Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 136: Master's influence

It is a great blessing in life to meet old friends in another country.

However, Wu Tao and An Rong tacitly failed to mention the reason for being here.

Speaking of Ding Tiantian’s audition, I learned that Tang Yan and Ding Tiantian do not have a fixed agent, let alone a reliable agency.

Ding Tiantian was able to receive this audition opportunity completely because of Wu Tao's adorable works last time.

Having said that, Ding Tiantian thanked Wu Tao for a while.

However, Tang Yan naturally inevitably said a few words sourly, and then was scolded by An Rong with a laugh.

After thanking him, Ding Tiantian fell into anxiety again.

After all, this kind of opportunity for TV advertising is really rare for their unorganized and unsupported models.

Even though I feel a little unrealistic, I still look forward to it in my heart.

"Don't worry, you will be able to enter the second round."

Wu Tao's words immediately calmed Ding Tiantian.

This was not purely out of comfort, but a professional judgment he made after seeing Ding Tiantian's performance.

Not long after, a fat man opened the door, holding the list in his hand, and suddenly aroused the crowd of female models in the corridor.

"Chen Yue!"

"Xi Yuanyuan!"

"Ding Tiantian!"

The last one called her own name, and Ding Tiantian was so excited that she almost threw herself on Wu Tao.

Fortunately, this silly Baitian finally retained a bit of reason and threw himself into Tang Yan's arms excitedly, crying with joy.

There are only three places in the second round, with a probability of one-third, which means that the chance of being selected is greatly increased.

Tang Yan kept patting the opponent's back: "Sweet, come on, you can do it!"

"I am optimistic about you!" An Rong said.

"Believe in yourself." Wu Tao said.

Ding Tiantian's eyes were shining with bright colors, her eyes swept across the crowd, and she walked into the studio firmly.

Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but worry: "I don't know if the crew here is unfair. Can Tiantian make it through the second round?"

These words reminded Wu Tao.

In fact, this kind of audition in the crew is not fair at all.

It's inevitable that there are tricks and shady, but I don't know how dark it can be.

I came here this time, isn't it just to supervise them to prevent them from doing too much?

Thinking of this, Wu Tao raised the badge in his hand and said, "Go, I'll take you in and have a look."

"Why did you have?" Tang Yan couldn't help asking.

"I'm a master! What's going to be a set?" Wu Tao casually asked.

Entering the studio again, the second round of auditions has already begun.

This time, the content is obviously much richer, involving physical images, micro expressions in the eyes, and many basic skills.

Chen Yue, who was the first to take the stage, had a good body image, but compared to Ding Tiantian, his body curve was slightly weaker.

In the eye expression link, some cannot be accurately conveyed, and the performance is not stable.

The final basic skills are quite satisfactory and impeccable.

The second round was Xi's turn.

Wu Tao couldn't help frowning as soon as this person came on stage.

Not to mention the figure and appearance, the whole person's skin color is obviously darker, even standing under the light, still can't make up for this defect.

As for the communication of the micro-expression in the eyes, it always gives people a feeling of being too late.

In this way, a feeling of ‘beautiful’ is revealed, which is far from the pure image required by Yuankang Company.

So when it came to the following basic skills, Wu Tao directly ignored it, because he had already marked this person with an x ​​in his heart.

Ding Tiantian came to the stage as the finale, wearing a close-fitting milky white dance costume, which perfectly outlined the figure's curve.

With that pure face and clear eyes, everything is impeccable.

Those eyes, like water, were full of drama, with the slight movements of the eyelashes, the silent drama of the eyes was performed to the extreme.

The final link of basic skills is more stable and passed smoothly.

Seeing this, Wu Tao felt in his heart.

If he were a director, he would undoubtedly favor Ding Tiantian. But carrots and vegetables, each has their own love, if the director chooses Chen Yue, he has nothing to say. After all, the performance of the two is roughly at the same level. As for the subtle differences, it is the benevolent's opinion.

At the end of the second round of auditions, the director group whispered, and the previous fat man announced the result on the spot.

"Xi Yuanyuan was admitted, and the other two were eliminated."

Chen Yue shook his head and left on the spot. Ding Tiantian didn't even have time to change the dance clothes, and she was taken aback on the spot, tearing silently. As for the admitted Xi Yuanyuan, she didn't have too many happy expressions, just smiled formulaically.

Tang Yan and An Rong looked at each other.

Wu Tao couldn't believe his ears even more, "I heard that right, right? Xi Yuanyuan was admitted?"

"Just say there is shady, there are unspoken rules!" Tang Yan muttered angrily, and greeted the director's eighteenth generation by the way.

An Rong also shook her head unacceptably, "Such a result is really hard to convince the public."

Before the two had finished speaking, Wu Tao had already walked up.

"Which is the director, I have objections to the results of this round of auditions!"

Tang Yan said without knowing it, "Wu Tao is crazy, right? Those directors are all big names, and one is not good. If you offend them, you will be in trouble in the future."

An Rong was particularly calm, "It's okay, who would let you call him Master? What if he speaks well."

Ding Tiantian, who was stunned and regained his senses, watched Wu Tao come up to make a strong stand for herself. After being moved, she hurriedly stopped him, shaking Zhenshou, tears streaming down her face.

"Wu Tao, I accept this result, don't say anything."

The middle-aged man leaning against the camera, wearing a director's uniform, leaned back on his chair and said, "Who is this?"

"...What's the matter with you, why are you putting everyone in?"

Scolded for a while, no one answered. Until a thin man jumped out and said flatly: "Director, director, I put him in, he seems to be a representative of the manufacturer."

"Yes, I'm the representative of Yuankang Company, and I'm here to supervise your work." Wu Tao said coldly.

Unexpectedly, the director still didn’t mean to be polite. He leaned back in his chair and said slowly: "Factory representative? Huh, I have opinions on the results of my casting. Let your boss come and talk to me! As for other small fish and shrimps, you Not yet qualified!"

I poured it into small fish and Wu Tao couldn't help but feel happy.

Ding Tiantian shook her head, crying so much that Lihua persuaded him to leave it alone, for fear of causing him trouble.

The problem is that the nature has changed now.

Wu Tao was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed Gu Fei's phone: "I'll give you twenty minutes, and come to the studio immediately!"

A group of people over there, watching this young man take out a small mobile phone, suddenly realized that this matter is a bit big.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Fei called.

After the staff answered, they passed it to the middle-aged director.

"I said Director Fan, what did you do? To tell you the truth, my boss is very dissatisfied with your work, so be prepared to leave!"

"President Gu, dare to ask who your boss is?"

There was a desperate explanation on the phone. When the middle-aged director heard it, he was surprised: "Ah, it's him?!"