Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1440: The core and focus of consortium

   Fortunately, now I realize that it is not too late.

   Since the headquarters building is already under construction, there is no need to stop suddenly and cause trouble.

   But no matter how many other formal consortium building processes, there is no need to push forward.

   Instead, we should grasp the core of the real content of consortia.

   Wu Tao leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and slumbered, while thinking about the ideas and ideas of promoting online payment not long ago in his mind.

   The true core of consortia does not lie in whether there is a so-called headquarters, or whether there is a so-called high-level management organization that overrides all industries and companies.

   It depends on whether it has a commercial financial system and whether it runs through all related industries and companies under the consortium.

   This point cannot be realized in China at the moment.

   Therefore, in China Inland, apart from similar state-owned institutions, there are no real individuals or privatized consortia at all.

   This is a road destined to be lonely and hard.

   But Wu Tao doesn't plan to give up, and he has found an entry point, and even formed a general context in his mind.

   For the next three days, Wu Tao stayed in Tomson's first-class house, the door was not open, and the second door did not move forward to perfect this idea and enrich this context.

   In the past few days, Liu Ruoxi tacitly did not disturb him with the common affairs of various companies, but silently fulfilled the responsibility of a life chief.

  In the eyes of outsiders, the life of this family is like the life of a sweet couple.

   is just the owner who can live in Tomson Yipin, there are not many ordinary people.

   Three days later in the afternoon, Liu Ruoxi was lying on the dining table. When dealing with the mail and work, she saw the study door opened heavily, and her boss Larry appeared sloppyly at the door.

   Although this image is very different from day to day, the scorching gaze in the eyes is heartbreaking.


   Liu Ruoxi's soft call even exposed her inner throbbing.

   But Wu Tao didn't hear it. He waved a big hand, "Clean up and go back to Jinling immediately."

   Neither saying goodbye to my father nor saying hello to Shi Qianxue, Wu Tao's motorcade hurried back to Jinling.

  On the way back, Liu Ruoxi saw Wu Tao who had been cleaned up and became more energetic, suppressed the throbbing in her heart and asked: "Boss, what is the important thing, please, hurry back so urgently?"

   Wu Tao glanced at Liu Ruoxi sideways, and found that the familiar face became more and more charming, "For more than six months, I have not known how our industries should develop in the future and how they should go."

   This is true. Liu Ruoxi accompanies her boss every day, and feels the most sympathy for his state.

   "Although some people have mentioned some formal integration, or the optimization and perfection of the organizational structure, they are not the core and focus of consortia."

   "What should be the core and focus of consortiumization?" Even Secretary-General Liu, who has always paid attention to listening, couldn't help asking.

Wu Tao smoothly put the manuscripts he brought to Liu Ruoxi's lap and said: "The answer is here. Although we still need to enrich the context and enrich the content, it will be the backbone and driving force for the development of various industries and products in the future. Incorrect."

   Liu Ruoxi opened the manuscript with excitement.

   The handwriting is very scribble, and the content arrangement is even messy.

   But this is not a problem for her.

   As a personal secretary, recognizing the handwriting of one's own boss is the basic skill.

   Liu Ruoxi looks more and more frightened. After half an hour, Zhenshou was raised again, and the boss who was sitting next to him fell asleep on his lap.

   Also, he has been sleepless these days, he is so tired.

   When Wu Tao woke up again, the team had already entered Jinling City.

   "Boss, are you awake?" Liu Ruoxi moved her sore legs, watching it's too early outside, and asked: "Where shall we go next?"

   Wu Tao looked at his watch. It was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

   At this point, if you go to Tianqi Investment, there is not much time left.

"go home directly."

   Liu Ruoxi finished talking with the uncle in front of him, then turned around and met Wu Tao's inquiring eyes, "Have you finished reading this manuscript?"

   Nodded lightly, Liu Ruoxi moved her wet red lips, "The boss is very talented, which is impressive."

   "Well, you are good at learning everything, but don't learn to flatter." Wu Tao smiled and put away the manuscript and said: "By the way, the content of this manuscript is top secret. So notify Xiaoxiao and the others and come back to the meeting immediately."

   "Yes, boss."

   Early the next morning, Tianqi invested in the Xinjiekou headquarters.

   In addition to Xue Jiaqian, several heads of Tianqi Investment gathered together.

   This battle was once a year in previous years, but this year it has been a little bit more.

   Wu Yingying had to go to Zhonghai for a temporary business trip to catch up, otherwise today's meeting will not be held until tomorrow at least.

   "President Qin, do you know what's the matter?" Wu Yingying took a sip of coffee and asked impatiently.

   Qin Xiaoxiao stirred the spoon and took the coffee around in the cup and said, "I don't know. So far there is no document content. Even Secretary-General Liu didn't even have the content of the verbal notice. He just said to come to the meeting."

   Wu Yingying nodded in surprise, "Me too."

   Just then, the door of the conference room opened, and Wu Tao walked in vigorously, "I'm all here? You have worked hard."

   "No hard work, boss." Everyone responded with a Wu Tao sat down in the center position, and then slapped Liu Ruoxi.

   So Liu Ruoxi took out the manuscript from the briefcase and put it in front of Qin Xiaoxiao and said: "This manuscript is top secret, please read it carefully. The theme of today's meeting is around this manuscript."

   Next is the time to read the manuscript intensively.

   Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Yingying looked at Wu Tao's manuscripts, although they were not as proficient and fast as Liu Ruoxi, but it was not a big problem.

   As for the others, it is a bit slow.

   But Wu Tao is waiting patiently.

   The rustle of turning over the manuscript and the sound of Wu Tao drinking coffee are left in the entire conference room.

   Until thirty minutes later, the manuscript was passed back to Wu Tao again.

  Wu Tao held down the manuscript, looked around at everyone and said, "What do you think?"

   "Although Tianqi Investment has already done a lot of business content, but the boss's idea and creativity are indeed the finishing touch." This is Qin Xiaoxiao's opinion.

Then Wu Yingying also said: "If we can do it, even if we have our own commercial banking system, this is really exciting. But the macro policy and the relationship with the bank, I am afraid it will be a trouble... "

   After a eager discussion, Wu Tao did not approve of anything, nor opposed anything.

   just gave a general command: "You are all professional elites in this field, discuss and discuss this topic, and then start the work as soon as possible. As for the remaining problems, I will solve them."