when she went up and down.

Shouldn't I show up at this time?

It wasn't until Molly kicked her boss with her big long legs displeasedly that Secretary Liu Da then closed the slightly open neckline and continued to step downstairs.

Wu Tao was interrupted by a kick. He recovered, and slapped his backhand on the slender calf: "Why do you still learn to fuck?"

This is spoken in Chinese.

Molly didn't understand, but the intensity of that slap was firm, not the intensity of teasing.

In addition, on the stairs, Dami Liu couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, making the atmosphere of the two people's world disappear.

"Boss, there are two important appointments, what do you think?" Although she changed into home clothes, Liu Ruoxi still appeared for official business.

Wu Tao took a sip of dry and cool coffee, "What is an appointment? Can't I push it?"

Liu Ruoxi didn't explain, but straightforwardly pointed out: "One is official from California. The current Governor Davis and the next most-voiced Governor, Mr. Schwarzenegger, have called one after another, wanting to see you."

Davis? A governor who is about to get cold, what did he do when he saw him? Decisively refuse.

As for Schwarzenegger, since the voice is so loud, there is no need to meet.

Therefore, Wu Tao said simply, "No one will be seen. Also, when Schwarzenegger called back, he told him that I am very optimistic that he will become the next governor."

This is really perfunctory.

However, Molly didn't feel that it was wrong. On the contrary, people at their level didn't feel too cold at the level of the head of a state.

Liu Ruoxi wrote it down, and then said: "Bruce is on the phone again..."

Is this old guy so insecure?

Wu Tao shook his head and waved away the distracting thoughts of ‘what would Bruce think’, "Tell him, although I didn’t help much this time, I still thank him. When it comes to Huaxia, I will invite him to dinner."

"Is there anything else?"

Liu Ruoxi lightly shook her head, with a relaxed face. As the boss's status and wealth improved, the burden of her great secret became lighter and lighter.

This is probably the happiness to people.

However, Wu Tao went on to say, "I have a few thoughts about video websites, please remember..."

Then, he explained the thoughts and thoughts just now, and did not avoid Molly's meaning.

Who knew that when the two of them had finished communicating, Molly would not take it seriously, "I want to attract video sites and incubate customers. It's not easy? Get some adult stuff, absolutely immediate..."

Before she finished speaking, Molly's mouth was covered by Wu Tao.

Those things for adults do have excellent drainage effects, but what you say is so grand and reasonable, is it really good?

Besides, our video website has to take the formal route and become an Internet media giant. With such a dark history, are you afraid that the car will not roll over fast enough in the future?

However, after being released, Molly licked her red lips unexpectedly, stretched her waist comfortably, and raised her feet to the ground: "emmmm, I can have a good night's sleep tonight."

"Emmmm?" Wu Tao raised his brows, and suddenly felt that things were not as simple as they seemed, "Why do you say that?"

Molly waved her hand with an unpredictable look, "Trust me, you don't want to know."

The suspected car is unfounded.

Wu Tao shook his head and watched Molly leave the terrace with long legs, and returned home from the backyard.

In the middle of the night, Wu Tao was sitting in front of the computer, processing a few emails.

Hu Ning replied, talking about his strategic idea about creating a video website, and mentioned the blank issue of overseas markets, suggesting that he should take an international mindset from the beginning.

If you want to make the cake bigger, the starting point is good.

However, this aspect is closely related to the cultural systems of film and television dramas in various countries, and it is difficult to unify and take the route of large-scale.

However, taking a step back and taking the unity of capital is a workaround.

In the European and American markets, Molly and Panis are brought in; in the Toyo market, Fujiwara Rena is the main force; all aspects of power are used, and there may be some big moves.

Speaking of the big news, Wu Tao couldn't help but think of the'real big news'-the semiconductor industry.

The last two days in California were business exchanges with toothpaste factories and massage parlors.

At home, the development of the semiconductor industry can be a bit more high-profile; but internationally, it is still necessary to assume the posture of a beginner and a latecomer.

It saves people who are yelled and beaten from the very beginning, and are inexplicably hated.

But nowadays, the idea of ​​a video website is definitely a job that can disperse the firepower.

Ok, deal!

So decisively returned the email to Juning, straightened out the idea, and by the way, in the final list, Ivanka was added to the list.

Since it is a guise to attract firepower, you might as well get a partner into the water.

Wait until five years and ten years later...

Anyway is prepared.

The next day, in the meeting room of the hotel where the old comrade was staying, Wu Tao listened to the results of the negotiations with Cisco last night.

Before going to court, the predetermined strategic goal was achieved. This result made everyone on the Huawei team feel particularly excited.

Sure enough, it is backed by a big tree to enjoy the cool!

Wu Tao is very calm. Apart from congratulating the Huawei team, everything is going to be like this.

Especially when the last old comrade mentioned: "In the remaining two days, we are invited by the parties to further discuss the cooperation between the two sides."

"This matter..." Wu Tao raised his brows, "The talk is going to continue, but there is no need to contain your entire team here."

Old Ren frowned. What do you mean by this? It was Sun Yafang who smiled first, "Mr. Wu is right, but our mentality hasn't changed yet..."