Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1499: The market is an irresistible poison

Molly was stunned by this German sentence.

This Nyima loses the chain and doesn't bring it like this.

Instead, Wu Tao pressed Molly, who was unhappy, and said: "Although Mr. Carl Stuart is no longer involved in the management of the company, it does not affect our understanding and inspection of your company in the slightest. NS?"

The German snorted and said nothing.

As long as we didn't talk about collapse, we still have to talk about these words.

So Wu Tao talked to himself: "As far as I know, Putzmeister is an extremely professional heavy industry machinery company, but because of its professionalism, it seems that its business scope is very narrow, and the future market expectations are not clear enough. ..."

"Absurd!" The stubborn German finally spoke, very angry.

Molly glanced at Wu Tao without knowing it. It was clear that the information she provided didn't say that. Why did you say that?

However, Wu Tao didn't have time to explain to her, just waiting for Carl to refute him with a full face.

Carl slammed down the coffee road: "The company was immediately reorganized into four business units, the concrete technology business department, the concrete mortar technology business department, the concrete water treatment technology business department, and the concrete industry technology business department!"

The Germans said it sonorously, as if it were very different.

However, when the translation was finished, Wu Tao spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, "So in summary, it's all about concrete-related technologies, isn't it?"

After listening to the interpretation of the translation, Carl suddenly sat upright, "We will provide pump trucks, placing booms and pipes for Dubai high-rise buildings! We even developed an ultra-high pressure concrete trailer with a pressure exceeding 300 bar, and then set up the Dubai branch. The company's affairs are also on the agenda, and our development is advancing steadily!"

Wu Tao finally nodded, "Oh, great, there are indeed many local tyrants in Dubai."

When Carl's face just improved, Wu Tao suddenly changed his words, "However, as we all know, the sustainability of the development of the local tyrants market is far less than that of the civilian market. Moreover, the size and population of Dubai can be compared with the rising development. China? For example, China..."

Carl became silent.

Molly originally thought that Wu Tao would take advantage of the victory and take it down in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, Wu Tao actually leaned back in the chair, picked up the coffee and drank slowly.

Anyway, the bait has been released, and now it’s the fish’s turn to perform.

Wu Tao is not in a hurry.

Molly looked interesting, and she had already gone from being ignorant to being too busy.

After the second half of the coffee went down, Karl finally spoke, "As far as I know, Tianqi Investment is only a pure capital company. I have always had a bad impression of capital companies. Yes, a group of people!"

"You may be right, Carl." Wu Tao didn't bother to call that long full name. The strange thing was that the German didn't even pick up the sting this time.

He was listening with great interest to Wu Tao to continue to explain: "But this time I am not representing a financial capital company, but representing the entire Tianyuan consortium."

"...Maybe you don't know my consortium, please allow me to briefly introduce it. Under my consortium, I own a real estate construction company, a top three heavy industry enterprise in China."

"... My concern for Putzmeister stems from the need for the development of the heavy industry enterprise under my name. After all, your company is the well-deserved number one in the concrete industry, and my heavy industry enterprise directly connects with the concrete consumer company, and even the entire China Concrete consumer market."

"...For cities like Dubai, there are not a few hundred in China, and there are dozens. If these dozens of cities have developed urban subways and high-speed railways, and completed the urbanization process, there should be a concrete market here. How old, I believe you know better than me?"

Carl's breathing couldn't help but rose sharply, and the eyes that looked at Wu Tao were all baba's expectations.

However, Wu Tao didn't say anything.

When I finished drinking the coffee in the cup, I didn't mean to speak.

Even when the waiter came to inquire, he declined to continue coffee.

Carton was anxious, "Wu, what you said is very reasonable, the vision you portray is extremely attractive, then what? What are your specific plans and ideas about your trip?"

Wu Tao nodded suddenly, "Oh, you said that, I have a lot of ideas. But I have to wait to see Putzmeister before anyone can say it, I'm sorry."

Carl couldn't wait to say: "Then say it, go on!"

Molly teased and interjected: "Carl, oh, no, esteemed Mr. Karl Stuart, aren't you not participating in the management of the company? I think it's normal for Huaxia Wu to have reservations, right?"

"I'm sorry, I lied just now." Carl stood up and bowed directly: "I solemnly apologize to both of you for the lie just now, please accept it."

Such a big movement immediately attracted a lot of attention from the surrounding people.

Fortunately, after this turmoil, the contacts and talks between the two sides finally returned to the right track.

An hour and a half later, Karlschen left in a hurry.

Molly was somewhat distracted. "It's a boring and boring traditional company. I don't understand why you are so interested in it."

Wu Tao nodded without reasoning, "I may be idle."

"Don't want to fool me!" Molly clenched her fist relentlessly, "I will understand your intentions, I will!"

"Uh..." Wu Tao could only be speechless about this.

The initial contact purpose has been achieved, Wu Tao can't even wait for tomorrow, and will go back that afternoon.

However, the invitation letter sent by David as the host can't be prevented. Don't read it too much. It's another European-style dance party.

Wu Tao was a little bored with this but Molly couldn't hold back Molly's eagerness.

Because in this kind of party occasion, Wu Tao's dancing partner has no choice but her.

Of course, apart from the boring dance party, Frankfurt, as the fifth largest city in Germany, still has another attraction.

In the second half of the day, Wu Tao didn't use the jet lag, and Molly unexpectedly hid in the room, so she took Liu Ruoxi and went out easily.

In the afternoon, Wu Tao and his team visited the local museums and art galleries in Frankfurt, which are the places where people can feel the local history and atmosphere the most.

Unlike shopping, apart from price differences across the world, there seems to be no difference.

In the evening, Wu Tao took Liu Ruoxi out of the opera house. As soon as he returned to the hotel, Molly knocked on the door frantically, "I really can’t figure it out. This is a professional company worth less than 200 million US dollars. Why would you be interested in it? Why?"

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