Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 318: The mobile phone market surrounded by po

Once the target of 4 million shipments was communicated, it really caused a lot of shock.

Even Yang Ge, who had drunk foreign ink, was deeply stressed, not to mention Xiao Zixia, who had been lacking in confidence.

But as the boss, it's hard to chase after a word. Now that I have spoken, I can't go back.

Otherwise, it will affect the prestige of oneself, and it will also dampen the enterprising spirit of the subordinates.

But Wu Tao himself realized that in order to achieve this goal, he must analyze the current market.

After all, the 1990s is not like the post-21st century, brand-name mobile phones, casually shipped tens of millions.

After all, the current market is still immature, and mobile phones are far from popular, and even in China, there is not even a 1% penetration rate.

Under this circumstance, it is naturally not an easy task to highlight the encirclement and break a blood path.

After turning off the computer, Wu Tao directly called Rena Fujiwara and asked her to collect the shipment volume and market operation status of various international mobile phone manufacturers.

When I woke up early the next morning, I wanted to touch An Rong's room and ask for some interest first, and at least hit third base!

But as soon as I walked out of the room door, I realized that the sun was blazing outside the reception room, and it was already three poles in the morning.

As for An Rong and Zhao Li's room, it was even more empty.

If this continues, when will the big flower-picking plan be implemented?

Wu Tao was really frowning, thinking, ‘It seems that the plan to take a bath in the hot spring must be on the agenda. ’

Soaking in the hot springs in Dongying is justified, and there will definitely be many opportunities. At least in those ***** in the previous life, they all acted like this.

There are flowers that are worthy of being folded!

At that time, everyone will face each other sincerely, and there will definitely be more opportunities. To be unhelpful, in the name of Dongying custom...

The plan of picking flowers was lingering in his mind, and the more Wu Tao thought about it, the more he felt that his whole body was hot and uncomfortable.

However, as a human being for two lives, he did not just rely on a passionate impulse, but thought of more.

For example, how to ensure that the first big flower planting plan will be a complete success?

After all, it was the first time with An Rong, it had to be a complete success, because this matter entrusted the love and expectation of the two lives.

In the first place, physical exercise is a must.

Although the body has developed well in this life, but the distance is perfect, there is still a big gap. At least compared with Wang Yao's sturdy body, the gap is almost catastrophic.

So Wu Tao spent half of the morning in the hotel gym.

Under Song Zhuang's guidance, he exercised squats and presses until lunch time, and he was relieved.

During lunch, Rena Fujiwara came with a bunch of materials he wanted, almost covering the content of major manufacturers such as Motorola, Nokia, Alcatel, Ericsson, and Samsung.

So in the afternoon, Wu Tao shrinks into the hotel suite to study these materials.

As early mobile phone manufacturers, most of them have a research background in the communications field. Including Alcatel, even established a joint venture R&D center in China Shipping in 1988.

As for Ericsson, as early as 1992, taking advantage of the opportunity of a joint venture with Panda, it entered Jinling.

Motorola from the United States and Nokia, which has just transformed into Finland, are not good candidates.

At least in Wu Tao's memory, in the next few years, these two brands of mobile phones will be the mainstream in the market, basically the situation where you sing and I will appear on the stage.

Under this circumstance, it is not easy for domestic mobile phones to break the siege!

But this does not mean that there is no chance.

At least the Ericsson in it, regardless of its arrogance now, but within a few years, it will decline, enter the stage of diaspora, mergers and acquisitions, lingering, and never recover.

Alcatel is no exception.

The two technical forces are strong, but technology does not mean the market.

Especially in the emerging market of China, the fact that products have advanced technology does not necessarily mean they will be able to sell well.

This requires people who have a special understanding of China Market to control and balance the relationship between the two.

This is probably where Wu Tao's advantage lies.

For him, the inevitable decline of international giants is both a lesson and a resource.

The lesson is to avoid him from repeating the same mistakes; the resource is that Yuanqi Technology can completely adopt mergers and acquisitions in the future to realize the integration of technology patents and strengthen independent research and development.

After reading these materials, Wu Tao has enriched a lot of content on that fishbone diagram.

However, sales in the mobile phone market are not only related to the mobile phone product itself, but also dependent on the cellular network on which it depends.

In his impression, the domestic postal and telecommunications bureaus should be planning a division and restructuring at this moment.

The cellular network will be divided into telecommunications, which will go out independently and withstand the test of the market.

As for the content of the postal unit, it was left as a monopoly.

However, no one thought that a few years later, the telecommunications sector that was separated would quickly come from behind, surpass the postal service, and become a bigger sweet cake.

After all, the course of history is irreversible.

But Wu Tao hopes that this process can develop faster.

After marking the incident as a special concern, Wu Tao's cell phone rang.

It turned out that Wenhui and his party had come back and were downstairs in the hotel, waiting for him to eat together.

After so many days, the idiom of the delegation has become accustomed to organizing activities far away from the ocean. Although the intensity has been greater, the gains are obvious.

So everyone’s face is full of joy and joy.

As soon as Wu Tao felt it, Wenhui took the initiative to report: "Boss, the people from MAGAZINE are here too."

"Oh?" Everyone from JUMP has been here, and it's not surprising that someone from MAGAZINE has appeared.

"They said they will visit you in the hotel in person." Wenhui finished speaking, her tone changed, "However, SUNDAY is obviously feeling pressured. It is estimated that they will renegotiate with us soon to increase the benefits."

Wu Tao glanced over, but he did not see Yoshiko Tsuruta and her people.

"It seems that everyone is doing a good job. The three major cartoon clubs of Dongying treat us like sweet pastries."

The crowd cheered for a while, and you were proud.

After dinner, An Rong and Zhao Li pretended to go upstairs to the room with everyone.

As a result, I went back to my suite, after a short time, I changed into casual clothes and came out with Wu Tao under his control, and wanted to go to the nightclub together.

There is no one in this posture.

Fortunately, Rena Fujiwara had arranged everything, and even the car was prepared in advance downstairs.

The three people killed Piano directly, and both An Rong and Zhao Li's eyes were not enough to see. There are so many good wines and beauties, it's simply dizzying.

In such a place, how can a man not be tricked? An Rong and Zhao Li exchanged glances at each other, apparently in disbelief.

It was only when they saw a few men screaming and screaming, but always guarding the bottom line and paying only for the arrogant wine escorts around them, the two of them were a little bit convinced.

Entering the private room, Nishino had already come over to greet him personally.

Wu Tao simply ordered Cai and Alyssa, two familiar accompany girls, to satisfy the curiosity of An Rong and Zhao Li. As for himself, in front of them, how could he dare to call himself the accompaniment of the wine girl?

Isn't that seeking a dead end? !