Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 308: Come with me, leave on graduation

"Cool Manke is your industry?" Wu Yingying was shocked, and immediately reacted.

Thinking of the purpose of JUMP sending someone over, Wu Tao waved his hand and said: "I'll be with you first, I'll talk about this later."

Seeing Wu Tao's hurried back, Wu Yingying and Jiang Ran looked at each other, the shock in their hearts that could not be calmed for a long time.

In the 1990s, Jiang Ran and Wu Yingying were both talents who were able to study at the University of Tokyo and Waseda University as international students.

But now in front of Wu Tao, they are all pale in comparison.

No matter how old they are, they already have a magazine with great potential!

Look at myself again, it's really a waste of reading books for so many years.

"Ran Ran, how old is he?" Wu Yingying pondered with bright eyes.

Jiang Ran shook his head, "I don't know, he is a college student at best, right? I must be younger than you."

After finishing speaking, he sighed leisurely, "I originally thought that he is so young that he can work for the thriving brutal Manke, it is already very good."

"...Unexpectedly, they are not wage earners at all, but the boss behind the ruthless Manke!"

"... No wonder it was so easy for him to get us an autograph, and the head of the delegation bowed their heads to him."

Before Jiang Ran's mumbling was finished, she was interrupted by Wu Yingying's words: "I think he hasn't gone to college yet, if you ignore his pretending to be an old-fashioned school."

"No?" Jiang Ran tried to stand firm while holding on to the bookshelf.

Wu Yingying hugged her chest and said confidently: "You know, my vision has always been precise. If you don't believe me, just ask him later."

At this moment, their classmates also came back one after another.

Jiang Ran could not wait to reveal Wu Tao's true identity immediately, which caused everyone to say that it was impossible, which was too unexpected.

Until Wenhui went and returned, "Dear friends, who of you can act as an interpreter, our boss would like to ask you for a favor?"

As an interpreter, anyone of this group of international students can do it.

However, no one reacted as fast as Wu Yingying, and left Wenhui without saying a word.

Along the way, Wenhui walked in a hurry, but Wu Yingying did not waste this opportunity to be alone.

"Leader Wen, how old your boss is this year? See if he is really young..."

Wenhui pondered for a while, and then said truthfully: "He is the first year of high school this year and the second year of high school."

"Sure enough to be a high school student, this is too enchanting..."

"Our boss has a lot of evil things, you will get used to it." After finishing speaking, she felt wrong. After all, Wu Yingying may not be able to interact with her boss in the future, so she changed her words and said, "People who are familiar with him, slowly. I'm used to it."

"Is he the second-generation rich? Or the second-generation official?"

Wenhui shook her head, "Neither."

Just finished speaking, the two have arrived at the temporary reception room provided by the Toranoana shop.

Knocking on the door and entering, there are only five or six square meters inside, with a table in the center, and two representatives of Wu Tao and JUMP sitting opposite each other.

As soon as Wu Yingying entered the door, it was a Japanese-style bow to meet, and she said something, and then she sat down beside Wu Tao.

After sitting down, she also learned Wenhui's tone and said: "Boss, these two are the director of the JUMP content class, Fukuyamaoka and assistant Shinohara Eko."

Fukuyamaoka is a tall and thin man, with a long face. With his incredible expression, it is really hard to have a good impression.

It turned out to be just a small class leader with such a big shelf? !

After understanding this, Wu Tao immediately relaxed, leaned back in the chair, and said to Wu Yingying: "Why did he come?"

Wu Yingying laughed secretly, and she could tell a little bit of youthful spirit from Wu Tao's attitude towards the other side.

The boss also unceremoniously expressed a similar meaning to Fukuyamaoka.

This kind of translation is not only a pure translation of language, but even the attitude and momentum of the speaker are conveyed vividly.

Fukuyamaoka couldn't help but froze, why is this Chinese kid so conceited?

The famous JUMP came to him for cooperation, he didn't even feel flattered at all?

"Wu Sang, you should be very clear about the status and sales of JUMP Weekly in Dongying. If your magazine cooperates with our JUMP, it will definitely be more promising than SUNDAY, isn't it?"

"I don't think."

Just as Wu Yingying translated his meaning, Fukuyamaoka immediately held the tabletop and stared at him, "Why?"

Wu Tao did not answer the question, "Then Mr. Fukuyama, I would like to ask you, why do you think that the cooperation between our two magazines will be more promising? Is it because of JUMP’s large sales volume and wide audience, or because of our violent comic content outstanding?"

"Ho **** ha ha~" Old God Fukuyama was spreading his hands on the ground and said, "Does this still need to be said? Of course it is because JUMP has a large sales volume and a wide audience!"

Wu Tao immediately threw away the pen in his hand, "Then what else are we talking about? Who do you like to go to. Please don't send it far away!"

Seeing Wu Tao turning his face faster than turning a book, the boss of Fukuyamaoka, who was accustomed to being accustomed to others, was uncomfortable and stood up, only to realize that he didn't go by himself, and he didn't want to stay.

Let's go, the task that the president confided was not completed after all.

Stay, this kid's attitude is too arrogant.

At the crucial moment, it was the middle-aged female assistant Eeko Shinohara who played a role. "Oh Sang, we also admit that the content of your comics is excellent, and the story and novelty of Star Soul is very attractive..."

"Since our content is excellent," Wu Tao didn't give the other party a chance to turn back at all, and immediately interrupted, "Then Ms. Shinohara, have you given me and my comics enough respect? As for cooperation, yours Where is the sincerity?"

After Wu Yingying finished her translation, Fukuyamaoka immediately slammed the door and left, leaving Megumi Shinohara caught in the middle, bowing and apologizing to Wu Tao.

The negotiation just messed up. Wu Yingying took a look at Wu Tao and found that he didn't care at all.

"Will it be too unwise to give up the opportunity to cooperate with JUMP?"

Wu Tao spread his hands, "SUNDAY people are still busy with us, I'm changing partners under their noses, is that unwise."

"That's what I said." Wu Yingying muttered: "I suddenly want to ask you a question, boss."

Wu Tao waved his hand again and again: "I'm not your boss, so I can't talk about asking, just tell me."

"I will be facing a graduation season at the beginning of school. What do you think I should do? The first is to go to the United States for further study, the second to return to China to work, and the third to stay and continue studying."

Wu Tao's eyes narrowed The girl's question is really bold.

Well, since they asked, they don’t have to worry about talking in a shallow way, just say one thing.

"How is your finance and economics? Going to Wall Street in the United States, can you survive?"

Wu Yingying took a deep breath and exuded a confident light: "I don't think the problem is big."

"Then," Wu Tao said while knocking on the desk, "Your best choice is to try on Wall Street. One year later, if you are still alive, come to China to find me and be my overseas investment manager."

Wu Yingying's eyes suddenly brightened.

However, Wu Tao's words are not over yet, "Tell your classmates, regardless of whether they are from Dongying or American, helping them do things, it is always difficult to belong. So all of you, come with me, and set off on graduation!"

"You sound so big!" Wu Yingying raised her head and said, "But I believe it!"