Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 417: Honest officials are hard to judge, I ju

The sound of firecrackers was rumbling outside, and the two old men at home were cold and sad.

With his hands on his back, Qiu Weimin looked at the laughter and laughter of other people's children outside, and his whole body became more and more rickety.

Turning his head with a sigh, Qiu Weimin brushed the sparse gray hair on his forehead, shook his head subconsciously, and waved away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Why do you think of that evil man again!

Frustrated, Qiu Weimin sat on the sofa and turned on the TV sound to its maximum.

However, the louder the TV sound is, the more it seems that this family is particularly deserted. This is probably the same reason that Niaomingshan is more secluded.

At this time in the past, he would probably put pen, ink, paper, and inkstone in the yard, and write a few couplets for the neighbourhood for free.

Although the benefits were all taken away by the evil man, he was also happy to brush his pen and ink and make use of the remaining heat.

But this year, he was not in the mood. He just tinkered in the study for a few minutes and posted a hurried picture outside the door of his house. He didn't even agree to his neighbors who came to ask him to go out in person in previous years.

It really can't raise the energy.

Lingering! Qiu Weimin put his hands on his face and rubbed a few vigorously, as if rubbing hard, he could rub away all the shadows of distracting thoughts.

After a moment of dizziness, he picked up the tea cup at hand and drank it, it was cold!

When the evildoer was there, although he didn't do anything right, he still wouldn't let his tea cool...

Could it be that he was really wrong? As soon as this idea flashed, Qiu Weimin shook his head decisively, impossible! This is my insistence on the family tradition and family motto, and the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture. What's wrong?

There can be no mistake!

At this moment, the intermittent sobbing of his wife Jiang Guiping faintly heard in his ear, which disturbed him for a while.

"What's the use of crying? If you cry, can the evil man come back and admit his mistake?" Qiu Weimin shook his teacup on the table.

He has been educating and working all his life, his style is firm, vigorous and vigorous, even when he is at home, he is also pampered, and no one dares to refute him.

Today, however, something is different.

He had just finished his temper here when the kitchen door over there opened with a bang.

"You bite by bite, and confess your mistakes one by one. As a result, now your son has a family and doesn't come back! Now you are happy, and the two of us stare at each other for the new year. Are you happy now?"

Qiu Weimin was slightly surprised, and then his temper became more and more irritable. "He has a family and doesn't return. This is not filial!"

Jiang Guiping didn't care about wiping the tears at all, and let the two lines clear the tears and said: "He is not filial, and that is also forced by you! If you don't drive him out of the house, Xiaotian won't come back if he has a home?"

"... Until now, people can't find it. I don't know if it's life or death, cold winter, can you eat and wear warm..." Before finishing speaking, Jiang Guiping burst into tears again.

Qiu Weimin was startled immediately, "What did you say? Did you find that wicked man?"

Jiang Guiping wiped away her tears, and she pressed her little head over and said, "Yes, that's right, I went to look for it, but I didn't find it at all! When I went to school, the school said he had resigned early; I found the place he rented. People said that he had moved away long ago. When he left, his wife had been eight months old. Now I don’t know where it is, how good is it..."

After speaking intermittently, Jiang Guiping started crying again.

Qiu Weimin's complexion twitched, and his expression was uncertain between his eyebrows and eyes.

He has always been known for his strict family style, and everyone in his neighbourhood knows it. However, it is ironic that Qiu Xiaotian has raised a son who has no righteousness. The hangerman is known as an artist all day long, and he knows the eldest girl and the little daughter-in-law with one mouth. It is simply a great irony.

However, these enemies for the people can still be tolerated. After all, he knows that his son is just a lip service, and he doesn't dare to go too far.

Until the beginning of this year, his wife introduced him to him time and time again, and he always looked down upon him.

As a result, a few months later, he brought back a rustic rural girl, who said that she had privately decided for a lifetime.

How can you tolerate enmity for the people now?

He feels that his authority as a father has been greatly challenged; and the family tradition and family motto he has been adhering to has been ruthlessly trampled on.

At that time, there was a lot of trouble.

In the face of his son's hardships, Qiu Weimin always insisted on not letting go, and refused to recognize Cheng Man's daughter-in-law.

Until, the son took Cheng Man and slammed the door away...

But now, when Qiu Weimin heard the news that his son's whereabouts and life and death were unknown, he was finally stupefied.

Jiang Guiping cried and cried, only to notice that her wife was so utterly innocent, and she became really scared in her heart.

The house was so quiet, until there was a startling knock on the door.

"Is Director Qiu here?" The Director was the position before Qiu Weimin retired.

So when Jiang Guiping heard it, the old subordinate who thought it was his wife came to visit, and quickly wiped away the tears, got up and opened the door.

As a result, as soon as the inner door opened, across the gap between the bars of the security door, Jiang Guiping saw two very young and strange faces, and couldn't help but hesitate and said, "You are?"

"Are you the mother of Teacher Qiu?" Wu Tao smiled kindly, "I knew it was when I saw your kind energy."

Jiang Guiping was startled, and immediately became excited, and through the anti-theft gate, she grabbed Wu Tao's hands and said, "Do you know the news about Xiaotian from my house? Do you know..."

At that moment, Wu Tao was really frightened.

But he calmed down quickly, and it seemed that the old couple still had a lot of grudges against the teacher. In this case, things would be easier to handle.

"Auntie, don't get excited. Teacher Qiu is studying abroad now and everything is fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Guiping suddenly relaxed, and after a few months of lifting his mind, he finally returned to his original place.

And sitting in the living room, Qiu Weimin, who had been listening silently, also picked up the water glass, ignoring the cold water, took a sip, and was shocked.

"My son actually went abroad, and it seems that he has made progress again!" Jiang Guiping's ability to associate is really good, and he is always willing to think about the benefits of his own son.

But Qiu Weimin disapproved of it, and hummed coldly without saying a word.

Across the anti-theft gate, Wu Tao watched Jiang Guiping immersed in narcissism, and didn't even mean to open the door for himself.

I can’t take care of it now, so I just took out the photo in my hand and said: “Auntie, I’m actually here today for Sister Man and your grandson. I hope you can accept them and spend a reunion year together! Look, This is a photo of Xiao Xiaotian, how cute..."

Jiang Guiping glanced intently, smiled instantly, stretched out his hand to pick it up, and rushed over in three steps and two steps for the people without being vengeful. He slammed the door and said: "Niezi, you don't even have the courage to go home and admit your mistakes. Actually knowing that the lobbyist is coming, I am getting better and better!"

"It's all you are used to!" I came to and didn't forget to throw the pot to his wife.

After Jiang Guiping knew that her son was okay, she had no confidence to fight with her wife.

Wu Tao outside the door, seeing that the inside door was about to close suddenly, he quickly pulled back his hands from the security grille, caught off guard, and the photos in his hands spilled all over the floor.

An Rong helped him pick it up with lingering fears and said, "Is it all right? The old man Qiu is really fierce, so it's not that easy!"

"Hey, I don't believe in this evil anymore!" Wu Tao laughed angrily. It has been a long time since he had been squashed. Is it true that an honest official can hardly break housework, and he must tie the bell to untie the bell?

But when he thought of the pitiful way of Sister Man, mother and son, Wu Tao couldn't help but clenched the photo. It was hard to judge the integrity, and I wanted to.


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