Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 282: Yuanqi Technology Foundation Laying Cere

In a blink of an eye, in late July, the weather in Jinling entered the barbecue mode.

Shi Qianxue, mother and son, stayed in Jinling for only one night, and then returned to Beijiang with Shi Guangyao. They were spared from this crime.

However, it was in such hot weather that the foundation laying ceremony of Yuanqi Technology's factory began.

Originally, Wu Tao thought that things like building a factory building and building a production line should just be low-key and mess around. When the product is made, it will be available, and it will not be too late for us to show off.

But this set is obviously not feasible above.

It was conveyed by Secretary Sun that Yuanqi Technology organized such a groundbreaking ceremony.

Early in the morning, colorful flags fluttered in the wind on the entire construction site.

The viewing platform was covered with red carpets, and the red banners were hung up high. At first glance, there was a big movement.

As the contractor and subcontracting company of this project, Wu Binghua brought representatives of the construction team, and Wang's Construction Group headed by Wang Xin, arrived at the scene early.

Then the vanguard troops from the districts, cities, and even provinces rushed to take care of everything.

The provincial TV station has an even stronger lineup, with various interview vehicles in place, and the editors and reporters are like enemies.

When the crowds passing by around saw this formation, they stopped to watch.

As for the group of young men and women of Section Chief Lu of the Management Committee, they were not even qualified to appear in the venue. They only had to get together with the people eating melons and watch them from the outside.

A Pajero was parked under the shade of the outer trees, the air conditioner in the car was on, and Wu Tao was lying in the back seat, eating watermelon leisurely.

It was more than enough to have Yang Ge and Xiao Zixia come forward to deal with such an occasion.

He is also happy and free.

The reason why I came to the scene to wait was purely for Wu Binghua to help out.

But so far, Wu Binghua has always been methodical and coping with it freely, which makes him worry for nothing.

Sitting in the car, eating iced watermelon, looking at the cars with various special license plates, and constantly driving to the factory of Yuanqi Technology, Wu Tao was also quite contented.

I have never experienced such a big scene in my previous life and my life.

Now there is a chance, but some calm temperament is born out of thin air.

Song Zhuang sat in the front row and said, "Boss, why don't you want to show up in such a rare scene? Unexpectedly, you will definitely be on TV at night."

Wu Tao waved his hand, "It's annoying to be on TV. Once someone notices it, it will be endless trouble in the future."

Song Zhuang pondered, "That's right, boss, you have too many stories about you. If you are on TV, those reporters will definitely stare at you for interviews, and they will be able to dig out wherever your kindergarten went."

As a veteran, Song Zhuang has a good understanding of the power of news mouthpieces.

Yes, this is the most important reason why Wu Tao is reluctant to show up. After all, at his current age, once he appeared in public in a majestic manner, it was too eye-catching.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

Once you become a well-known person, your every move will be noticed.

By then, the trouble will be great. Why don't you be at ease now while resting on An Rong's legs and eating the watermelon she feeds.

The two were chatting, and Song Zhuang suddenly said, "Boss, the small section chief of the management committee seems to be here, do you want to stop?"

Why is this kid here?

Wu Tao frowned, but didn't let Uncle Zhuang get out of the car.

Since Chief Lu came here specifically, he must have recognized his car.

Not long after, Section Chief Lu came to Pajero's car tremblingly and wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Mr. Wu, I am here to apologize for you! Please treat me as a fart and let it go!"

The door opened and Wu Tao stepped out of the car with his hands in his pockets.

"Leader Lu, where did you start? I don't have the time, so I'm not forgiving you?"

Section Chief Lu hurriedly nodded his head and said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Wu, you have everything you can do every day, so naturally there is no time to take care of me. But Secretary Sun has already marked me with a number, so I might be kicked one day..."

"Chief Lu, I knew now, why bother back then?" Wu Tao felt very happy. "So I said that next time I will relax, otherwise, even if I am happy to let you go, you will still get into other big troubles. "

"Yes, yes, Mr. Wu, I must remember your teachings in my heart." Section Chief Lu nodded and said like a peck for a long time, and finally he was still not settled: "Mr. Wu, you are letting me go, right? ?"

Wu Tao waved his hand, he didn't want to see the little man's face and said, "Go, go, I'm happy today."

Section Chief Lv smiled with joy, and his voice became louder, and he said, "Mr. Wu, I wish your company a prosperous business in Ningjiang District! In the future, wherever my Lv is useful, you will say hello. I go up to the knife mountain and down to the sea of ​​fire..."

"Thank you! Stop it, I see." Wu Tao interrupted before the other party was finished.

It is really hard to listen to what a civil servant uttered, which is all the routines of the world.

In the factory area, next to the viewing platform.

Wang Xin stood under the parasol, wearing a suit and leather shoes, even though his back was wet with sweat, he still did not dare to neglect.

Standing behind him was Wang Yao, wearing a white shirt, and a tall figure. If he didn't pay attention, he wouldn't be able to tell that he was still a student.

"Dad, the car from the province is here, it should be Secretary Liang's car."

Wang Xin stood up and said: "Now you know why I bowed my head to Yuanqi Technology and Wu Tao, right?"

Wang Yao gritted his teeth and nodded: "I understand, Dad, if you can't bear it, you will be in a big way. Now Wu Tao's momentum is in full swing. Let's lower our heads, it's no big deal."

"Son, you are right!" Wang Xin said with satisfaction.

Behind Secretary Liang's car of the provincial party committee was the mayor's motorcade in charge of the economy, and after that, it was from Ningjiang District.

For such a high-tech project related to the Torch Project, Secretary Liang is personally in charge. Whoever does not want to come is a fool.

Regardless of whether this project can finally bear fruit, the groundbreaking ceremony at the moment is a major achievement point.

Under the leadership of Secretary Liang, a group of leaders walked to the observatory one by one and shook hands with the representatives from both sides.

On one side are the architectural teams of Wu Binghua and Wang Xin, on the other side are the Yuanqi Technology team headed by Yang Ge, and representatives of academic advisors headed by Gu Xueli.

The sunlight became more and more Secretary Liang finished shaking his hand and walked to the rostrum to take a seat. At this time, the host began a tedious ceremony.

Although it is just a mobile phone company, it has already risen to the national technology strategy and future development, as well as the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

The information compiled by Gu Xueli in the previous period came in handy at this moment.

The passers-by outside listened to it, and they were suddenly unclear.

"Our country's technological development is so fast, we can make our own mobile phones..."

"Yeah, haven't you heard that with the return of Xiangjiang, the upper side is already planning to attack the treasure island, and unity is achieved in one fell swoop!"

"No, isn't Macau going to return in 1999..."

In the midst of crowded discussions, Secretary Liang and several leaders and representatives took the shovel tied with a red ribbon and shoveled off the first shovel, unveiling the tide of the plant construction of Yuanqi Company...