Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 139: A sunrise industry aimed at women's pock

Under this circumstance, children's money and students' money are undoubtedly a category that is easier to earn.

Who made China have the tradition of becoming a dragon and a phoenix since ancient times?

As a result, parents have developed the habit of spending money on their children, even if they are tired and suffering.

Relying on the Chuanchuanxiang Mala Tang chain store that started in the school, this idea is the main focus.

In fact, there is another type of money, which is better to earn than children’s money and students’ money, and that is women’s money.

The reason why women make money well is not only because they have a strong desire to consume like children; but also because they have more consumption power than their children.

Ask the parents for the child’s money.

And women can make money on their own, and some even directly control the economic power of the family.

The beauty industry is a big sunrise industry aimed at women's pockets.

Wu Tao remembers authoritative analysis in his previous life that the market size and growth rate of the beauty industry can even be compared with real estate.

This shows how large its market capacity and development potential are.

As for the cultivation and support of Aunt Hua, it was Wu Tao's strategic needs for targeting this industry a long time ago.

In his schedule, the beauty industry and the water and drinking industry will become his two pocketbooks together.

Yuankang Company can adopt the sales model of prepaid packages to trap customers and obtain legal financing.

The beauty industry can also achieve almost the same goal through the VIP card mechanism.

Make money, make money! Make full preparations for the upcoming mobile phone era and the Internet era.

Listening to Wu Tao's persuasive introduction, Aunt Hua was surprised that she had been so valued by the other party a long time ago and given such great expectations.

I hate that when I ran Chuan Chuan Xiang Mala Tang, I used to cry secretly for fear of difficulty, and even saddened to be separated from the black egg.

Thinking of this, Aunt Hua couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But when I met Wu Tao's pure eyes, I felt inspired, and there was a lot of motivation in my heart.

"Then you tell me, what should I do?" Aunt Hua's light eyebrows were curved in a graceful arc, revealing a full beauty.

"Use your personal experience to conduct market research." Wu Tao analyzed rationally: "And the first beauty shop in the future will at least start in a big city like Jinling. So you have to be prepared for a long-term separation from the black egg. "

Aunt Hua took a deep breath, her full chest becoming taller and taller, "I have thought of all this, no problem. In addition, I plan to visit South Korea in the next year, and I heard that the beauty industry there is more developed."

"Okay!" Wu Tao was very pleased. He didn't expect Aunt Hua to think so well, "I'll arrange it."

After communicating with Wu Tao, Aunt Hua returned to the room, closed the door, and began to sort out the thoughts in her mind.

Although only a high school education, once this woman's potential is stimulated, even they themselves are afraid.

As for the three women in the living room, they couldn't bear to be bored after lying down for ten minutes.

"Sister Hua, how long will the mask be applied?" An Rong screamed, shaking her white calf.

This house is equipped with state-of-the-art underfloor heating, so despite the bitter wind outside, it is still warm like spring inside.

Wu Tao looked at his watch, "Sister Hua is busy, and it should be almost in ten minutes."

Ten minutes later, the three girls finally relaxed, took off the mask, and all leaned in front of Wu Tao, asking eagerly.

"How is it, how is it, is your skin better? Say it, you..."

Wu Tao almost cried.

Even the sweet scent of the three girls was so close at hand that they had no time to taste, so they began to rack their brains to figure out how to answer.

It is said that money is hard to make, but for him, girls’ questions are even more difficult to answer, and three girls’ common problems are even more difficult!

The answer is the same, saying that you are perfunctory. The answer is different, this scale is the most difficult to grasp.

"Rongrong, your skin is brighter."

"Sweet, your skin is fuller."

"Tang Yan, your skin is more delicate."

that's it? Three pairs of eyes asked eagerly.

Wu Tao's head is big for a while, and all three have to be praised. You can't repeat the same thing. Forgive me! So I pointed to the bathroom, and I went there first.

In the afternoon of the next day, at the largest Xinhua Bookstore in Xinjiekou, Wu Tao met Mr. Wang, whom he had met for a long time.

Choosing to meet here was something Wu Tao did not expect. So that his secret ace, Rena Fujiwara, is still at the Jinling Hotel and has not rushed over.

But it was precisely because of being here that Wu Tao had a little bit of the pulse of the old man.

It is said that the older generation is the generation with ideals and pursuits.

This is vividly reflected in Wang Yongsheng.

His sparse gray hair was old-fashioned, but his eyes were filled with indestructible pursuit and perseverance, which made him look extraordinarily vigorous.

It is not hard to imagine that when he founded the Picture Book King, his original intention was not to make money, but to make contributions to the best of his ability.

It is precisely because of this that the call of the call of the picture book king made him feel hurt and hurt.

If the money is gone, you can make more money.

Heartbroken, but hard to make up.

Looking at Mr. Wang, he stared affectionately at the comic books on the shelf, looked at the past expectantly, and gained more but was full of disappointment.

"These comic magazines are taken for granted!" Disappointed with indignation and criticism.

Wu Tao nodded, "In order to spread the correct values, the characteristics and attractiveness of the comic story itself were ignored, and the result became a mere textbook, blindly stuffing the ideas of some adults to the children. In this way, it is strange to be popular. !"

Wang Yongsheng's gray eyebrows raised, he said this to a good level!

In fact, Wu Tao's first impression of him was okay, but one thing made him really hard to accept.

This child is too young. If he says he is going to break the sky, he is also a child, isn't he?

But now when he heard what the other party said, Wang Yongsheng couldn't help but secretly satisfied. Even an adult who has been immersed in the industry for many years may not have such a sharp point of view.

Are you interested in being young? Fearful So what do you think should be done? "

The question was thrown back, and Wu Tao knew that this was the time to really test his skill.

If the answer does not satisfy the old gentleman, I am afraid that I will have to do more with less in the future.

"Lao Wang, I think that when we run comics, we should naturally take story and fun as our main selling points, cleverly integrate China’s mainstream values, and entertain and teach. In this way, from the perspective of children and young people, we will make what they love. Comic magazines are the right direction."

"Then what do you think of Dongying comics? The upper part always warns that the wolf is coming, the wolf is coming, should we cut them across the board and keep them out of the country?"

Wu Tao laughed, "What's the difference between this approach and the ostrich burying its head in the sand to avoid danger? The ancients know that using barbarians to master skills to control barbarians is unreasonable to the modern age, but it is not as good as the ancients..."

"This kid really dared to say it!" Wang Yongsheng secretly praised his words. "Youth prosper your Hua Xia prosper. Such a young generation is where the hope lies!"