Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 264: Noble in front of people, suffer in the

After eating the watermelon, Wu Tao shrank on the balcony and read a book.

Although he had ten thousand longings for a happy life in which he would be a shopkeeper, lying down and earning money.

But that is an ideal state after all, and it doesn't exist at all in reality.

The real reality is that with the successive establishment of new companies, the scope of his research becomes wider and wider, and he needs to know more and more things.

I can’t even go to my own company and don’t even understand the professional vocabulary of subordinates’ reporting work. When giving instructions, you don’t even know the jargon, right?

If that were the case, it would be strange if the people below didn't take you as a fool.

As for professional managers and the like, the kind that is fully entrusted, that requires an extremely precious thing called trust.

The most precious thing among people these days is trust.

So Wu Tao didn't expect this thing, but he was more secure on his own.

Just looking at it like this, it was dark unknowingly.

Fang Yuan, the girl really changed her temper, and took the initiative to take care of dinner-related matters.

Although only going downstairs to buy ready-made products, this kind of initiative is already hard to come by.

However, Shi Qianxue did not come back during dinner.

It was not until the end of the Central TV series, after prime time, that Shi Qianxue dragged her tired body back.

As soon as he entered the door, he wailed and wailed, bitterly and bitterly. It looks like it has been ravaged thousands of times.

The three people looked at each other in amazement.

"What's the matter?" An Rong said with concern, and when she asked Shi Qianxue, she started to feel bitter like seeing her parents.

"This internship is really not done by people! It's only the first day, and I'm exhausted..."

"All kinds of work, no matter how big or small, big or small, I have to do it all!"

"With so much work and so few manpower, they treat a beautiful girl as an animal..."

"Rong, Yuan, don't you know..." Shi Qianxue pulled the two younger sisters, snots and tears, and was extremely emotional.

He stretched out his leg to reveal a leg bag.

On the slender and white legs, the small tomb bag looks particularly spectacular.

The mosquitoes seemed to have been trained, and they coincided with each other, and the place where they lowered their mouth looked quite neat.

It's no wonder that when I went out today, I thought I was just going out for fun.

So she only wore a short-sleeved shirt and a short skirt, showing two big bare legs and Yuyu ankles.

Who would have thought that Wu Tao would arrange her work there when she first entered the shabby place of the Education Building.

Compared with Qin Xiaoxiao's affairs, Xiao Zixia is a person who only pays attention to the important points. Therefore, the trivial matter of finding an office location is naturally not as thoughtful and meticulous as Qin Xiaoxiao considers.

To be honest, even Wu Tao feels bad in the education building.

Considering it was an expedient measure, he didn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, this suffering would all be retributed to Shi Qianxue.

Looking at the unsightly little drum bags on those beautiful long legs, Wu Tao couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart.

Unexpectedly, for the next moment, Shi Qianxue suddenly crossed her eyebrows and pointed at him with a slender hand, and said, "It's all to blame, the evil capitalist!"

"Hey!" Wu Tao suddenly became unhappy, and the little guilt in his heart just disappeared.

"Second cousin, I found you an internship job. You didn't thank me, that's all. Now that I have been bitten by mosquitoes, I will blame me. Do you think this is appropriate?"

"What's more, as the saying goes, if you want to be prominent in the past, you must suffer first after you! What are you doing here, are you complaining here?"

"In my opinion, don't do your internship. It's a trivial matter if you can't endure hardship, but it's a big deal if my company's business is broken!"

Wu Tao's series of training immediately made Shi Qianxue dumb.

Qiao's face is bitter, and anyone who looks at it feels distressed.

Fang Yuan suddenly said quietly at this time: "Second cousin, it's not that I said you. Isn't it just being bitten by mosquitoes? I want to go for an internship, but I haven't had a chance yet!"

"Furthermore, my cousin is himself, he has been reading a book in the afternoon and saw that he had just rested."

"It's not easy for anyone!"

This childhood sweetheart's cousin really made him look at him today.

Shi Qianxue didn't know if she listened, rubbing her legs and shouting, "Itchy, itchy me..."

The itchy area became more and more itchy as it was rubbed, and the itch became more acute, so I couldn't help but scratch it with those slender fingernails.

"Don't move!" Wu Tao said to An Rong, "Go get the aloe vera gel."

After a while, An Rong went and returned and said, "Can this work?"

"Of course!" Wu Tao commanded: "Spread the aloe vera gel evenly on the bitten areas, and it will soon disappear."

An Rong squeezed a little aloe vera gel on her fingertips, looked at the small grave bag, she couldn't get her hands down.

"Why don't you come?"

"This?" Wu Tao always felt that it was inappropriate to touch Shi Qianxue's thigh, although there was a customary practice for cousins ​​to get married in the past 100 years. But it doesn't work anymore. This principle must not be violated.

"Cousin, come!"

Fang Yuan couldn't help but feel excited, "No way, no way, I get goose bumps looking at such densely packed small grave bags."

Wu Tao was also drunk, and he couldn't count on this critical moment.

"Second cousin, do you come by yourself?"

Shi Qianxue gritted his teeth and said: "I'm here, I'm just trying to scratch the itchy well..."

Seeing that she was about to grab her again, Fang Yuan quickly pressed her with her eyes and quickly said, "Cousin, you can wipe it quickly!"

When the matter was over, Wu Tao gritted his teeth and started to start.

Closing his eyes and wiping it along the small grave bag, the feeling of guilt in my heart is indeed lightened a lot.

After all, the touch of this small grave bag, compared with the solemn thigh, makes people have no illusions at all.

Unexpectedly, Shi Qianxue, who was soaked in the coolness of aloe vera gel, couldn't help but call Lian Lian strangely. The call was especially ecstasy, especially bone-destructive.


People who don't know think they are doing something indescribable.

Who ever thought, scribbled, that comfortable energy, actually made Shi Qianxue fall asleep leaning on the sofa.

It seems to be really tired!

This sleep suddenly calmed down in the living room. The three people who originally watched TV, each holding a book, watched quietly.

Shi Qianxue woke up dazedly until a rush of mobile phone rang.

The ringtone came from An Rong's cell phone. An Rong ran to the balcony to answer the Shi Qianxue yawned and got up, and went to the bath listlessly.

An Rong returned after the call, with a look of disgust and authentic expression: "This Wang Yao is really lingering. He said that he opened a magazine in Jinling, so I have to visit it!"

"Huh?" Wu Tao couldn't help but feel happy. This is obviously a rivalry with himself, "Go and chant, I'll accompany you."

Wu Tao was the first to wake up early the next morning.

After leaving the room, Shi Qianxue was coming back from outside with breakfast.

"Yo, second cousin, so early?"

Shi Qianxueqiao's face was full of vigor, after a night of rest, she seemed to be resurrected with blood.

"You are right. If you want to be distinguished, you must first suffer. This internship, I will insist on doing it well, even if I suffer a lot from it, I am not afraid!"

Wu Tao smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Second cousin, you are the most beautiful today!"