Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 432: Seeing may not be true

Wu Tao also found out that this somewhat familiar blue reporter was actually asleep after reading the entire press release.

Isn't this too bad for you to be an outsider?

What's more **** is that when I saw the white and slender **** behind the nightdress, the few comments and suggestions I had in my mind were deleted.

Yes, I have to throw out distracting thoughts and have a good memory.

Looking back, Wu Tao started all over again.

This time, people took the initiative, and their brains became more active. Especially with a lot of thoughts, combined with what he saw and heard for a long time in the afternoon, Wu Tao felt a sudden openness in front of his eyes.

Just like, many of the previous ideas were on paper, but today’s visit, combining theory with practice, has yielded a lot.

Thinking of later, I simply put aside Lan Xin's press release and started writing by myself.

In this way, the time passed in one minute and one second, and the sky outside the window lit up without knowing it.

Hannover’s climate is temperate and humid. The temperature in spring is warmer than that of Jinling. So the green outside the window is also exceptionally much.

After finishing the ten-page visit report, Wu Tao stretched his waist. After washing, he changed clothes and was about to go downstairs to eat.

Even if he made such a big move, the woman on the bed still slept soundly.

My God, this is too dead to sleep.

There is simply no vigilance at all, so you are not afraid to handle her?

Of course, I want to return. Naturally, Wu Tao couldn't do that. After all, his status and status are here. It's cool to do such a thing for a while, but it's too cheap.

Coming downstairs, under the guidance of the blonde and blue-eyed German girl, Wu Tao found the hotel restaurant.

But looking at the self-service breakfast here, he suddenly lost his appetite.

All kinds of bread, greasy bacon, meatballs, meatloaf, and foamy beer, low-key luxury red wine, coffee, plus green raw vegetables.

This is almost the main theme of breakfast, it is really a bit rough, not as fine as domestic ones.

Fortunately, Wu Tao was busy in the middle of the night, and he was indeed hungry.

What's more, there is still one day to visit today. Many branch venues and co-organizers must be seen by everyone.

After all, the Germans who have always been rigorous are not fooling around in such meetings. As long as the visitors are attentive, they can still appreciate many aspects of industrial automation and manufacturing management.

Yesterday's half-day harvest was not small, which made him look forward to today's visit and study.

In the guest room upstairs, Lan Xin stretched a big laziness and woke up in a comfortable bed.

I slept very well this night, especially after finishing such a high-quality press release...

and many more! Thinking of this, Lan Xin suddenly felt that she had missed something.

I remember that after I finished writing, I seemed to be looking for someone to look at it. As for after reading it, the memory is broken here.

Suddenly, Lan Xin jumped up from the bed and looked around.

This is really not your own room!

In an instant, Lan Xin was about to cry! That's right, this is Wu Tao's room. After finishing writing the manuscript last night, I was looking for him.

Feeling all over his body, it seemed nothing unusual.

Twisting and slender waist, walking two steps in the room, nothing unusual.

Finally rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The chaos between the clouds and temples was also within the normal range.

Fortunately, nothing happened!

Sure enough, nothing happened! Is he gay?

A woman is such a contradiction, from rejoicing to questioning, it only took 0.01 seconds. And Wu Tao was branded as suspected **** within this 0.01 second.

As for whether her own charm is not enough to attract men's bluntness, Lan Xin didn't even think about it.

Because she is very confident of her charm, very confident!

After calming down, Lan Xin rolled up her hair casually, and then Lan Xin noticed the manuscript paper on the desk.

First I picked up my press release and saw that Wu Tao only made a few brief marks and sketches, but nothing else.

For a while, Lan Xin couldn't help but feel complacent.

The girl's writing in this news bulletin is by no means bluffing, it is perfect and impeccable at all.

However, this good sense of self had not been maintained for more than 3 seconds, and her gaze was attracted by another slightly messy manuscript next to her.

Out of curiosity, Lan Xin touched the manuscript paper and began to read through it, regardless of whether Wu Tao allowed it or not.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't let go of this reading.

He shed tens of thousands of words, almost from a professional point of view, carried out an in-depth and comprehensive interpretation of German industry and German manufacturing.

Explain profound theories in simple language, easy to understand.

The more Lan Xin looked at it, the more she realized how shallow her press release was. Compared with Wu Tao's manuscript, his own news bulletin is really too moist to read.

After browsing, Lan Xin felt that she had a new understanding of yesterday's visit.

It was the same for a long time to visit, and compared with Wu Tao, my own gains were completely different.

The only thing I'm grateful for is that compared to Tong Linsong's three people, it's really much better.

However, compared with them, Lan Xin was unwilling to lower her value from the bottom of her heart.

After all, everything still has to be in line with the excellent. Especially as a reporter of the financial channel, you must not only have a sense of news, but also have professionalism and attitude.

So Lan Xin read through Wu Tao's manuscript again.

After reading it twice, she suddenly knew what was wrong with her press release. Combining the few sketches left by Wu Tao, she revised it without distraction.

Without knowing it, he forgot his own situation, and Lan Xin was suddenly startled when there was a clicking sound at the door.

Wu Tao pushed in and Xiao Zixia followed.

For an instant, the three people were stunned with big eyes and small eyes.

"Why haven't you left?" Wu Tao got a little impatient when he spoke.

And Lan Xin, who just quoted several parts of Wu Tao's manuscript, was also guilty at this time, and even said: "I'm leaving now, then I'm leaving!" After all, I used it without saying hello in advance, which is somewhat suspected of plagiarism.

However, Xiao Zixia's focus was on Lan Xin's cool nightdress, in the boss's room, and Lan Xin's submissive reaction. Not only that, but the cloud temples are faintly messy.

It wasn't until Lan Xin brought the fragrant wind passing by the two of them that Xiao Zixia swore: "Boss, don't worry, I haven't seen anything."

Wu Tao said with a calm attitude of "don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door": "Seeing is not necessarily true."

Then he walked to the desk and took a look at his manuscript. The order was already out of order. Immediately hand it to Xiao Zixia and said: "This is the content I have compiled. You can take it back for reference as the material for the acceptance speech. It must be emphasized that Yuanqi Technology is participating in this event as a learner."

When it comes to official business, Xiao Zixia can't say anything else.

"In addition, some of the content here may have been quoted by reporter Lan, you can check with her..." WeChat search the public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies