Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 295: 1 inexplicably ironic thank you

Most music rankings with radio dj as the main body need to sign the singer's record company to spend money.

However, Chen Fang's studio is not yet qualified to do these irritating operations, and does not have the financial strength to do it.

Under this circumstance, Ding Tiantian's songs can survive the rankings, and it seems that they are of high quality and commendable.

Gold shines everywhere.

This is still a very popular inspirational saying.

At the moment, Ding Tiantian's light has finally been noticed by the industry.

At the same time, Chen Fang's studio will surely rise with Ding Tiantian's reputation.

Even with Chen Yue and Tang Yan, who are also contracted artists of the studio, they ascended to heaven with the dog.

Not to mention, at least there will be more and more opportunities in the future.

"Be sure to celebrate!"

When everyone was excited, they immediately made a decision.

"Let's go to the Cultural Building! Before we were in the past, no one looked at us with straight eyes. Let us have a glorious look today!" Chen Fang said.

Ding Tiantian blushed, "Can I ask the master to go with him?"

"Call it, call it, he has contributed to this. As long as he is willing to come, we welcome it with all his strength." Chen Fang said cheerfully.

Let’s not mention that Ding Tiantian is the protagonist today. Naturally, she has to listen to what she said; as for Wu Tao’s relationship as a studio shareholder, this matter must be called upon him.

As for Tang Yan and Chen Yue, they have long heard that there is a place where people gather in the cultural building, and they are extremely excited to go there for the first time now.

When Wu Tao received Ding Tiantian's call, he was lying at home and was struggling to write.

After this time was finally busy, he finally had the time to sit down and make up the manuscripts owed over the past six months.

Of course, now that he writes the manuscript, he doesn't care about the manuscript fee anymore, and more is to repay the favors in the circle.

Some time ago, he could also use the excuse of temporarily sealing the pen to shirk.

But now, in order to harden Ge's name, he has published several articles one after another.

And the most recent one is so long and has aroused such a big response.

Now, everyone in the cultural circle knows. It's not justified to shirk the seal pen and the like.

Wu Tao agreed without thinking about the sweet invitation to celebrate her achievement. By the way, can you bring An Rong and Fang Yuan?

After all, it’s more crowded if you celebrate your achievements.

When Ding Tiantian answered the phone, Chen Fang was in front of him, and she naturally agreed.

Wu Tao hung up the phone, got up and went outside the study.

In the living room, An Rong and Fang Yuan are just two salted fish, but two beautiful salted fish.

One hummed courage with headphones, and the other sang Ningxia.

Listen carefully, the singing is really good.

"Tonight, Tiantian Studio celebrates my dedication, I will take you to a meal, are you going?"

"Go, go, of course!" The two couldn't wait to respond.

After speaking, dropped the headset and walkman, flashed into the room, and started picking up clothes and dressing up.

Although it is dressed up, there is no makeup. After all, the foundation of being a beautiful girl is there, and there is no need to modify it too much.

At most, I put on light-colored lipstick, changed my hairstyle, and picked up a beautiful dress or dress to wear.

As for the clean makeup on Qiao's face, it looks even more beautiful.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, in the evening of Jinling, the heat of the summer heat was still there.

Ge Daming, who had been bored for a day, wandered to the Cultural Building with a full of exhausted air.

The last time I met Chen Fang's studio for a song appointment seemed to have been yesterday. But now, the other party has suddenly exploded, but I regretted losing this opportunity.

The reason Ge Daming came here was that he hoped to meet three or two like-minded people and find some psychological comfort.

Because in the cultural mansion, the most indispensable is the peers who have been depressed and unable to make progress for many years.

However, the result disappointed him.

Not only did he not meet any friends who could speak his heart, but the acquaintances who usually met to say hello, all ignored him.

This can be regarded as a kind of push by everyone.

Ge Daming ordered some wine and food, and started to drink it by himself. Just because of the shyness of the bag, the food on the table is a bit shabby.

When he was three minutes drunk, Chen Fang walked in with the three girls under his banner.

Originally Ge Daming hadn't noticed, but as soon as the opponent entered the field, he received a round of warm applause, and even brought many people up to say hello to congratulations, and said some beautiful words.

This formation makes it difficult for him to notice.

Today's Chen Fang and the three girls are also specially dressed up, showing the edge and strength of a cutting-edge studio in their gestures.

Many people greeted and handed business cards along the way, and there were even colleagues from famous record companies, radio stations and TV stations.

By the time the four of them sat down, half an hour had passed.

Chen Fang flipped through the menu, feeling comfortable in his heart. One Mind has been in the studio for so many years, and the praise and goodwill received are not as much as those of just half an hour.

As for Ding Tiantian, there does not seem to be much emotion. Her beautiful eyes stared at the entrance closely, and her whole body was in a state of nervous anticipation ready to rush out at any time.

As for Chen Yue and Tang Yan, when they came to this place for the first time, they were pointing to the familiar faces around them. They were surprised and delighted at the other.

Stimulated by this incident, Ge Daming drank faster and faster, his posture clearly just wanted to get himself drunk.

Just when he was almost six minutes drunk, the song "Courage" was suddenly played in the venue. Hearing every tone of this song, Ge Daming felt it was a great irony to himself.

After the courage was released, Ningxia continued to be broadcast.

Just when Ningxia was about to finish the broadcast, Ge Daming finally couldn't stand it anymore. He used to throw the wine bottle on the ground and broke it with a crash.

Such a roar immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and also attracted the attention of Wu Tao who had just entered the field.

But most people just glanced at him coldly, then turned around and continued to talk and laugh.

What does a failed madman do?

Only the waiter hurried over to clean up the endgame, and Wu Tao who followed Shi Shiran behind him.

"Teacher Ge, you calm down, what are you doing with the two songs?" The waiter comforted while cleaning.

Ge Daming's eyes were red, and he clearly didn't know what to do, and shouted: "You know what a fart!"

At this mouthful of alcohol, the waiter hurriedly swept the broken glass clean, then fled and left.

Ge Daming sat down in a daze, "Bring me another bottle of wine!"

"Teacher Ge, don't come here unharmed!"

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Ge Daming was full of spirits, and most of them woke up from alcohol. I looked up and saw Wu Tao's smiling I felt like I was full of jokes and it was shameful.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Wu Tao said softly, "It's nothing, I just came to say thank you."

"Thanks, thank me for what?"

Wu Tao smiled mysteriously and thought to himself, of course, to thank you for this dedicated pig opponent. Without you, writing these two songs by myself would not reach such a hot level so quickly.

However, this matter cannot be elaborated, so he can only smile mysteriously, "Anyway, thank you."

Ge Daming looked dumbfounded, but the people around him felt interestingly tight.

In their opinion, these words of thanks should be due to Ge Daming's rejection of the song, which gave the family a chance to soar to the sky.

Otherwise, if you use your song, I still don’t know where the street is going...

It's such a big irony to think about it!