Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1370: R&D global team formation

   With China's accession to the WTO, many multinational corporations have carried out the same operation while extending their tentacles on the mainland.

  Established a global R&D center.

   Therefore, Wu Tao proposed to establish his own global research institute. Apart from the excitement, the participants were not too surprised.

   is just the preparation and planning of this global research institute, and there are always procedures and plans to come up with.

   Therefore, the full-time R&D team for the high-speed rail monitoring system can only be prepared by the Tianjing Silicon Valley branch.

   This two-pronged approach will not delay anything.

   At the end of the meeting, Wu Tao returned to the office to rest for a while, then opened the computer mailbox and clicked on the first draft of the script that the big star had already sent.

   said it was the first draft of the script, but Wu Tao saw it and found that it was not up to the point of the script.

   is at best a story about SARS.

   If you really want to start shooting, you still need to find some professional screenwriters for secondary creation.

   But then again, Wu Tao is particularly satisfied with the perspective of ordinary people in the story.

   When such a story is actually filmed, it will be grounded and audience-oriented.

   And there are many manifestations of contradictions and conflicts, and it can be seen that many of them are actual materials drawn from the first line of anti-non-non-non-non-non-non-non-non-dominance development.

   This adds to the credibility and sense of substitution of the story.

   is just the beginning and the turn of the story, it seems a bit too twists and turns, it is a kind of devastation to the audience's emotions.

   More importantly, this final ending is too tragic for the lyrical effect.

   This is somewhat contrary to Wu Tao's original intention.

   More importantly, the risk of the final review has also increased exponentially.

   Wu Tao thought about it for a while, then opened a new email, wrote down his own impressions and opinions, and provided Ding Tiantian and the film team members for reference.

   At this mention, seven or eight were mentioned unconsciously.

   When Qiu Wuyan knocked on the door and came in, Wu Tao realized that he couldn't stop the car.

   So decisively enough to stop, as to leave some room for Ding Tiantian's film team.

"what's up?"

   Qiu Wuyan sighed lightly, and sat down at the desk, with his slender legs folded, showing his elegance and intelligence.

   "Boss, about the Global Research Institute, I'm thinking, at least I need to go to the Silicon Valley branch."

   Wu Tao said without hesitation: "Then go."

   After all, to integrate the resources of the R&D team, it is also necessary to go to the on-site office. By the way, it is reasonable to investigate and solicit the opinions of some R&D backbones.

Qiu Wuyan's question is not over yet, so he continued: "But I wondered whether I have to bring a R&D person over and sit there for a long time. Boss, if you change your choice, who would you choose? Yang Zili or Tan star?"

   Wu Tao smiled and leaned back in his chair. This was the problem Qiu Wuyan was embarrassing for.

   But he didn't answer right away, but instead asked, "What do you think?"

   Qiu Wuyan shook his head, "I am also a little bit inaccurate. Yang Zili has a stronger research spirit, but Tan Xing has a better overall view. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages!"

   Wu Tao put his hands and ten fingers together and said: "In fact, the establishment of the Global Research Institute will at least establish a research and development center in Huaxia and Meidi. Therefore, there are actually two candidates for research and development."

Immediately, Wu Tao said, "Of course, the R&D status of the two places may change in different periods. For example, in the early stage, the Silicon Valley must have strong R&D strength and rich talents. But with the development of China's local Internet industry , Huaxia’s R&D center will become stronger and stronger."

Qiu Wuyan stretched out his hand to close the hair on the temples and then pondered: "This is a perfect solution to my problem. So boss, this time I mobilized both of them to participate in the preparation and planning of the Global Institute? "

   "Yes, let it go." Wu Tao agreed: "However, the daily research and development work of the school intranet cannot be left behind, and the project support from Chen Junwei must be followed up."

   Qiu Wuyan simply stood up and said: "I understand."

   At the same time, the No. 7 building of Yuhuayuan Villa.

   Ding Tiantian has been back here for nearly a week, and the 14 days she has been in self-isolation is still half way away.

   But she is still as calm and graceful as when she first came home.

   This time the anti-failure front-line gathering has touched her greatly.

  Some of the materials collected through various channels are real people and real things, and often make her dream back in the middle of the night, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

   But when all the materials are processed to form a movie story, Bai Tian feels that she has a lot of accumulation and precipitation in her heart.

   That's right, the first draft of the script sent to Wu Tao was not written by someone else, but by her.

   So in these days of self-isolation, the only thing that worries her is Wu Tao's opinions and views on the script.

   However, one or two days passed, and there was no reply in the mailbox.

   Several times, Ding Tiantian even wanted to pick up the phone and call to ask questions, but they all held back one second before pressing the call button.

   then picked up the story script again, trying to figure out the experience as a new reader.

   This way, it really made her feel a lot of problems.

   But she didn't rush to correct it. Instead, she wrote down the problem first, and then waited for the final ruling.

   Finally at noon that day, Jinling is sunny.

   The temperature suddenly rose to the highest peak since the beginning of spring, above 20 degrees.

   Ding Tiantian held the latest ElitePad computer produced by Tianan, and opened the mailbox in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor in the warmth of the sun. received a new email.

A burst of joy came out of my heart, silly Baitian even spit out his tongue uncontrollably, and then triumphantly grabbed his little mouth, and said to himself cutely: "Hmph, it's finally your kind of conscience, no Forget about it!"

   Then he couldn't wait to open the email at the location. Looking around, there were seven or eight reply comments.

   yo ho, silly Baitian couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, then she lightly covered Tan's mouth, a blush floating on her cheeks.

   settled down, silly Baitian followed the text of the email and read it word by word.

  ‘The first one is that the storyline is reversed too much, which is a great burden on emotions, and at the same time affects the emotional fullness of some lyrical links. It is recommended to straighten out and delete it...’

  ‘Second, the multi-line narrative is commendable, but there is too much overlap between the various short stories, and the lack of progress in the contradictory level also affects the fullness of the mood. It is recommended to optimize and improve...’

  ’Article 3, the medical profession’s professionalism is insufficient, lacking vocabulary and necessary communication that can render the professional background, it is recommended to add...’

  ’Article 4, in the anti-African situation, in addition to the doctor group, the support and cooperation of social organizations, and the administrative command of government agencies are not enough. It is recommended to work **** the personnel and give an appropriate amount of reflection...’


   Ding Tiantian looked down one by one, not only did she look shy, but also had resonance.

   is like the next few, just like the defects she found herself.

   But she quickly waved away her shame, her eyes firmed down, her fists clenched, and she made up her mind to herself: "Well, I must change until you are satisfied!"