Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 3: Another life-changing option

   "Attention everyone!" Shen Bohong, the head teacher, pushed the lens and coughed slightly: "Last week, I asked you to go back and discuss your volunteer matters with your parents. Have you discussed about it?"

Seeing everyone nodding, Shen Bohong continued: "I repeat, according to the admission policy of the Municipal Education Bureau, previous students are not entitled to apply for the first three types of colleges including key high schools, technical secondary schools and normal colleges. So before applying for the exam. Class three students must be cautious, you have and only have one chance, you must do what you can, and you must hit with one hit!"

   Then the high school entrance examination volunteers were distributed, and everyone began to fill in. The entire application form seems far less complicated than the college entrance examination volunteers, but many people may not expect that the completion and implementation of this document will become an important turning point in their lives.

   In his previous life, Wu Tao seemed to be forced by the expectations of his parents, but when he reported to a technical secondary school, he was actually too disciplined and accustomed to accepting other people's arrangements, while forbearing his true thoughts and feelings.

   So what was supposed to be a young and passionate young boy, abruptly became a young and mature nerd. I really don't know, how could An Rong in her previous life like herself like this?

   Now he finally figured it out, the boy should be a boy's temperament, the eagle strikes the sky, strives for the upper reaches, does not hit the south wall and does not look back! Why pretend to be mature and mature prematurely because of the heaviness of life? People will grow old sooner or later.

   As soon as I read this, Wu Tao filled out the volunteer book in one go. It happened that Shen Bohong passed by his side, took a glance, knocked on the table, and walked out on his own.

   Closed the high school entrance examination volunteers, Wu Tao followed the class teacher and came outside.

   "How come you suddenly changed your report to Beijiang Middle School?" The old class asked straightforwardly, with a neutral tone, without any bias.

   "Of course, your grades must be fine, but your father has talked to me more than once and wants you to apply for a better secondary school and work early to share the burden of your family."

   I knew that the old class would ask, so Wu Tao was already ready to answer. This answer is not a long talk, but a simple sentence.

   "I think choice is more important than hard work, so I want to give myself a try."

"That's all?" Shen Bohong was startled, and subconsciously repeated: "Choices are more important than hard work..., profound, classic!" For a moment, Old Shen thought of his youth. If he could realize this at first, maybe Now it will be very different!

   looked at Wu Tao's gaze, and suddenly there was a kind of surprise of "Farewell to the Scholars for Three Days".

   then patted Wu Tao on the shoulder and said: "Yes, young people should have the vigor of young people. Now you deserve a better life!"

   "But from your father, you still have to discuss it carefully. In this way, I will send your application for the senior high school entrance examination until next Monday. After going back this weekend, discuss it with your family, and it is best to get their consent."

   Wu Tao nodded heavily.

   "Do you need me to take you back?" Old Shen was a little worried and asked again.

   "No, Mr. Shen. I think I can still convince them about this matter."

   Facing Wu Tao's self-confidence, Shen Bohong found that he was so heavy and heartened that he couldn't fall outside. The child's ability to say "choice is more important than hard work" must have been thoroughly understood, and it is by no means an impulse.

   "Otherwise, is there anything I can do for you?"

   "Not yet."

"By the way, if they are worried about the cost of going to high school and are afraid that they can't afford it, you can tell them that Beijiang Middle School has an admission scholarship. As long as the entrance examination score reaches the top 20 in the school, they can reduce tuition, miscellaneous fees and accommodation fees. ."

   "I see!" Wu Tao nodded in response. This old class's suggestion was not given for nothing, and he gave himself a set in a blink of an eye.

   Beijiang Middle School is a key high school in the province and a national demonstration high school. Its top 20 is at least equal to the top 40 in the city. This goal is not so easy to achieve.

"Let me try!"

   Shen Bohong groaned: "You have this strength, don't underestimate yourself!"

"Also, you tell them that in the next two years the public funding system of national technical secondary schools will be abolished, and the country will vigorously develop higher education. In the future, college students will inevitably become mainstream talents, and technical secondary school students will inevitably become a foil. It will be broken soon."

   Wu Tao knew that Lao Ban was right. In 1997, the state abolished the public expenditure system of technical secondary schools.

   Many secondary school students at that time did not realize the crisis they were about to face. It was not until graduation that they discovered that the whole era had taken a big step forward, and they could only be reduced to the abandoned sons of the era.

   "Okay, go home and discuss it carefully."

   "Hmm!" Turned and walked into the classroom, meeting An Rong's questioning eyes. Wu Tao responded with a light smile, and the other party immediately smiled like a flower.

   Back to the seat, Zhao Li, who was lying on the table before sitting down, posted: "Are you going to take the key high school?"


   "Can your parents agree? After all, you still have a younger There are old people on the top and small ones on the bottom. Their burden is not light~"

"Will do."

  Zhao Li didn’t get entangled in this topic, and she sighed softly while holding her round chin, “Hey, I heard that Beijiang Middle School has strict management and heavy learning burden. It seems that I won’t have a chance to come out and play with you in the future!”

   Dejected head is so cute, could it be the halo bonus of big breasts? Speaking of big breasts, Wu Tao suddenly discovered that the other side's posture, the entire pair of **** were all resting on the table, and squeezed by force, even let him catch a glimpse of the beautiful spring.

   "Ahem, it's gone..." Wu Tao said ambiguously while pinching his voice.

   Zhao Li made a big blush, and immediately sat back upright.

   Wu Tao could not help but secretly regret that in technical colleges, especially health schools, more than half of those who fall in love, and a half of those who fight and fight, just didn't study seriously. Zhao Li, the pair of big breasts, don't know which scum to be cheaper.

   It was Saturday in a blink of an eye. After the afternoon class was over, the graduating class's two-week rest day finally arrived.

   is going home to a showdown with his parents.

   Although he had prepared, it was not as easy as he thought. At this moment, Old Ban wandered into the classroom and threw a stack of newspapers in front of him.

   "This is a related report I found in the past few days, maybe it's useful to you."

  Wu Tao took it and swept it, and let out a breath: "Thank you, Teacher Shen."

Leaving school, returning to the water conservancy station, carefully fold the newspaper into the bag, push out the dusty 28th bar, wipe it clean, and then say hello to Uncle Tang, who is at the door, and step into the car. A silhouette.

   After a few rounds of fierce kicks, the twenty-eight bars suddenly flew like an arrow. In a blink of an eye, he rushed through the gate of Binhu Middle School, and suddenly an urgent call came from the side: "Wu Tao, wait for me~"