Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 37: Plant a seed of sprouting culture

   In the afterglow of the setting sun, Wu Tao and An Rong held hands and finally left the campus.

  In the early years of love, the first batch of solid friends began to leave one after another.

   This is the first unforgettable experience in life, until it is replaced by more painful experiences, such as love.

   Fortunately, they still have each other.

  Walking on the street, nobody said anything, and never talked about parting.

  Until An Rong walked to the gate of the district government as usual, An Rong still held his hand and did not separate.

   Finally An Rong tugged a few times, but didn’t move. Then she turned her head back and said mysteriously: "Follow me in..."

   "Huh?" Wu Tao glanced at Uncle Lin, who was like an enemy, and said nothing.

   An Rong had to lower her voice and explained, "Don't worry, my parents promised to not appear suddenly tonight."

   That dare to love it! Wu Tao finally moved and gave Uncle Lin a confident smile, allowing An Rong to drag him forward.

   It seems like this, I can try to dispel the suspicion and tell Old Man Lin: It is not I who want to go in, but she did not pull me in.

   The district government compound after get off work is very deserted. There was only the rustle of leaves blowing in the wind, and even felt a little desolate.

   Such a moon is black and wind is high at night, what does she take me home for?

   Wu Tao couldn't help but think about it. Could it be that she was influenced by today's parting feeling, what does she want to do?

  Such as KISS? Or more intimate contact or something?

   While dreaming, Wu Tao's eyes fell on An Rong's back.

   Although there are some gaps between Zhao Li and Zhao Li in some parts, there are all that should be. Curvy, graceful and colorful, the girl next door has just grown into...

   No, An Rong is not such a person! I know her too well.

   Going upstairs and entering the house, the Golden Retriever suddenly walked out, glanced at the two of them, and then proceeded forward dismissively.

   glanced around, but did not find the shadow of Aunt Zhang.

   "Where is Aunt Zhang?"

   "Oh, she has something to go home today."

   The thought that I had just suppressed became heavy again, could it be that night tonight? Secretly calculating An Rong's age, 15 years old!

   There is no longer the risk of a ‘three-year start and maximum death penalty’.

   "Follow me into the house!"

   Can't wait so much? Wu Tao involuntarily entered the boudoir, and when he looked back, Jin Mao's eyes were fixed on him.

   "I have something to tell you, but you promise not to be angry!"

  How can I be angry? Wu Tao gave a guarantee without saying anything.

   An Rong breathed a sigh of relief, and took out a letter from the drawer. The title of the book in the lower right corner was Printed Popular Photography Magazine.

   "Remember the last few photos you took of Golden Retriever? After I washed it out, I felt a special feeling, so I secretly submitted the manuscript. Unexpectedly, the manuscript is really finished, and there is still 300 yuan for the manuscript fee!"

   So that's it! For an instant, Wu Tao's inner thoughts disappeared: "What a big deal I thought, it's so mysterious."

   is used to the scale of thousands of yuan in manuscript fees, and now he doesn't care about this small amount of money at all.

   For photographic journals, this kind of blind submission itself is not high. It is already a conscience to have such a small fee.

   An Rong changed the conversation, and said in embarrassed tone: "But the other party hopes that I will shoot them another series of works to facilitate a special topic. And this time I paid 5,000 yuan for the manuscript, what should I do?"

   This is regarded as a directional draft, and the price is naturally high.

   Wu Tao said lightly: "Then I will help you take a series and send it to them."

   "But I use your name..."

   Wu Tao took it over and saw that the photographer was his own name, and the stage name was attached: The sound of the waves is still the same.

   Seeing his ill-tempered appearance, An Rong played out her tongue playfully, and decisively offered Shang Fang's sword.

   "You promised me just now, don't be angry!"

   Regardless of whether it is a paper or a work, when submitting a manuscript, the most taboo is not to get the consent of the signatory. Because if you are not careful in that way, it may cause unexpected troubles.

   For example, for the series of works submitted by the other party this time, if it weren't for Wu Tao's mind to be filled with thoughts from previous lives, it would be really difficult to come up with a series for a while.

   Seeing him motionless, An Rong thought he was angry, and shook his arm coquettishly: "Don't be angry, don't be angry!"

   After a while, Wu Tao came back to his senses: "Who said I was angry, I was thinking about how to shoot this series of works."


   Wu Tao nodded and thought: "What do you think touched them in the last work? Is it animal themes, or some other elements?"

   "I remember you told me last time that it was'Moe' and'Stay Moe'. I think it was this element that moved them."

   "The heroes see the same thing!" Wu Tao affirmed, with an idea in his mind.

   "But how can such a ‘cute’ element bring out a series of works? After all, this is just one Golden Retriever..."

   Wu Tao said with confidence: "You don't know anything about it. In fact, the cuteness is a very rich two-dimensional culture.

"The so-called sprouting, the original meaning of grass and trees germinating, extended to animals, represents a particularly eye-catching and attractive attribute ~ For example, the arrogance and loftyness of the golden retriever is a particularly attractive attribute of cuteness. It extends to humans, such as the cuteness of beautiful girls, the natural cuteness, the arrogant cuteness, and so on."

   "It is very characteristic and connotative..."

  Moe culture, the previous life was introduced from the island country after 2000. Therefore, it is not surprising that Chinese people do not understand this cultural element these days.

   However, in the past life, the cute culture developed to later, showing great commercial potential and value, and even reached industrialization!

   Wu Tao talked freely, this kind of cute style with huge market potential in the future is no stranger to him. But in An Rong's ears, it was not only fresh, but also interesting.

   Afterwards, Wu Tao moved in his heart.

   all say that first-rate photography depends on ideas, second-rate photography depends on technology, and third-rate photography depends on equipment!

   This cute style is a very valuable idea, maybe it can give him a place in the art world.

  Combined with the accumulation of qualifications in the literary world, in the future, in this literary world, somehow he can become a top figure.

   Thinking of this, Wu Tao lifted his spirits: "Then we will start shooting the work tomorrow, but this time we need to borrow some equipment from Qiu Meiren to use it."

   Qiu Beauty is not a beauty, but a male artist with beautiful long hair. The young owner of a photography studio in the city is said to have studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and has a strange temper.

   Many of the propaganda photos of the vineyard last time were washed out by Wu Tao himself using the place he borrowed.

   Seeing Wu Tao had an idea about this matter, An Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief. The whole person relaxed, showing a lazy posture.

   is charming.

  Wu Tao looked at him and felt a little silly.

   There was a sound outside the door, and Aunt Zhang came back.