Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 389: Three major strategies of the mobile pho

As a demonstration development zone of Beijiang, Chengnan Development Zone is still a residential area with a fruit forest at this time. Dust? Fate? Wen ↑ Xue ↘ Net

It's just that every household has been branded with the dismantling of the word, which means that a big change is about to be staged here.

But having said that, there is actually not much to see here.

Except for a newly-built asphalt road, and a large red platform and curtain set up temporarily for the signing ceremony by the roadside, there are only people left.

So Wu Tao didn't even get off the car, let this group of stations and the government slowly bargain with the map.

As for Qin Xiaoxiao and Tao Changxuan's side, he had already confessed everything that should be confessed anyway.

You have to let them go first to contact and talk first. When they really encounter any irreconcilable or need to make a decision, it is the time for him to really go out.

This also means that he does not have to come to this signing ceremony today.

Only after An Dingguo said hello, and he was a little bored in the school, he came out to breathe.

What's more, there is a celebration banquet in the evening, and the buffet at the first guesthouse suits his appetite.

Holding a small notebook on his knees, Wu Tao wrote three headlines as he pondered.

Industrial chain, brand road, technical foundation.

This is a summary of his strategy for the mobile phone industry.

As long as he can push it back ten years, he doesn't have to worry about the industrial chain. Because after 2000, with the influx of foreign manufacturing, the country already has a complete mobile phone industry chain.

As a result, a variety of domestic mobile phone brands such as Xiaomi, Meizu, vivo, oppo, and later Huawei have spawned.

But now, except for Foxconn, which has a small amount of production capacity in Shenzhen, the rest is basically blank.

This is the fundamental reason why he has to worry about the entire industry chain, especially the investment of key component manufacturers.

However, in this era, the backwardness of the industrial chain is certainly a great disadvantage, but it is not without benefits.

For example, the establishment of the brand road is much easier than 10 years later.

Because TV broadcasts have the largest audience these days, the annual benefits of CCTV Biaowang are almost immediate. After spending tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, to win CCTV's one-year mark, the brand will naturally stand up.

This has been proved to be a fact that has been tried and tested.

After 10 years, CCTV Biaowang will not be so good.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao added the footnote of "CCTV Standard King" under the item of Brand Road.

As for the last technical foundation, whether it is now or 10 years later, it is not so easy to consolidate this foundation.

The only good news is that now he is engaged in basic communication technology, and he can provide a general guideline.

In addition, if it can be counted, we will start to engage in basic technology research now, and there will be more time.

After all, if the technological gap cannot be caught up in one year, we will have two years; if we cannot catch up in two years, we will have three years. In any case, it will not be like in previous lives, when foreign capitals fled, only a group of shell subsidiaries will remain in China.

The real core technology is still the weak link.

Thinking about it, it makes people feel that there is a long way to go. Thinking of this, Wu Tao couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

He didn't come back to his senses until there was a roar of gongs and drums outside, and the blast of firecrackers. Open the car window and see that the rock, paper, scissors behind the scenes is almost there, and there is only one last link left-signing a contract.

This is how the government works, and the key things are behind the scenes. When we actually got the stage, all the conditions had been negotiated, and the rest was just showing it to everyone.

Now that this link is reached, it means that things are almost done here.

The rest is to go back to the buffet.

Wu Tao lay on the seat, raised his legs, and took a nap around his chest.

Before he knew it, he fell asleep until the door opened and Qin Xiaoxiao got into the car with a gust of fragrant wind, and only then did he wake him up.

As soon as Qin Xiaoxiao stepped into the car with his front legs, she was stunned and said, "I'm sorry, boss, I have disturbed you to rest."

Wu Tao looked at his watch, squinted for ten minutes, waved his hand and said, "I just took a nap when I was bored. The talk is over?"

Qin Xiaoxiao got into the car and walked around to sit down in the back row and said, "The initial intention has been reached. The government will take the lead. Tianqi Investment will participate in the joint venture project between Ruixian and AAC, accounting for 30% of the shares."

"Thirty percent, um, not bad!" Wu Tao nodded, this number will not be weightless, and will not make the controlling party feel threatened. Qin Xiaoxiao has a good grasp of this scale, just as she always dresses appropriately for official duties.

Qin Xiaoxiao said with joy in his eyebrows: "In fact, it was Manager Tao who cooperated well. With him on behalf of Yuanqi Technology, I could easily get 30% of the quota."

Tao Changxuan got into the car, but waved his hands again and again, unwilling to take credit. Looking at Qin Xiaoxiao's eyes, there was some admiration, but he couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Qin Xiaoxiao is a beauty after all, and a rare strong woman.

Returning to the first guest house, Wu Tao stayed in Qin Xiaoxiao's room freely. Tao Changxuan sat for a while, seeing that he had no instructions, and went back to his room to rest first.

There are only two people left in the room, so the atmosphere is suddenly different.

Qin Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking that when the two met for the first time, they were also in the hotel, and that there was such a big embarrassment at the time that Qiao's face couldn't help but flushed.

In front of outsiders, she is a strong woman with capital, and she can't say anything. But in front of Wu Tao, Bole, she is more like an ordinary girl, without any sense of mystery.

Wu Tao saw Qin Xiaoxiao staring at herself, knowing that she was going to suffer, and said casually: "Are you hungry?"

Qin Xiaoxiao shook his head.

Wu Tao touched his belly and said, "I'm already hungry. You don't want to lose weight, do you? I don't think you need to lose weight. The place that should be fat is fat and the place that should be thin is thin, perfect!"

After finishing speaking, by the way, I looked at Qin Xiaoxiao who should be fat and what should be thin.

Qin Xiaoxiao was swept away by his gaze, and suddenly became a little hot, and what he said could not help but be frivolous: "Then what do you say should be fat and where should be thin?"

Wu Tao laughed and waved his hand: "This is different for everyone, so we have to analyze specific issues."

"Then ask the boss to analyze it and let me listen."

"No!" Wu Tao waved his hand, "I'm hungry now, I don't have enough energy in my mind."

"Then I order something to eat?"

"Don't! It's a buffet in the evening. Now that I have a stomach cushion, I won't eat well by that time."

"Ho..." Qin Xiaoxiao laughed helplessly, "I'm afraid no one will believe it. The big boss with a net worth of over 10 billion is actually so careless about eating the buffet."

"You don't understand, it's fun!" Wu Tao said without embarrassment.

"But those Taiwanese businessmen are there. Are you stubbornly eating Hessian, isn't it so good?"

"It's okay, you and Manager Tao, take them away, don't affect my mood of self-help." Wu Tao waved his hand without changing his face.

Qin Xiaoxiao was speechless immediately.