Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1509: Mobile payment for overtaking in curves

Wu Tao's early warning of risks in the future US secondary market spread like wildfire.

Immediately attracted a lot of heated discussions in the media.

There is everything to say at a time.

Most of them questioned Wu Tao's conclusions.

Even though he has proven his authority in many important events many times.

But what the American people like most is to sing against the authority, even if it doesn't make much sense.

Had it not been for the Chinese New Year's call from Li Anman, Wu Tao would not have known that he had become a target in the media.

"...So Mr. Wu, our daily would like to do an exclusive interview with you on the subprime mortgage market. You can take the opportunity to clarify and explain your views. Are you interested?"

Wu Tao shook his head decisively, "NO, not much interest."

After all, wouldn’t it be better to go home to accompany An Rong at that time?

Because An Rong will return to China in a few days.

In California after the New Year, the atmosphere quickly disappeared, only in Chinatown and Chinese settlements, there is still a little taste of the year.

With An Rong, the most talked about is Comrade Lao An's arrangements and plans after retirement.

For Wu Tao, anything is fine.

At least it is not a problem to ensure that the stable country retreats in its entirety.

Happy time is always short.

It was the day when An Rong returned to China in a blink of an eye. Even if Wu Tao was reluctant to give up, he had to put the overall situation first.

After all, that big domestic mess is absolutely inseparable from people.

With An Rong's departure, Wu Tao's vacation also came to an abrupt end.

The U.S. imperialists' discussions on the secondary market and subprime loans continue, and there are even some uproarious trends.

But it was quickly interrupted by the Fed’s first rate hike...

When Mo Lixing hurried to Wu Tao's Global Strategy Department, Wu Tao was answering Ding Tiantian's call.

After a period of competition, "Anti-African War Epidemic" pushed by Tianxing Media won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Although this is not the first time that a Chinese-language film has won an award, it still caused a big sensation.

Especially for Tianxing Media, it is definitely a milestone achievement.

Wu Tao congratulated Ding Tiantian on the phone and said that he would celebrate his achievements for the whole team in Los Angeles.

Unexpectedly, Ding Tiantian refused with her teeth.

It turns out that the domestic celebrations have been arranged, and at the same time Ding Tiantian is always thinking about the plan to build Oriental Hollywood, and can't wait to go back to prepare for the layout.

"In that case, okay." Wu Tao has always encouraged and supported his subordinates' enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Tao looked up at Molly.

This Great Yanmar was excited, didn't he know what was wrong with his chest?

So Wu Tao pointed to the chair in front of him decisively and said: "If you have anything, sit down and say it first."

Molly could not wait to sit down and said: "I can tell you the good news. The Fed has announced the first rate hike!"

"Oh~" Wu Tao is not surprised at all about this, "has finally started the interest rate hike channel?"

Molly nodded, "The remarks made against you in the media should stop for a while."

However, Wu Tao shook his head: "This is not necessarily true. If you don't believe me, wait and see."

Molly was startled, and immediately had to agree: "You see it clearly, but I believe you. As for the entire Quantum Fund, I have persuaded Grandpa to make adjustments and preparations to avoid the subprime mortgage crisis."

Wu Tao smiled, "It's rare that your grandpa can listen to you, do I have to congratulate you?"

Molly's eyes lit up and she took the opportunity to propose: "Should I buy you a drink?"

Wu Tao shook his head decisively, "I can't drink you."

Anyway, if you can't drink it, it's your own bad luck. It's not a good deal.

Seeing that Wu Tao was not fooled, Molly simply stepped back, "Otherwise, you accompany me to a reception, the kind in a small financial circle, to ensure that there will not be too many people bothering you."

Forget it, go for a walk.

This family has just returned to silence from the hustle and bustle, and it is really unaccustomed to go back alone.

It was night, on the bustling Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, Wu Tao looked at the noise outside the car, and his heart became more and more calm.

Molly, in a **** evening gown next to her, cuddled with him enthusiastically, inexplicably happy.

Although I haven't had it yet, being alone with me at this moment is just happy.

The reception will be held at the Hilton Hotel.

Although there are not many people, the venue is not small.

As soon as Molly entered the arena, he was welcomed by many young talents.

It can be seen that Molly's improvement in the internal position of the Quantum Fund is no longer a secret in the entire financial circle.

If anyone can win the heart of a beautiful woman at this time, it is undoubtedly equal to the alliance of the Quantum Fund.

However, Molly responded politely to all the men who came to get close to her, holding Wu Tao's arms with one hand, and didn't let go for a moment.

Wu Tao smiled and joked: "Give others a chance, that is, give yourself a chance. You have been single for so many years, why don't you get rid of it?"

Molly's always smiling pretty face suddenly turned around and said seriously: "Why don't you give her a chance, that is, give yourself a chance?"

Wu Tao didn't hesitate, "I'm different, I'm not single, you know, Molly."

Molly turned her head and drank the champagne in the glass in one go.

Although I know, I am not satisfied with this answer.

"Dance with me."

On the dance floor.

Molly is sometimes gentle, sometimes wild, with Wu Tao's pace, swaying sweat and enthusiasm on the dance floor.

Until the end of the song.

The two returned to the rest area arm in arm, when a Western man with a small back came over by himself.

Wu Tao felt familiar at first glance, but didn't remember it in time.

"Dear Wu, we meet again." The other party stretched out his hand.

The moment Wu Tao and the other party held them, they already remembered, "Dear Mr. Thiel, I deeply regret that you were left eBay."

Peter Thiel sighed: "Yes, thank Huaxia Wu for your understanding. I heard about you from Musk, and then I learned about China’s mobile payment development before I discovered your vision and pattern. It’s definitely far-sighted."

"I believe that the future development of China Mobile Payments will definitely surpass that of the United States!"

Sure enough, he is a well-known founder of Silicon Valley.

Each vision and judgment are not covered.

Even without the strong entry of Wu Tao, China Mobile Payment will surpass the United States in its development.

What's more, the start of China Mobile Payment is now several years ahead of schedule.

Wu Tao nodded, "Thank you Mr. Tell for your concern about China Mobile Payments business. If you have the opportunity to visit Huaxia in the future, I will ask Mr. Tell to teach our college students..."

Peter Thiel's eyes grumbled: "That's really an honor!"