Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 386: Men should be cruel to themselves

The subsequent story is somewhat clichéd.

It is nothing more than a holy and arrogant beauty hater who refuses to obey the orders of his parents and the words of the matchmaker, who has made a life-long relationship with the woman named Manman in front of him, and has kept the fruits of their love.

However, Manman never got the recognition of the enemy old man, and no one at home looked at her directly.

Angrily, Qiu Xiaotian moved out with his own woman.

Even the house his parents left him stubbornly didn't live in it, which completely separated him from the old couple financially.

However, just based on his income as a teacher, plus the commission in the big studio of Yourong Nai, how can this person's living expenses be enough?

As for the photo studio, it would be nice not to post money.

After much deliberation, Qiu Xiaotian only relied on that little craftsmanship to take to the streets to paint for people.

It costs 2 yuan per sheet, although it is quite expensive, but every night I always meet a few whimsical or short-eyed guys and ask him to draw some pictures.

Until it was broken by Wu Tao.

The woman named Manman was already full of tears when she finished speaking, and Qiu Xiaotian didn't even say a word of reprimand except to wipe her tears with a piece of paper.

It is said that this extremely damaging story, he is the most taboo to be an outsider.

However, he didn't say a word, letting the woman finish.

An Rong was crying, she didn't know if she was moved or was seduced by this story.

On the contrary, Wu Tao looked calm, and looked at this woman named Manman, as if he had found a piece of jade in secret.

Let’s leave aside what merits this woman has. She is a talent for her ability to quell Qiu Xiaotian and enable her to do the business that a husband should do safely and steadily.

"Has the awkwardness with the old man passed?" Wu Tao asked.

"I just want to make money now!" Qiu Xiaotian replied.

"It's hard for an upright official to break housework. I can't help you with this matter," Wu Tao said.

"I just want to make money now!" Qiu Xiaotian answered again.

"Okay!" Wu Tao got up, "give you three days to settle Sister Man. Then go to Jinling. Naturally someone will arrange the rest."

Qiu Xiaotian followed up and said, "Then can I still see the birth of my son?"

Wu Tao said without looking back, "If you work hard, you may be able to give your son one year old."

Qiu Xiaotian was silent.

At this time Song Zhuang came over, holding a thick newspaper bag in his hand and handing it to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao turned around and slapped the paper bag on the table, and walked away. An Rong hurriedly greeted the woman, and ran after him.

Qiu Xiaotian opened the paper bag, revealing a thick, brand-new great unity, worth...ten thousand yuan.

The woman was startled, and subconsciously covered her mouth with one hand, and cupped her belly with the other and said, "Why are there so many? What does he want you to do? It's too dangerous work, I don't want you to do it!"

"Don't worry!" Qiu Xiaotian patted the woman on the shoulder and said: "He is just habitually acting generously!"

The woman suddenly became curious, "What does he do?"

"When it comes to the question of what he does, I only know much. As for what I don't know, I'm afraid there are not too many!"

"He has been a writer and has written many articles..." Qiu Xiaotian said softly, holding his finger.

"...He has also engaged in photography, and his works are very popular..."

"...He also sold T-shirts and made money for all ages..."

"...Later it was said that I opened a company, which seems to be specialized in selling pure water..."

"...Later, he opened a comics club, and our brutal comics were run by him..."

"...Now, I have opened another mobile phone company." Qiu Xiaotian said at the end, pointing to the Lotus advertisement on the 17-inch black-and-white TV: "He made this phone."

The woman was completely shocked, "It looks like he is only eighteen or nine years old? Who is he who is so capable? The family is rich? Or is his parents an official?"

"In fact, he is just a very talented student of mine. He is only 17 years old in his second year of high school. His family is very ordinary, and his parents are both rural people." Qiu Xiaotian explained.

The woman suddenly smiled, holding her husband's arm and saying: "Xiaotian, you are so amazing, you can teach such an outstanding student!"

Qiu Xiaotian opened his mouth and just wanted to explain, but later realized that it felt good, so he just smiled.

"But what kind of job does he let you do? He has so many companies, and there is nothing suitable for you. And when you go to Jinling, you will definitely lose your job as a teacher." The woman suddenly thought of a lot of gains and losses, obviously she Considered very much for her husband.

Qiu Xiaotian touched the just-grown inch, and sighed, "Actually I don't know."

"Is it for you to go to the comics club? That's not bad." The woman guessed, after all, this choice is the closest to her husband's major.

Qiu Xiaotian shook his head like a mirror, "No, the comics club is mature now, and there is no place for me. Even if I just shove me in, I won’t miss the birth of my son, the full moon, Rites..."

"...However, even if it is to draw a line from the old stubbornness in the family, I will go this time! I just want to wrong you and the child!" Qiu Xiaotian loosened his fist and then clenched again.

"No one, you go, I can do it alone!" the woman comforted.

On the way back, An Rong asked incomprehensibly, "Where are you going to distribute Teacher Qiu? It is so pitiful not to see the birth of your child."


"Huh? Is it too cruel to be so far?"

Wu Tao said with a smile, "A man should be cruel to himself, otherwise how can he make his wife and children happy?"

An Rong didn't care, "Then why don't you be cruel to yourself?"

Wu Tao Shi Shiran shrugged and said, "Because I have handled everything very well, I don't need to be cruel to myself."

Song Zhuang in the front row seldom interjected and asked, "The boss is not cruel enough to himself? He created so many and such a large industry at a young age, and then he worked harder and more motivated than his peers. Anyway, I am Haven't seen it, is it easy for the boss?"

An Rong thought about It really is!

It’s already a little late to return to the rich and honorable homeland. Naturally, there is no need to make up classes to learn foreign languages ​​tonight.

Sending An Rong back to Happiness Washington, Wu Tao returned to his home and knocked on Zhao Li's door.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was a voice: "Who is it?"

"It's me!" As soon as Wu Tao's voice fell, there was a rush of footsteps inside, and then the door opened the next moment, revealing Zhao Li's proud and graceful body wrapped in a bath towel just out of the bath.

The bath towel was so high that the bottom hem was big enough to cover the slightly raised hip line.

"You dress like this and come out and open the door?" Wu Tao suddenly felt a surge of blood, and the thought of learning a foreign language was finally dispelled, and the dregs appeared in an instant.

Zhao Li didn't care, but squatted down to find him slippers and said, "I can tell it's you!"

Swing the slippers under his feet, stand up, and stretch his chest in front of him: "What's the matter, don't you dare to do anything to me?"