Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 350: Put an eye in the mobile communication m

After a hearty exercise, Wu Tao raised his head a lot, and released a lot of his previous pressure.

As for the opinions of Xin Haining three people on Yuanqi, it represents a large part of foreign companies, and they are not optimistic about Yuanqi Technology.

But it doesn't matter. There are too many people from all sides waiting to see the jokes of Yuanqi Technology. What if there are more people?

After all, if there are too many lice, it will not be itchy, and if there are too many debts, there is no need to worry about it. Love so and so!

Tang Yan was disgusted by the smell of sweat all over her body. Although Chen Yue didn't say anything, she still stayed away silently.

Only Ding Tiantian held him firmly, and even wanted to hold his arm a few times...

Putting away Yang Ge's phone, Wu Tao turned around and asked, "By the way, why did you think of going to the basketball court to find me?"

Tang Yan pointed to Ding Tiantian first and said, "She is going to the basketball court to find you. You two really have a good heart!"

Ding Tiantian was immediately said to have a blushing face, she was all a star, and her face was still so thin.

"No, we asked the security uncle..."

Returning to the residence upstairs, Wu Tao immediately entered the study.

Yang Ge's phone call just now was about the contact list, saying that he had updated and more detailed information.

I picked up the fax and dialed it to the company. Soon three pages of fax paper were printed out.

The content is still about Wang Renchu, the third candidate on the list of materials last time.

Strictly speaking, Wu Tao did not know this person in his previous life. He just heard some anecdotes about this person from the mouth of his old boss Cheng Li.

People from outside have rarely heard of his name. The senior executives in the industry know his identity as a high-end broker in the field of China Communications Communications.

It is rumored that many of China's mobile communications industry's split and integration actions have his shadow of his activities.

The three pages of information that Yang Ge just faxed proved this point.

Whether it was the establishment of China Unicom at the beginning or the subsequent cooperation cases between the three major foreign companies and the telecommunications bureau, Wang Renchu's mediation and mediation played a key role in the finishing touch.

Although relying on the relationship of Deputy Secretary Liang, it is not difficult for Wu Tao to get in touch with the leaders of the Telecommunications Bureau.

However, people can often softly resist the tasks that are suppressed in the officialdom.

This is especially true for the telecommunications industry, which has a big tail and no separation between government and enterprise. Otherwise, the national level will not think twice about reforming in this area.

In this case, Wang Renchu's role was truly manifested.

With his presence, Wu Tao can fully realize his purpose of making a splash in the China Mobile Communications market.

After all, for a long time in the future, Yuanqi Technology's mobile phone products will depend on this market for survival and development.

After reading three pages of information, Wu Tao's spirits were lifted.

He called Yang Ge back and told him to contact Wang Renchu ​​immediately and find a way to make an appointment.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Tiantian came in with tea.

Although Wu Tao had no time to greet them, the three girls of Ding Tiantian were used to it.

Moreover, here, they are also rare to relax. After all, they are young men and women who play together, so they don't care about the red tape.

After receiving the tea made by Ding Tiantian, Wu Tao took a closer look at the emerging potential female singer.

Not seen for a while, Ding Tiantian's white face has been reduced a lot, and it seems that she has not been affected less during this period.

In terms of figure, it is actually perfect.

Long, slender, straight hair, scattered on the shoulders, coupled with a slightly aging waist flared pants and loose-fitting shirt, looks youthful and vigorous.

"How's it going?" Wu Tao took the tea and asked with interest, "I feel like a fan, isn't it?"

Ding Tiantian spit out his fragrant tongue, sat down and held his chin and said, "Since I was recognized by someone in the mall after playing the weekly Monday song, I rarely showed up. Except for the programs and shows arranged by Sister Chen, Most of the time, I read and study in my residence."

Wu Tao was surprised, "Isn't that suffocating?"

Ding Tiantian shrugged and turned her beautiful eyes, "I'm okay, but I'm suffocating Yan'er and Chen Yue."

Wu Tao took a sip of the tea, and Ding Tiantian looked at him unblinkingly.

It wasn't until the phone rang on the desk that Ding Tiantian put away some idiotic eyes, and her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

The call was made by Yang Ge, saying that he had already gotten better with Wang Renchu. It happened that someone else was in Jinling, and they were at the Jinling Hotel at night.

Wu Tao noted the time, then turned around and called Xue Jiaqian. Since he promised to bring her, he would not break his promise.

It's just not long after the phone call with Xue Jiaqian was hung up, the call from Wang Dong came.

"Boss, did you deliberately send me to disrupt my date with Jiaqian? Today is the 100th day of our relationship."

Wu Tao has never condoned this kind of bad behavior of spreading dog food, and immediately returned with a single sentence, "Then are you going to propose?"

"Uh, forget it, boss, when I didn't say it." After speaking, Wang Donglai decisively hung up the phone.

Ding Tiantian couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. In her opinion, the relationship between Wu Tao, the boss, and his subordinates is really interesting.

Also a teacher and a friend.

Seeing Wu Tao feel empty, Ding Tiantian suddenly became cramped and nervous.

After all this, Wu Tao felt a little uncomfortable with sweat on his body, and he was about to get up and take a bath now.

"Hey, you... can you wait?"

Wu Tao was quite surprised. He drew up, sat down again, smiled and said, "If you have something? Just say it if you have something."

Ding Tiantian bulged her cheeks and let out a big sigh, the blush on her face disappeared a lot, and her chest became more plump.

"That's it. I heard that Yuanqi Technology is planning to launch a ladies phone. Do you think I can endorse this phone?"

Wu Tao's eyes lit up suddenly, and he hadn't even considered the plan of advertising campaigns for the time being.

But Ding Tiantian reminded him that for those famous national actors these years, the advertising schedules must be booked in advance.

A candy bar phone must be played by a well-known actor.

As for the flip phone, Ding Tiantian will be used as endorsement. Although the coffee position is a bit weak, it is not impossible to consider.

After all, fertilizer does not flow to outsiders' fields.

"I think it's OK, I'll think about it later." Wu Tao thought about it for a while.

Ding Tiantian immediately clapped her hands excitedly and jumped up, the excitement on Qiao's face was beyond words, "I have been worried that you will dislike my not enough reputation..."

Wu Tao laughed, "How do you say, I am also your boss, who won't you help you?"

Ding Tiantian squeezed a fist and nodded heavily and said: "Well, I will work hard."

Opening the door of the study room, Chen Yue and Tang Yan were standing in front of the door unexpectedly. Wu Tao found out that they laughed awkwardly.

Wu Tao didn't care about them, and went back to the house to take a bath.

But the cheers of the three girls came from behind, making him knowingly smile, life is actually very good, a little pressure is really not a big deal.