Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 135: A chance encounter in the studio

With the successful acquisition of Toshiba's technical patents, Yuankang's R&D strength was immediately much stronger.

Back at the company headquarters, Wu Tao confessed to Sun Miao, the R&D director, in front of everyone.

"Director Sun, with Toshiba's water purification technology as a base, you must not only ensure that in next year's competition, technical aspects will not be delayed; but in the future, you must provide the company with new profit growth points."

"Boss, promise to complete the task." Sun Miao answered in a loud voice without saying a word.

The mind of the technical house is pure.

At the beginning, he was just an ordinary technician of Smart, and he moved to Yuankang. No one thought that he would be a technical director.

But his contribution is there, and everyone has to be convinced.

It can debug the production line of smart water dispenser, and improve the process to increase the production efficiency.

Such technicians are rare.

So if you don't mention him, who should be promoted?

Faced with Sun Miao's positive response, Wu Tao was very satisfied. He wanted to say that such technical talents, give me a dozen!

Put pressure on subordinates, but also give some motivation.

Carrots and sticks are the way to control science.

Otherwise, it would not be so good to be the shopkeeper.

So after talking about illusory ideals and visions, Wu Tao's words finally came to reality.

"This year the company started up and achieved impressive results. This is inseparable from the efforts of all of you and all employees of the company."

"...Especially Xiaoxiao and Li Hong, in order to work, not only suspended school, but also gave up the opportunity to go home during the winter vacation."

"...In view of this, I decided to give you a year-end award to specifically recognize your contributions to the company!"

It hasn't been a few years since the reopening, and the term year-end award is quite new to everyone.

So just after Wu Tao said this, everyone was slightly stunned, before applauding enthusiastically.

The excitement and striving on that face are really not pretending.

The applause gradually fell, and Wu Tao's voice sounded again: "If we can successfully survive next year's market competition and the survival of the fittest, I believe everyone will have more hope for next year's year-end awards."

The executive meeting ended, and the good news soon spread throughout the company.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao came out of the office, preparing to quietly drive away with An Rong, and to enjoy the time between them, he found that the company was full of joyful atmosphere.

With joy from the heart on everyone's face, they respectfully call him good boss.

Only Gu Fei bitterly stopped him: "You two are going to **** again?"

Li Hong happened to pass by with the file in his hand, and said with a smile: "Mr Gu, if something comes at me, don't always trouble the boss."

An Rong secretly gave Li Hong a thumbs up, and Gu Fei was no longer angry.

"Hey, I'm puzzled. Why are you a shareholder? If I work hard all day, he can be a hand-scraper with peace of mind. In the end, in your eyes, I am not as good as him. ?"

Li Hong patted Gu Fei on the shoulder, and flew a wink by the way: "Oh, President Gu, are you jealous?"

"Go to your work, no big or small."

Li Hong spit out his fragrant tongue and hurried away.

Entering Gu Fei's office, before Wu Tao could speak, An Rong preemptively said: "Uncle, you, in the public, hold on to Wu Tao. How bad is the impact! Are you not afraid of price drops?"

"I'm not afraid!" Gu Fei waved his hand, quite unstinting.

Wu Tao motioned An Rong to stop talking, walked over to Gu Fei, and said earnestly, "Brother Fei, isn't it just a year-end bonus? Why are you so angry? Let the people below see it, and you should be underestimated."

Gu Fei was dumbfounded, "You can see this too? Besides, is that a little bit? That's a lot..."

"My uncle is really stingy~" An Rong smiled.

"Brother Fei, you feel sorry for the money. I can understand it. But next year is the year that determines our life and death. The gang of state-owned enterprises and large companies will definitely use all kinds of methods to seize the market. We must treat all executives and even all employees Only by uniting can it be possible to help each other and tide over the difficulties."

"... Compared to the life and death of the company, what is that year-end bonus?"

"... Doing a business requires a big picture and a long-term perspective."

As he said, Wu Tao took Gu Fei's shoulders and said, "Of course I am also to blame for this. He didn't say hello to you in advance, so he said it when he was excited. I promise, it won't be an example."

Gu Fei also had nothing to say if there was nothing to say.

Look at his niece again. Gu Fei tilted his head and sighed in admiration towards Wu Tao. He was always right.

"By the way, I just told you that something is really going on."


"The company's commercial has started shooting. It's in the studio of Jiangdong TV Station. You take this badge to check it out. After all, you have a vision in this respect. Don't let the gang of artists play off."

Wu Tao glanced at An Rong, "That's OK, I'm familiar with this, I should take care of it."

Received the badge, took An Rong, and went straight to the Provincial TV Station on Yanjing East Road.

Holding the name badges, the two of them didn't get any obstacles along the way, and drove straight in to the No. 10 studio of the Radio and Television Building.

The heads of people outside the door were crowded, and there were a group of glamorous girls standing there, all of them were of mid-to-high looks and slender.

This is just an audition for a supporting actress, so many beautiful girls flock to it.

No wonder the entertainment industry will have all kinds of unspoken rules. The temptation is really too big...

As for the image spokesperson of Yuankang Company's advertising is Andy Lau, who specially paid a big price for it.

Knocked on the door, showed his name badge, the door opened a crack, and Wu Tao squeezed in with An Rong.

The members of the film crew inside didn't seem to know who Wu Tao was sacred, only that he was a representative of the manufacturer.

So after putting it in, no one cares about him.

The first round of audition work continues, and the director's actions are also very fast.

Some girls were ruthlessly kicked off the stage within 3 seconds.

However, it is not surprising to be ousted, because even Wu Tao can't stand their performance.

Until a familiar figure came onto the stage, An Rong suddenly jumped up with excitement: "Look, Ding Tiantian..."

Wu Tao is yawning and looking intently, isn't it just silly and sweet?

After thinking about it, the supporting actress in this advertisement has no role, not even a line. What is shown to the audience is the pure temperament like pure The silly, white and sweet temperament meets the requirements.

Sure enough, the silly and sweet performance seemed to have conquered the director. From beginning to end, the audition ended without being blasted off the stage.

Ding Tiantian left the studio, and Wu Tao followed with An Rong.

Anyway, the morning is only the first round, and the afternoon is the critical second round and the final recording of the commercial.

Following the door, An Rong patted Ding Tiantian's fragrant shoulders, but she didn't even respond, and she kept walking forward.

Bring the two directly to Tang Yan.

"Master, An Rong, why are you here?" Tang Yan asked unexpectedly.

Wu Tao smiled and said something by chance.

An Rong pointed to Ding Tiantian suspiciously, "What's the matter with her? Why ignore us?"

"No play yet..."