Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 375: 1 company reaches 1 city

At dinner the next day, Wu Tao drove on the 28th bar, carrying the uneasy An Rong, and went straight to the Happiness Huafu Community.

Since An Dingguo called himself over, at least it wouldn't be in the name of Xingshi's questioning.

So Wu Tao is more at ease.

On the contrary, An Rong was a little guilty, holding his clothes on both ribs with her delicate hands along the way, but she never loosened them.

Wu Tao couldn't help laughing, "With me, what are you afraid of?"

"Uh..." An Rong did not answer directly, and some inexplicably suggested: "Don't ride your bike, go back..."

The twenty-eight bars stopped abruptly, Wu Tao stopped the car steadily, An Rong dexterously jumped down and clapped her hands, pretending to walk in the courtyard.

In the Beijiang in late autumn, Malushan is covered with dry leaves, and the foot is very comfortable and soft.

The poplar trees by the side of the road had fallen out of their leaves and became bare. The poplar trees are almost the only greenery in Beijiang City. In this way, coupled with the fact that there are not too many tall buildings in the entire city, it suddenly gives people a sense of coldness.

And An Rong next to the car, wearing a loose school uniform, still couldn't hide the charming curves of the girl.

"Will you... leave me?" An Rong suddenly said this as she walked along.

At first, Wu Tao felt a little inexplicable, but after thinking about it, he suddenly realized it.

It turned out that An Rong's nervousness did not come from Gu Jin's possible inquiries about the teacher, but to a greater extent from the uncertainty about the future of the two.

This may also be the motivation for her to take the first place in the discipline during this period of time.

Wu Tao was not eager to answer, but said another thing leisurely, "I once had a dream. In the dream, I chose to stay away from you because of low self-esteem. The result not only did not bring you happiness. , It made me live in regret and pain for the rest of my life."

"...So after waking up from the dream, I decided that in this life, no matter what, I will never leave you. Never!"

An Rong stopped abruptly, turned her pretty face, wetness loomed in her beautiful eyes.

The next moment, Wu Tao supported the car, caught off guard, but An Rong, who was suddenly rushed over, hugged him firmly.

The two hearts suddenly drew closer, and this time it was finally at ease.

Wu Tao patted Yi Ren's delicate back and comforted him softly: "Don't think about it, I'm still waiting for you to pass the test tonight, and fly with you."

An Rong burst into tears and smiled, Xiu punched his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Who promised to stay and fly with you..."

After speaking, he walked away in large strides, but his steps were much lighter than before, accompanied by giggling laughter, echoing on the road.

When he arrived at Happy Washington, Secretary Li had already been waiting downstairs.

It can be seen that Secretary Li's whole person is a lot more profitable, and the previous scholarly taste has faded, and his gestures have become more secretive.

"Secretary Li, don't come here unharmed!" Wu Tao took the initiative to step forward to say hello.

Secretary Li didn't dare to be big, so he greeted him and said in a respectful tone: "I'm still the same, but Mr. Wu has become more and more like a business giant."

Heh~Wu Tao didn't dare to accept this big hat. He even said, "The words are heavy..."

A group of three people went upstairs, and the door of the room had been opened long ago. Gu Jin, who was dressed in household clothes, greeted the door with a cordial smile, "I haven't seen you for a few months, Xiao Tao has grown taller and stronger."

"Aunt Jin, you are getting younger and younger."

"Your child, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Who did you learn this from?"

Wu Tao jokingly said, "Isn't it a good teacher from Rongrong?"

This made An Rong a red face, but the atmosphere among the people quickly became alive.

The mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked, the more she liked it. Gu Jin's kind attitude made Wu Tao feel unexpected and reasonable.

Entering the door, An Dingguo walked out of the study with a newspaper in his hand, and pointed to Wu Tao and said, "Xiao Tao, you won't tell me when you come back. I've long wanted to talk to you."

Wu Tao also replied without hesitation: "Uncle An, I didn't even return to my own house, so I came to your house first."

Gu Jin interrupted in the middle, "Okay, let the two children wash their hands and eat."

There were no outsiders at this family dinner today, and Gu Jin still cooked a large table of dishes.

There are many dishes that Wu Tao likes to eat, such as Sixi meatballs, boiled fish, and the fragrant old duck pot, all of which make people move their index fingers.

Gu Jin touched a bottle of Wuliangye, but was blocked by An Dingguo and said, "I won't drink tonight. I have a lot of things to talk to Xiaotao."

Wu Tao also noticed that An Dingguo has lost a lot of weight this time, and his entire face has become more resolute.

"Uncle An, Beijiang City has changed a lot recently. It seems that you have been worrying about it."

Speaking of this matter, An Dingguo couldn't help being proud. "Let's tell you, I have been in Beijiang for so many years, this year is the only year that I feel there is development."

"... First, Xiaotao opened up the channels for migrant workers, and there was an export for the spare rural labor. As a result, the government did not live up to the capital introduction and restructuring of the liquor factory and glass factory. At least after being laid off, there was a Leading way out."

"...There is also this small commodity market, which has really revitalized Beijiang's small commodity channel network and, by the way, promoted the operation of Beijiang's small peasant economy, which I did not expect."

Speaking of these, Wu Tao couldn't help asking: "Uncle An, how big is the small commodity market now?"

An Dingguo thought, "According to the forecast of incomplete statistics in the past few months, the size of the small commodity market is about 20 million. In other words, each person in the city spends 5 yuan on small commodities each year."

"That said, the future growth potential is still great." Wu Tao said very optimistically.

Looking at An Dingguo's proud face, Gu Jin was a little disapproving, "No matter how great the potential is, it can't be compared to the industry that Xiaotao engages in. I can hear Xiaofei say that Yuankang Pure Water Company has made great profits this year! The Yuanqi Technology Company, which makes mobile phones, is even more incredible!"

Speaking of this topic, An Dingguo took the opportunity to ask: "Xiaotao, I'm about to ask you about this. Tell me about it."

Wu Tao put down his chopsticks and said: "Yuankang, this year's sales are expected to exceed 600 million. As for Yuanqi Technology, the first month's sales are almost 10 billion..."

"What? 100...billion?" Before finishing the, An Dingguo interrupted in amazement, her tone a little dry.

It is amazing.

As for Secretary Li and Gu Jin are not much better, Gu Jin murmured: "No wonder Xiao Fei kept showing off to me that he is now a billionaire. But compared to Xiao Tao, he That little net worth is simply a drop in the bucket!"

An Dingguo came back to his senses, put down his chopsticks, and asked, "Secretary Li, what is the GDP of Beijiang City this year?"

Secretary Li said, "Taking into account the growth rate in the next month, this year's GDP will be less than 14 billion."

An Dingguo couldn't help but sighed: "Look, our prefecture-level city, with a population of 4 million, creates value that cannot match the output value of Xiaotao's company. What a shame!"

"...Especially the parents of us, we are simply shameless!"

Gu Jin was so proud that he frequently picked up dishes for Wu Tao: "Don't be shameless, you can't match it. After all, how many geniuses like Xiao Tao have?"