Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 19: Farmhouse Manor Plan

   "What silly thing did this kid say?" When she heard this, Zhang Huilan's first feeling was that she didn't believe it.

   She and her husband worked hard for a year, and it was a good year to save three thousand yuan. Most of the time, you can't even save a thousand dollars.

   It is Wu Binghua's perception of the elder son after the last time he changed his volunteers.

   At least this time, when he heard him say such a ridiculous goal, he didn't slap the table and stared with anger. Instead, he thought about it for a while before deciding to present the facts and reason.

   This change in posture shows that Wu Tao's last pains were not in vain.

   "Xiao Tao, do you know that this season of sericulture, your mother and I have been busy for more than a month, how much did we sell together?"

   In Wu Binghua's view, his son's goal of 30,000 yuan must have no idea about making money. He thought that the money was picked up on the road, and it was easy to get caught in the wind.

   Wu Binghua thought that this question would definitely leave his son speechless. Then he throws out the desperate answer, makes him shut up dumbfounded, and eat well.

   Unexpectedly, Wu Tao answered without hesitation.

   "This time our family has raised three silkworms. According to the current market for silkworm cocoons, I estimate that they can sell for between eighteen and two thousand."

   When Wu Binghua heard this, he and Zhang Huilan looked at each other, very surprised.

   However, Wu Tao hasn't finished.

"Planning out the funds, fertilizers and pesticides from the mulberry field; as well as the cost of sericulture, syrup, and lime powder, it is estimated that there will be 1,34 left. This is the day and night you have worked hard for a month. Yes, less than 700 yuan per capita."

  Speaking of this, Wu Binghua and Zhang Huilan were already stunned. It seems that even if Wu Tao's calculated result is not satisfactory, it is not far away.

   "Therefore, the subsistence of growing mulberry and raising silkworms is nothing to do with it!"

   Such a conclusion left Wu Binghua speechless.

But Zhang Huilan couldn't help retorting: "I can earn 700 yuan a month. Isn't that enough? This is much better than planting land and planting grapes! If it weren't for only raising silkworms in four seasons a year, I wish I could do this every month. Hard."

   In these years, farmers planted land to harvest grain, it was a business that was determined to lose money. Two crops a year, except for the public rations that must be handed in, leave some rations for the rest, sell the extra rations, and even the pesticide money cannot be exchanged.

   Not to mention there are a lot of miscellaneous taxes and fees, such as overall planning fees, water conservancy fees, and family planning fees.

   It can be said that if the four seasons sericulture does not make some money, the village might be able to take the expropriation team to demolish the roof of the house.

   But Wu Tao said that there was no rush to raise silkworms, and he also had his reasons.

   He knew that the market for growing mulberry and raising silkworms would not be better for a few years. In the previous life around 2000, Binhu District began to return mulberry to farmland one after another. It is said that the demand for silk in the international market has dropped sharply.

  Secondly, the work of planting mulberry and raising silkworms is extremely labor intensive in a short period of time, especially after the 4th instar silkworms can be said to be day and night. In her previous life, Zhang Huilan suffered from the old problems of the lumbar spine because of years of high-intensity work.

   However, these reasons cannot be said directly.

   So Wu Tao fell silent.

   In the eyes of Aunt Hua, she used to envy other people's sericulture for such a high income, which was a lot more than her job in the city. It's just that she is a woman's family and can't bear such a high labor intensity.

   Now that I heard Wu Tao say this, I really don’t understand.

   is still a half-sized boy after all, and his idea is not very mature.

   The next moment, Wu Tao finally got to the point.

   "Mom, the small goal I just mentioned is to earn 30,000 yuan in three months. It will definitely not be possible to grow mulberry and raise silkworms."

   "No matter what you do, you can't reach your goal." Zhang Huilan couldn't help muttering.

   In fact, not only she can't think of it, but even other people can't think of it. Of course, the children Xiaojiang and Heidan didn't even think about it, patronizing them to eat.

   Aunt Hua's eyes lit up, and she started to follow Wu Tao's thoughts.

   "Is this small goal related to your big plan?"

   "That's right!" Wu Tao nodded and continued: "My big plan is based on the existing livelihood at home."

   "First of all, mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing have been ruled out. Second, it is not appropriate to grow land and harvest grain."

   Everyone nodded.

   "Then all that is left is planting grapes. Just now, Mom said that the profit of planting grapes is not as good as raising silkworms. I think that's because of our improper management."

   Wu Binghua was immediately puzzled. Isn't it about taking good care of the grapes on weekdays and selling them when they are mature? What else do you need?

"Think about it, it’s not difficult for our family to produce more than ten acres of Jufeng grapes for 30,000 catties per year? If it sells for 1 yuan per catty, that’s 30,000 yuan; if it sells for 2 yuan per catty, how much is that? "Wu Tao followed suit and temptation.

   "You're the place where the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, can't sell for 2 yuan per catty!" Wu Binghua was anxious. If there was a land that could sell for 2 yuan a catty, would he go there soon?

  Wu Tao is calm and's not too slow.

   Aunt Hua looked in her eyes and admired it secretly. It seems that the example for the black egg to learn from, that’s right!

"Dad, why can't we sell for 2 yuan per catty? It's because grapes from the north have lowered the price in the local market, right? That's the case, why should we go to the dealer market to fight for the price with them? Why? Do not consider other sales or channels?"

   Wu Binghua couldn't help being stunned. It seems that he really used his brain when he said that he would give his son tens of thousands of catties of grapes to sell.

   Wu Tao continued to talk eloquently: “You can think of it, and others can think of it. Now that everyone has thought of it, this sales channel has no value! There is no value at all!”

   "So if you want to make money, you have to use your brain, thinking about what others can't, dare to think, or can't think of, so that the result is valuable!"

   The old man patted the table, "That's the reason, Xiao Tao said very well and thoroughly!"

   "Then what do you think of?" Wu Binghua was already impatient. Those ten acres of vineyards have been his painstaking efforts for many years, and now they can finally produce value and make a fortune. He looks forward to this more than anyone else!

"My solution is to build a farmhouse with the theme of vineyards! A farmhouse paradise that integrates catering, tourism, picking and sales. It attracts customers who like vineyards and customers who like to eat, drink and play. Let them consume these grapes."

   "As for the price, because there are factors such as tourism and personal experience, plus the fine grapes, it is naturally higher than the simple sale in the market."

   Wu Tao said that his mouth was dry, and he kicked Xiao Jiang and said, "Don't eat, go and pour me a glass of water."

   Wu Jiang saw that all the adults were thinking seriously, and he left silently.