Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 286: Good reputation bad reputation, better t

Ding Lei, who came here in poverty, got his first venture capital of 1 million, and returned with high spirits.

Before leaving, Wu Tao gave him the first suggestion, suggesting that he take the money and move the NetEase headquarters to the capital.

However, Ding Lei refused, saying that he was reluctant to bear the group of Yangcheng brothers on NetEase's BBS.

Wu Tao didn't insist on this.

In the first rebirth, some things can be changed, and some things can never be changed.

But for the development of NetEase, what Wu Tao hopes most is that it can be listed on the Nasdaq as soon as possible, avoid the storm of the Internet bubble burst, and no longer stage the ‘bleeding listing’.

Because of that, it will undoubtedly make the payback period of this investment longer.

In the evening of summer, after a day of intense heat, there was a violent storm.

In the room that had been stuffed with air-conditioning for a day, when the window was opened, there was a burst of earthy fragrance.

Wu Tao lay on the balcony, closed his eyes, smoking the wind, enjoying this wonderful time.

At this time, Shi Qianxue, who was lazy, was wearing a long T-shirt, and the hem wrapped the whole pretty buttocks, setting off the slenderness of her long legs.

It's just that it has been burning for two consecutive days. At this moment, Shi Qianxue looked like Yun's temples were in a mess, and he still couldn't lift his energy.

Sitting next to Wu Tao, he was about to touch Wu Tao's Jianlibao.

Wu Tao snatched it away, "You just took it out of the refrigerator, do you dare to drink it? Would you like to go to the hospital for an infusion?"

Shi Qianxue pursed her red lips, sat upright with her legs crossed, and said with an expression of concern for the country and the people: "You said that the mainland and the treasure island, will war really break out?"

"What are you kidding?" Wu Tao suddenly laughed, "You also believe the rumors?"

Shi Qianxue hugged herself and supported herself on her jade legs. "But Xiangjiang is about to return, and the mainland is really strong in the military. As for the economy, it is no longer a poor one. After all, you even need a mobile phone. It's done..."

"Listening to you, it really looks like an undercover agent sent by the military reunification." Wu Tao teased: "Yes, there has been a lot of development in the country. But it is precisely because of the economic development that this battle is impossible to fight. "

"...As for the rumors among the people, it is nothing more than the YY of some frogs at the bottom of the well. Who is really stupid!"

Speaking of this, Wu Tao recalled, "Hey, you have had such a severe fever these past two days, isn't it because of this rumor?"

"Why, it's not!" Shi Qianxueqiao's face flew up with a blush, and her face suddenly became radiant.

In the living room, An Rong and Fang Yuan leaned back on the sofa, with their delicate ankles placed on the coffee table, and eating potato chips in their hands.

A TV series with the theme of returning to Xiangjiang is being broadcasted on TV. The sense of age brought by the old streets and lanes is fascinating.

It was like Wu Tao at this time looked at them in the chronological picture scroll.

At this moment, there was a rapid noise from the door.

Shi Qianxue, who had just regained his energy, touched a cucumber, chewed and opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Ding Tiantian, Tang Yan, and Chen Yue's three people came in very embarrassed.

It seems that the heavy rain outside allowed them to catch up.

However, the three girls didn't seem to feel how embarrassed at all. Instead, they looked filled with righteous indignation. They couldn't even care about the curves after getting wet.

"Too bully!"

Wu Tao didn't care about sitting on the balcony alone, and raised his foot into the living room. "What happened, is it like this?"

Ding Tiantian took out several audio-visual magazines from her bag and said: "My song tape was just released, and it was scolded by a group of people with ulterior motives. What's more hateful is that the other party even brought you, the songwriter, together. insulted."

For Ding Tiantian, always scolding herself is fine, but scolding Wu Tao is absolutely not.

Taking the magazine, Wu Tao waved his hand, "Go and change your clothes to avoid catching a cold. I remind you three, there is a sick number here..." At the end, he pointed to Shi Qianxue.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yue couldn't help but sneezed several times, and even Tang Yan felt a bit sore in his nose.

An Rong hurriedly took them back to the house to change their clothes.

However, Shi Qianxue leaned close to Wu Tao, and his eyes drew on the magazine.

One is a popular music digest, and the other is a contemporary music magazine, both of which are influential music magazines in six provinces and one city.

Three days ago, when Ding Tiantian's song tape was released, Wu Tao thought to find a magazine to write an article and play the drum.

Unexpectedly, someone would want to go ahead of him, although these two manuscripts express the meaning of derogation and infamy.

After scanning the two articles roughly, Ding Tiantian and the others also put on dry clothes and came out.

It's just because of their tall models, there are no girls' clothes for them to put on. The last thing that came out were all the large men's T-shirts in Wu Tao's cabinet.

"Sweet, actually you don't need to be angry. Not only that, you have to thank others."

Wu Tao said that the three girls' momentum was stagnant.

"Why?" Ding Tiantian was puzzled.

Tang Yan was even more direct, "Your brain is pretty funny, right?"

Chen Yue was polite, "Boss, what the magazine wrote was cursing us."

"I know." Wu Tao said in his spare time: "Then I ask you, how about the sales of the song tape in the past three days after it went on the market?"

"Sister Chen said it's okay, it surpasses the level of an average rookie. Especially today, it suddenly skyrocketed by as much as 30%."

Wu Tao shook the two magazines and said, "Did these two magazines just come out today?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Ding Tiantian was surprised.

When everyone was at a loss, Shi Qianxue was the first to remember, "You mean, these two rebuttal articles have actually made Tiantian's song more famous?"

"Yes!" Wu Tao said with a smile, "Whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, it is better than no reputation."

"In that case, we have to thank him?" Tang Yan was so angry that her waist was crossed.

"Do you know who wrote this article?" Wu Tao asked.

"Sister Chen is inquiring, it is estimated that there will be news soon." Ding Tiantian explained.

"No, are you really going to thank others?" Tang Yan couldn't say with anger.

At this moment, Wu Tao's cell phone rang. After listening to it, it was Chen Fang's voice, and it was exactly the matter of these two articles.

"It is certain that the pen name on Pop Music Digest is Ge Daming. As for the contemporary singer, it is not Ge Daming, but it is also related to him."

"Okay, I know. Leave it to me." Wu Tao finished speaking and hung up the phone, "Daming Ge did it."

Ding Tiantian clenched Xiu's fist, bit her silver teeth, and said every word: "Despicable and shameless villain!"

Such curse words are probably the most ferocious and quickest words she can express.

Unlike Tang Yan, he came directly, "CTM, a bad species with the surname Ge, is doing this kind of trick behind the scenes, so I don’t have a baby..."

Look at this intensity is much stronger.

Wu Tao waved his hand lightly with a calm expression on his face, "Okay, it's not a big deal, don't make yourself angry."

"Does this matter?"

"Of course you can't just let it go!" Wu Tao said with a smile: "How can I persuade the place where the surnamed Ge has been drawn? Besides, I can't let people sing one-man shows, it's so boring?"