Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 403: The battle between GSM and CDMA

As a new academician of the Academy of Engineering, Gu Xueli is precisely the person in charge of the National Torch Program-Mobile Communications Project.

It was natural that Wu Tao came to ask him about this matter.

However, when Gu Xueli heard this, his expression became stern: "Do you think that the basic technology is farmer farming? Sowing seeds in spring and harvesting in autumn?"

Wu Tao was not upset, after all, as a junior, he knew Old Gu's temper.

Moreover, Gu is so vigilant, 80% of the previous mobile phone prototype design cooperation, he was too anxious.

So he smiled and said: "Grandpa, as the saying goes, you can grow melons and beans. Since we are invested, we have to have a harvest, right? Even if we don’t have it now, when we can have it, we have to have a general letter, yes. Do not?"

At this time, Yin Wenfang brought the fruit plate to him. When he saw his wife blowing his beard and staring at him, he couldn't help but hug Wu Tao and said: "It's rare for a child to ask you something, so why don't you say it?"

"Go, go, you old lady, don't know anything, don't just interrupt!" It seems that Comrade Gu has become an academician, and his temper has risen somewhat. Before this, I would not dare to do this.

What is rare is that Yin Wenfang was not annoyed when he heard it. Just patted Wu Tao on the shoulder and said with relief: "Tao, don't care about him, he has such a bullish temper."

After Yin Wenfang left, Gu Xueli said: "The Torch Program now faces two major problems. One is that the country’s IC industry has no foundation, and a comprehensive layout requires planning and time; the other is that the expert group is choosing which way to go. At that time, there was a disagreement. How to choose between G** and CDMA?"

Listening to these two words, Wu Tao felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

G** is the technology of the 2G era, which has been popular until nearly ten years later; but CDMA, the impression should belong to the 3G technology. How can it be compared?

Now he asked without hesitation: "What is the difference between G** and CDMA?"

Gu Xueli’s skinny palms were placed on his knees, “Technically speaking, CDMA is more mature and advanced. It came from the hands of Qualcomm of the United States, transformed from military use, and uses code division multiplexing technology.”

"...And G** is a time-sharing and multi-tasking technology. The standard developed by the Europeans, relying on the advantages of early implementation, is now the most widely used."

"...Technically speaking, the user capacity of CDMA is more than 10 times that of G**, and the signal is clearer and not easy to be eavesdropped on."

"...But Qualcomm has registered a large number of patents in the CDMA standard, and other countries and organizations must pay high patent fees if they want to use it. At present, only some US operators and South Korea have adopted this standard in the world."

Speaking of this, Wu Tao has already understood. Combining my memory of my understanding of these two standards, I crossed my hands and ten fingers in front of me and said, "Uh..., if I say that both standards are required, grandpa, won't you hit me?"

Although the vitality of the previous G** is very strong, in the end, the communication technology of the 3G and 4G era is still based on the CDMA standard.

Qualcomm, a patent veteran, relied on the patent barriers that were set up early, and scoured the world a lot.

In this case, it seems that at present, only two standards must be implemented.

However, Gu Xueli didn't want to get so much. As the head of the Torch Project, his decision directly affected how big the thing would be, how much money it would cost, and how much results it would produce.

The bigger the stall, the heavier the responsibility.

What's more, the choice between the two standards is more like a moderate and irresponsible decision.

So Gu Xueli was really upset, "You kid, why don't you feel bad about backache when you stand up and talk? How can the country's money be abused casually..."

Seeing that the old professor was about to start talking, Wu Tao decisively interrupted: "Grandpa, it's not too late for you to listen to me before you make a decision."

"...First of all, the G** standard was preempted by the Europeans to market it, and now it has occupied more than half of the country in terms of scale. And although the G** technology is a bit backward, I estimate that there is at least 8 to 10 years of vitality. For one thing, it is definitely inappropriate for us not to introduce development."

"...Secondly, CDMA technology is very advanced, and it is likely to be a development direction that cannot be avoided in the future. So, if we don't do it now, the future will still lag behind."

"... Although both standards are implemented, the cost is too high; but we are sitting on such a large market as China, and we can take advantage of it. The European 3G organization, we might as well join, and start the domestic IC industry. Besides. As for Qualcomm’s CDMA technology, you can refer to South Korea’s cooperation model."

"...In short, the G** standard directly follows the path of industry-university-research transformation, while the CDMA standard, let's talk about it first, by the way, we will get some new patents on the basis of Qualcomm. After the real large-scale application in the future, it will also be convenient for Qualcomm. Talking about the price tag. Patent replacement and sharing are not impossible."

"...It really doesn't work, it's a big deal to find a way to buy Qualcomm!"

Wu Tao talked eloquently, and Gu Xueli's eyebrows grew brighter at first, until later he was frightened.

After all, buying a foreign company sounds like a fantasy right now. Especially the other party is an American high-tech enterprise!

However, these words sounded bold and bold, but they really provided Gu Xueli with one of the most feasible ideas.

Even Comrade Gu can see that this idea is essentially the same as Wu Tao's idea of ​​engaging in the mobile phone industry.

Industrialization first spreads, and then with technology accumulation and research, and finally achieves external strength and internal rigidity and complete autonomy.

After thinking about it, Gu Xueli scribbled down in the notebook. Then he took off his glasses and said: "Our project team will organize an investigation and research in the United States and Europe in March next year. Would you like to follow along?"

"Okay!" Wu Tao couldn't help but brighten his eyes. "But Grandpa, I'm still thinking about writing two more papers next year. How about finding a professor from Tsinghua University or Peking University to recommend me?"

Unexpectedly, when he mentioned this matter, Gu Xueli was really upset, "Why go to Tsinghua Peking University? Jinling University is not too good? After the last report meeting, Academician Cai wanted to recruit you specially..."

I didn't expect that the old professor's sense of collective honor was quite strong. For a while, Wu Tao also looked funny and speechless.

Fortunately, Yin Wenfang came over at the right time and interrupted arbitrarily: "The child wants to go to a better university. What's wrong? Is it wrong? Let me say that the child did not consider Jinda, because your Jinda is not good enough! You are good. I knew I would lose my temper with my child."

After that, Gu Xueli sighed on her The old face was full of helplessness.

After all, Jin Da is inferior to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and it is not his fault.

But when he was interrupted in this way, his tone softened, "Well, in fact, I am now qualified to recommend you to Tsinghua University and Peking University. I will contact you when I come back."

"That's great!" Wu Tao couldn't help but be overjoyed. "Grandpa, I will notify you immediately after my paper is published. This way, at least when you help me recommend it, you will have a bit of confidence."

"Hmph! They dare not want you! If you do not want you, I will guarantee you to go to Jinling University!" Gu Xueli slapped his chest.

Seeing Wu Tao's face twitched, he didn't dare to laugh when he wanted to laugh, so, after talking for a long time, he came back...


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