Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1408: No idea means no soul

There is no suspense at this meal.

Cheng Li has the right to take out some secondary projects in secondary regions from the 3G networks throughout the province as pilots for localization, and because it is a secondary region, there is actually not much risk.

So after the matter was negotiated, the host and the guest had a great time.

Because there was still work in the afternoon, Cheng Li wisely did not spend too long, so he said goodbye.

It happened that Wu Tao took the veteran comrades to send Vice President Cheng into the car, and the two immediately got on the Rolls Royce together.

The team drove to Yuanqi Technology, and the old Ren did not object. Instead, he took advantage of this precious opportunity to talk to Wu Tao about the current situation of the company.

It should be said that since Huawei introduced Tianqi Investment's shareholding, it has successfully overcome the difficulties.

Coupled with the company's cooperation with the company, the successful completion of Xihang, let Huawei's limelight even more.

But it is undeniable that the competitive pressure from Cisco has not disappeared, and there is even a faint tendency to increase.

This is the time to truly witness the strength, and it is no wonder that the old words are full of troubles and gains and losses.

In this regard, Wu Tao always smiled and said nothing.

After all, this old guy who brought Huawei to such a high level in his previous life, Wu Tao would not use his own experience to collide with him.

The problem of being a good teacher, Wu Tao still doesn't have it.

In this way, we talked all the way to Ningjiang Development Zone, and the team turned directly into the basement of Yuanqi Technology and stopped.

Facing the wide open car door, Wu Tao graciously invited: "Sit with me at the president's office, shall we continue to talk?"

Old Ren smiled and waved his hand, "That's not necessary, Mr. Wu. As long as you allow me to visit the R&D department of your company, I will be content."

Wu Tao didn't force it, "That's OK, I'll call you someone."

Soon, the reception work of the old Ren was transferred to Xiao Zixia.

Back to the president's office, just after picking up delicious coffee, Leng Ning came with the design plan of the new Lotus machine.

This was a surprise that hit Wu Tao.

I haven't notified in advance, even the first draft, the draft for soliciting comments, and so on.

So Wu Tao could only read it on the spot, ponder, and summarize.

So this boss is not easy to do.

In fact, in comparison, Leng Ning's heart is more stressed.

She came here with the plan first and then played, which was originally for the purpose of attracting new ideas.

For this reason, she even prepared herself to be scolded by her own boss.

Time passed by every minute.

The only voice left in the president's office was Wu Tao's voice reading the plan, and the voice of Leng Ning drinking coffee.

Two consecutive cups of coffee went down. What is the smell of the coffee here, Leng Ning actually didn't drink too much.

It wasn't until Secretary Sun came over to change her the third cup, Leng Ning came back to his senses, waved his hand decisively, and only had a cup of warm water.

It's strange, why the more you drink the coffee here, the more distraught you feel.

So much so that when Wu Tao dropped the plan, Leng Ning shuddered at the time.

"What do you think of the Lotus product plan this time?"

As a result, the boss didn't make any specific comments when he spoke, instead he threw the problem to herself.

Leng Ning took a deep breath.

Simply seek truth from facts and tell the truth.

"Boss, our Lotus Brand Division has changed the draft of this design plan. It can be said that I have done it very carefully. But in the faint, I still feel dissatisfied, even more dissatisfied than the plan before last year."

With these words, Wu Tao felt relieved, sitting upright, with his hands together, looking directly at Leng Ning, "Did you feel stumbling during the process of making this plan?"

Leng Ning nodded blankly, "Indeed! Obviously so many new highlights and new technologies have been added, but the combined concept model always feels that something is not right."

Wu Tao sighed. It seems that this year's new Lotus machine is not a small problem.

In fact, it is no wonder Leng Ning lost his way.

Even veteran mobile phone manufacturers like Nokia and Motorola are constantly updating their products and are completely eliminated by the market?

Withdrawing his thoughts, Wu Tao asked from a different perspective: "Since the establishment of the Honor brand division, have you ever thought that the road after the Lotus brand should be taken?"

Leng Ning's eyebrows frowned, "High-end...", and then he couldn't say it anymore.

Sure enough.

If a brand loses its concept, it is tantamount to losing its soul.

A design without a soul is just a pile of copywriting.

Lack of vitality.

Wu Tao no longer hesitated, and said: "High-end is only the most superficial thing. If you can think of the development path of the Lotus brand, it is equivalent to grasping its concept."

"...Take a step back, even if you can't see how the Lotus brand will go in the future, you can look back at the road to the rise of the Lotus brand."

"...Obviously, high-end is only its most important aspect. And the most fundamental concept of the Lotus brand is technology, ease of use, and advancement."

Leng Ning interrupted: "But for these points, the Honor brand can also have them. After all, the technical reserves between our two brands are shared."

"You're right." Wu Tao nodded, "Our technical reserves are shared, but the same rice can support a hundred people. Is there no difference here?"

Leng Ning vaguely felt that he had caught something, but still couldn't tell.

Wu Tao patiently said: "Take the same use of the PALM operating system, Honor phones can use the openness of the PALM operating system to strengthen their selling points, so Lotus phones can fully utilize the customization, ease of use and security of PALM. The selling point, even at the expense of some openness for this purpose..."

"... Another example is The goal of the new phone is to let everyone get it and use it easily, without raising the barriers to use due to its intelligence. The Honor phone can even set aside some The developed backdoor is for lovers with the ability and energy to try and explore..."

Leng Ning's eyes lit up, "Boss, I understand! The idea of ​​the brand is the foothold of product design. Our business department was really a bit lost because of the establishment of the Honor brand."

"... After your enlightenment now, I found that perhaps we should study and strengthen the understanding of target user needs from the marketing materials, and at the same time combine the road to fame of the Lotus brand to summarize its development philosophy."

"...In terms of concept, it is differentiated from the Honor brand, so as to guide us to make truly differentiated products, rather than just different grades of products of the same brand."

Wu Tao nodded, "Okay, since you can realize this, then try to use it as the soul and inject it into this product design plan as soon as possible. I am waiting for your good news!"

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