Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 276: I'm at ease when you do things

After hanging up the telephone of Mr. Wang, Wu Tao realized that he hadn't seen Zhao Li some days.

When I was in school, I got along day by day and day by day; I really didn't see each other during the summer and winter vacations, so I was not used to it.

Walking out of the study, the three girls Shi Qianxue, An Rong, and Fang Yuan in the living room were dressed in an extremely cool place, occupying the luxurious sofa.

Those pretty long legs, fair skin, and youthful vigor made people couldn't help but a heartbeat of jealousy.

But Wu Tao has seen a lot, and he is not as excited and inexplicably as before.

He squeezed into the sofa with a grin, always squeezing a place among the three people.

These days, Shi Qianxue used professional attire during the day, and as soon as he got home, he wished to liberate his body and mind with nothing to be at ease.

So she always wears extremely cool and hot clothes without knowing it.

Being so squeezed by Wu Tao, it is always inevitable to touch here and touch there.

Shi Qianxue didn't care, watched listlessly the bombing advertisement of three oral liquids on TV, leaned against him and fell asleep.

An Rong picked up the remote control and wanted to change channels in annoyance: "This advertisement is really a nuisance. It plays for more than ten minutes every time, repeating and repeating. Will this be effective?"

Three oral liquids?

Wu Tao raised his brows, "It works! There are 800 million farmers in China, so just eat this set! Just this stuff can sell for tens of billions a year!"

An Rong couldn't help but gasped, patted her chest, constantly ups and downs.

"But this kind of thing has no technical content, is it really effective?"

"Hehe, health care products, you know, they are almost the same as Sanleye. As long as you target the consumer group, it's hard not to think about it!"

The two chatted casually, but Fang Yuan was holding the violent comics to herself, watching with gusto.

The night was getting deeper, and Shi Qianxue by his side had already heard a slight snoring sound.

On the other side, Fang Yuan finished reading the manga, glanced at the two of Wu Tao who were cuddling together, licked her lips and said, "I'm hungry~"

Wu Tao was too lazy to move, pointing to the refrigerator and said, "There is half a watermelon in it. Eat it yourself."

"I want to eat noodles." Fang Yuan picked her esophagus.

Wu Tao wanted to send her to sleep with a word, but An Rong touched her belly and said, "I'm hungry too..."

Yes, this time it won’t work if it’s not below.

Putting Shi Qianxue down on the sofa to sleep, Wu Tao got up and entered the kitchen. Boiled water, found a handful of dried noodles from the refrigerator, and touched two eggs.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Even the instant noodles are gone.

After searching in the kitchen for a long time, I found two green onions next to the kitchen waste.

The water boiled and poured in a handful of dried noodles. While the noodles are cooked, peel the shallots, chop them into chopped green onions skillfully, put them in a bowl, and pour vinegar and sesame oil.

When the noodles were cooked, Wu Tao divided them into three bowls, and poured them with chopped green onion seasoning. The scent of sesame oil immediately wafted with the heat of the noodles and the volatilization of the vinegar.

An Rong and Fang Yuan came by smelling the incense, grabbing a bowl of noodles, and gorging themselves in disregard of their image while standing on the stovetop.

There is atmosphere for eating like this.

Wu Tao held the last bowl of noodles, gathered in the pile of two, and ate them with relish.

Who would have thought that just after taking two bites, Shi Qianxue with sleepy eyes snatched it over.

Dare to love this scent, awaken Shi Qianxue who was asleep.

Looking at Shi Qianxue's beautiful eating style, Wu Tao couldn't help but nag: "At dinner at night, you eat abalone and seafood the most. You are still so hungry now, you are really fat and immortal..."

Shi Qianxue held a mouthful of noodles, pursed her red lips, and squeezed her breasts, "If you don't eat, you won't be fat..."

Early the next morning, Wu Tao slept soundly and was awakened by An Rong.

"It's okay today, just let me sleep a little longer, okay?" Wu Tao said in a daze, turning over and continuing to sleep.

After handing over Yuanqi Technology to Yang Ge, Wu Tao has completely restored the idleness of the shopkeeper.

An Rong was holding a small book and said, "Today is the opening day of the beauty salon for Sister Hua. Didn't you say you want to visit it?"

Wu Tao was aroused immediately and woke up, no sleep.

An Rong bent Xiao Man's waist, "Fortunately, I have a personal assistant, huh, I will keep it all in my notebook, I will never forget it!"

After washing up in a hurry, after having breakfast, Wu Tao hurried to Hanzhong Road.

As his other empty glove, the beauty industry has a strategic role no less than that of Yuankang.

Its success directly determines whether his two-legged walking strategy can be successful.

When I arrived on Hanzhong Road, there was already a bright and beaming scene on the open space in front of the door.

Managers and beauticians, such as Hua Auntie and Qiu Mei, have uniform light blue clothes, light powder, and outstanding temperament.

People depend on clothes and horses and saddles.

Among them, none of the girl employees were selected by Aunt Hua from Beijiang and trained by herself.

Now it seems that the generous temperament and manners are no different from women in big cities.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony had already been prepared. Seeing him coming, Aunt Hua asked him if he wanted to cut the ribbon herself.

Wu Tao waved his hand, "You do things, I don't worry. You have the final say in this beauty salon, I just come to have fun."

For this beauty salon, Aunt Hua has been busy for more than half a year, and has done various market investigations and beauty researches in the early stage.

But when things came, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

The so-called care is chaotic, which is what she is now.

So even though Wu Tao didn't ask, she was still habitually in front of him and began to talk uncontrollably.

"In the past few days, five thousand invitations and free experience coupons have all been distributed on the streets."

"...We also played the Jinling TV commercial. As you said, we don't find a spokesperson for the first time, and introduce the introduction according to the situation of the specialty beauty shop. The bombing model is adopted, and the advertisement is repeated and brainwashed."

"...There are also people from the Beauty Chamber of Commerce, I have also invited."

At this time, it is naturally impossible for Wu Tao to ask this question and the place has caused chaos, so he has only one sentence, "Aunt Hua, everything is ready now, I only owe Dongfeng!"

"Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

After comforting Aunt Hua, Wu Tao strolled around the opening site without hesitation.

At this time, many people had gathered at the door. Some people come here specially and they have free trial coupons in their hands.

And some people just passed by, attracted by this grand opening scene and stopped.

Wu Tao was in the crowd, listening to their knowledge and opinions on beauty salons.

"This beauty salon is too extravagant. Looking at the decorations here, there are hundreds of thousands of people who can't come..."

"Yeah, who has the spare time to go for beauty treatment these years, I think 80% of the money is going to be spent."

"I heard that it is a foreign gadget. How can people in China have the spare money to do beauty care?"

"Yeah, look at it, three days for free, you can't pay them!"

All of them were not optimistic about the prospects of beauty salons, and Wu Tao was quite embarrassed to hear them.

No wonder the pressure on Aunt Hua is still so high when things are coming.

After all, these years, beauty salons are still new in China. It's a mule or a horse, and you have to pull it out to find out.