Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 182: Parting in order to get together again

   The time on campus is like a slow song.

   When the Hua Deng first came on, the hustle and bustle fell silent.

   The teachers of the whole school are called up to hold a meeting, so each class is almost in a laissez-faire state, and it is called self-study.

   But the class hasn't started yet, what are you studying?

   So most of the students in the classroom were chatting about Dashan, and even the monitor Li Cheng couldn't control the scene.

   Yang Zili put Sun Xiaoyu aside, pulled the two classmates in the front row, and kept chatting about the new game console in the game hall.

  Wu Tao is holding a book on industrial design, reading attentively.

   Next to Zhao Li was pulled by Sun Xiaoyu, and they complained to each other. Most of the time, it was Sun Xiaoyu talking and Zhao Li listening.

   And the things that Zhao Li encountered during the winter vacation did not seem to be shared with Sun Xiaoyu.

   After two classes in this way, Zhao Li just got emptied, took out an exquisite painting book from the drawer, and pushed it forward to Wu Tao.

   Wu Tao turned around, "What is this?"

   "Look, I just finished the first chapter, and I don't know if it will work?" Zhao Li said with anticipation and nervousness.

   Wu Tao couldn't help being stunned, "The first chapter has at least forty or fifty pages. Did you finish painting so soon?"

   "Is this fast?" Zhao Li couldn't help but rubbing her hands. In fact, in the second story, she had already drawn more than ten pages.

   flipped through the painting book, Wu Tao immediately noticed that Zhao Li's fingers had a thick layer of calluses.

   sighed in his heart: "Actually, you don't have to do it this way. It's almost enough to draw twenty or thirty pages a month."

Feeling Wu Tao’s concern, Zhao Li’s heart is warm, but her mouth is still arrogant: "It’s okay, sometimes when I start painting, I can’t stop at all. When my right hand is sour, I will use my left hand. Now both hands are proficient. NS"

   Wu Tao grabbed the other hand and took a look, didn’t he? The first joint of the **** of the left hand and right hand has been worn out, and it is hard and painful when touched.

   "It's so hard! Don't do this in the future!"

   Wu Tao's voice was beyond doubt, but Zhao Li listened to it without annoyance, just with a sweet smile.

   held up the painting book and shook it, stuffed it into the drawer belly and said, "I'll take it back to see it later."

   Returning to the residence of the rich and honorable homeland, Wu Tao opened Zhao Li's manga in the first place.

Although the    people set has some traces of daylight, it incorporates and enhances some Chinese classical elements, and immediately gains discernment.

   In terms of story plot and exercise system, it is even more perfect, reasonable and impeccable.

   Zhao Li’s expressive brushstrokes are more commercial than the scum confession of the last improvisation work, which makes people more likely to have a sense of substitution and expectation.

   Even those who set Wu Tao's story and system can't help but read it.

   It can be seen that this work is so attractive.

   If this level can be maintained, then this work can carry greater expectations, such as the pioneering work of Guoman

   After reading it, Wu Tao couldn't help being excited and directly dialed Wang Yongsheng's phone.

   The call is connected quickly, and it seems that the other party is not asleep.

   "Wang, when will our cartoon club be opened? I can't wait, there are works that need to be published urgently!"

  Wang Yongsheng’s tone is also the boss’s unkindness. Through these days of communication, both the old and the young have figured out each other’s temperaments.

   "Hmph, don't rush me. I have old arms and legs. I haven't been idle during the New Year. How am I easy to me?"

   Wu Tao immediately relented and said: "Hey, Mr. Wang, how dare I? I was wrong. I just met a good work just now, and I was a little anxious?"

   "What kind of work do you seem to be so urging?" Wang Yongsheng's tone was slightly slow, and he couldn't help but doubt: "Besides, can your vision work?"

"Wang Lao, if you say so, you are doubting my appreciation!" Wu Tao also changed his tone sharply, "Tomorrow, I will send you a copy of this work. If you feel bad, I promise not to How about interfering with your preparations for a comic club?"

   "Sure, you can send it!"

   Early the next morning, Wu Tao took a copy of the drawing book and sent it out.

   The journey will take at least two or three days, so after sending it out, he also forgot about it.

   As for Zhao Li's side, he briefly made some comments, and then handed them back to her for correction.

  The life of the new semester has begun. The days of this semester are slightly shorter than in previous years, and the courses will inevitably be tight.

   Not only that, but more importantly, the academic results of this semester will serve as an important basis for the placement of high school liberal arts and sciences.

   This is a brand new shuffle opportunity.

   Therefore, everyone feels a sense of urgency, and takes the responsibility very seriously.

   Wu Tao still follows his own rhythm, without any hurry.

   The two big exams in the first half of the year have already established his status as king, and the pressure will naturally be less after this.

Yang Zili was also calm and unhurried. When Sun Xiaoyu asked about his wish, he said without hesitation: "For people like me, of course they choose science, liberal arts, and those political and historical memories. It's better to kill me. Bar!"

   Sun Xiaoyu twisted his head, hummed, and said nothing.

   Yang Zili looked inexplicable, but Wu Tao could see clearly.

   Sun Xiaoyu's science is in a mess, and he can only choose the liberal arts, and there is still a glimmer of life. As a result, this old deskmate seemed puzzled, and the answer was unreliable, which made people very unwilling to listen.


Zhao Li also smiled and shook her head, her beautiful eyes blinked and she fixedly looked at Wu Tao and said, "Anyway, I will apply for whatever subject you report. We have to continue to do it at the same table!"

   Wu Tao raised his brows, saying that it didn't matter.

   On the way back, An Rong also talked about this issue.

   "I plan to report to the liberal arts"


   Wu Tao was stunned ~ ~ Impressed that An Rong's science scores are also good.

   "Don't you want to be in the same class as me?" Wu Tao's tone was a little bit resentful, of course half of it pretended to be.

   An Rong hugged his waist and said: "I have thought about it. Only in the newspaper liberal arts can I have the opportunity to join you and enter the same college."

   In An Rong's view, the university Wu Tao can apply for in the future must be one of the two universities in Qingbei.

   Otherwise, applying for other schools with his grades would be a waste of nothing.

   But Wu Tao didn't think so. He was a man of two generations, and he looked down on this, all for the purpose of learning some knowledge.

   So he didn’t care: "Don’t think about it so much, I think Jinling University is pretty good, and the relationship between grandpa, a professor, is close to home."

   "No!" An Rong replied very categorically, "I can't help you usually, and I can't hold you back in the future. So you must not give in to me and destroy your own future."

   added a sentence after saying, "I will work hard, trust me."

this? How to tell her? Wu Tao pondered, but didn't answer.

   Looked in An Rong’s eyes, thinking he was unhappy, so she put her pretty face on Wu Tao’s back and said leisurely: "We are separated for the time being, so that we can get together in the future."

   "Besides, even if I choose science, I may not be in the same class as you."