Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 396: On the occasion of life and death, Fang

   As soon as the two general managers arrived at the technical research and development department, they came across a white-clothed Leng Ning and walked out with a document in hand.

   "Mr. Yang, Mr. Xiao, I am going to find you." Leng Ning said, handing over the document: "The two batches of problem phones recalled have been tested. Here are the test results."

   Yang Ge took it and scanned it. Regarding the automatic shutdown of the otus8210 candy bar phone, the test concluded that the back cover buckle was not tight enough, which caused the battery to automatically shut down due to poor contact due to the phone vibration.

   For a small number of otus8220 flip phones, the detection result is caused by the failure of the shaft.

   Seeing this, Yang Ge couldn't help but ask: "So, there is indeed a quality problem with our mobile phone products?"

   Leng Ning said calmly: "According to the analysis of the inspection team, the automatic shutdown of the otus8210 candy bar phone has been recalled. At present, dozens of samples have been recalled, and it is found that they are all products of the same batch, which is more likely to be a quality problem."

   "...Instead, it is the problem of the blocking feeling of the hinge of the otus8220 flip phone, which is relatively rare. At present, more than a dozen units have been recalled, distributed in different product batches. It should be an individual problem, not caused by production and quality problems."

   Yang Ge handed the test report to Xiao Zixia, and then told Leng Ning: "Contact a professional trace inspection company to inspect the faulty mobile phone as soon as possible, and come up with an authoritative conclusion to assist in subsequent decision-making."

   "Yes!" Leng Ning took the order and left.

   Yang Ge turned back to the office, followed by Xiao Zixia, who was biting her lower lip.

The   otus mobile phone has been smoothly from its release to the market. No one had expected such a thing to happen now.

   Is it really a small batch of mobile phone quality problems that caused the order volume to drop below the freezing point?

   This question is actually not difficult to figure out, and Yang Ge and Xiao Zixia are not fools. After a little thought, you know that there is a ghost here.

   At the moment, he picked up the phone and called the secretary, instructing the other party to collect all the negative reports about Yuanqi Technology.

   The secretary left, leaving the office with two general managers.

   Xiao Zixia said with a lingering heart: "Will the boss realize that this is too tricky?"

   "I think it is..." Yang Ge nodded slowly.

   "If someone is really secretly promoting this, then the otus mobile phone orders have fallen sharply now, and it is likely to cause a collapse. In this case, the consequences will be serious." Xiao Zixia thought in horror.

   For a while, Yang Ge was also a little cold in his hands and feet.

   This sounds a bit exaggerated, but it is a very likely result.

   If this is really the case, my hard work and hard work over the past six months will be exhausted.

   Not only that, even the sign of Yuanqi Technology is smashed. The otus mobile phone brand has become a flash in the pan.

   This is terrible.

   Yang Ge began to sweat on his forehead, not hot, but cold. As for Xiao Zixia who said this, she was not much better, her fists were clenched, and her palms were full of sweaty dampness.

   "Should we... do you want to call immediately... to inform the boss?" Xiao Zixia said intermittently, in doubt.

   Yang Ge heard this and talked like an electric shock: "Don't, don't! Don't call first, let's study first, then observe."

   Tell Wu Tao to come over now, and then find that he is unprepared and helpless. Isn't that looking for death?

   What's more, when you encounter something, you will find your boss and do it yourself?

  Although it is a bit hateful to always be the shopkeeper, but since he is ordered by others, he must be able to withstand and carry it at critical moments!

"The trace inspection of faulty mobile phones is carried out simultaneously with the user's comfort work. For users of the same batch of otus8210 straight-board faulty mobile phones, all users will be replaced with new phones free of charge. For the otus8220 flip-flop faulty mobile phones, although the test results need to be further confirmed, it can be promised to the users. , Free maintenance!"

   Xiao Zixia stood up and said, "Okay, I will do it now!"

   "In addition, pay close attention to changes in the order volume."

   "I see." Xiao Zixia nodded and left.

   In fact, at this moment, Yang Ge still held a bit of luck in his heart. The fluke order volume fell to such a point, it was just a pure coincidence.

   Otherwise, if it was really caused by the conspiracy of the man behind the scenes, then all this would be terrible.

   In this case, it is almost impossible to restore the previous order volume.

   After all, many times, the reputation is stinky, and it is irretrievable. What's more, the opponent will definitely not give up the next opportunity to get into trouble and push Yuanqi Technology to an unstoppable situation.

  Short-term glory!

   During the years when he stayed in the United States, Yang Ge often saw such cases in the business world. In many cases, a company with considerable growth potential is sued in court due to a single accident, and eventually it will be compensated to the point of bankruptcy.

   Although Yuanqi Technology is not in the United States, the competition in the market is equally cruel, and there is no difference.

   Realizing this, Yang Ge suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, living like years.

   When she got off work, Xiao Zixia walked in hastily and shook her head slowly.

   Although she didn't speak, Yang Ge understood what she meant. That means that today's order volume is still 0, this is not accidental, there is no fluke.

   Yang Ge leaned back in the chair, faced the ceiling, and spit out a sulky breath: "Notify the boss, I have an important responsibility for this!"

   received Xiao Zixia

When Xia called, Wu Tao had been anxious about, but instead settled down.

   Things happened as expected, which means that the opponent has already made a move, and the rest is nothing more than a move.

it's not a big deal.

   The development of any company cannot be smooth sailing. It is also expected that Yuanqi Technology will encounter such a setback.

   As for the idea that Xiao Zixia's phone was worried about depression and unrest, it is still far from enough.

   After all, I still have eighteen methods, but I haven't used it.

   Xiao Zixia hung up the phone and subconsciously loosened her whole body. She was surprised to see Yang Ge: "How is it, what did the boss say?"

   "The boss said that he will come in person tomorrow and teach us what is crisis public relations! He said that the situation is not as serious as we thought, and he asked us to calm the hearts of the people, lead the team, and all other work will proceed as usual!"

Yang Ge's pale face showed a trace of rosy, and he even said, "That's good, that's good!" After saying that, he couldn't help but sighed: "The boss is really the boss. When it comes to life and death, Fang Xian This general's tolerance and demeanor. I really can't compare, I can't compare..."

   Xiao Zixia's eyes couldn't help but bewildered and said: "Sometimes, I don't know where his confidence and courage come from. Anyway, listening to what he said makes my heart less flustered."

   Yang Ge laughed at himself, "Why else he is the boss, and the two of us can only be part-time workers..."