Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 436: European Telecommunication Standardizati

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Originally, the schedule for this trip to Europe was relatively relaxed.

After everyone finished their trip to the Hannover Industrial Design Forum, they had at least a week of free time before they went to France to meet with the expert group led by Gu Xueli.

This week, Wu Tao originally planned to give the members of the delegation a vacation, by the way, to get a taste of European customs.

After all, it's hard to come out, so you can't even have a chance to travel.

However, the plan has not changed fast.

Who would have thought that after the forum, there were an extraordinary number of foreign representatives who came to contact with dozens of companies.

In addition, the fulfillment of the order for 1 million Lotus mobile phones includes a lot of preparatory work.

This includes the certification of various European standards for Lotus mobile phones, as well as the confirmation of the procedures for network access, plus the bargaining of the two-party sharing model, which is really a lot of work.

Only by confirming these can we pave the way for the overseas expansion of the Lotus brand.

Otherwise, it can only be a small business with a sales scale of hundreds of thousands of units like before, and it will not be a big tool.

So this has become the top priority of the Yuanqi Science and Technology delegation. Not only Xiao Zixia devoted herself to it, but Tao Changxuan and Cai Bing also participated in it.

After all, standards certification requires close cooperation with research and development.

The market contact is handed over to Xiao Zixia, and then the task of contacting and discussing other aspects falls to Wu Tao.

Tan Xiaofei listed all the consultation appointments of foreign representatives and handed them to Wu Tao.

Since the last time he was praised, Tan Xiaofei has been so energetic that even Xu Sheng, who cooperated with him, could not match the dust.

Wu Tao, who took the list, glanced at it and found that they were all well-known companies and organizations.

But everyone's time is limited after all, and for those who have the potential to cooperate, you can't let the other party wait too long.

Wu Tao pondered for a moment, and then handed back the list to Tan Xiaofei, saying: "According to the correlation with the company's current business, re-arrange the overall arrangement, and try to see all of them within 3 days."

When Tan Xiaofei heard it, she couldn't help gasping.

Originally, she gave the list to the boss, in order to let him decide to eliminate some company representatives and only choose the necessary ones to meet.

No matter how hard Wu Tao thought, he didn't want to let go of the slightest opportunity.

So within this week, everyone in the delegation was busy going round and round. Even the time to eat and go to the toilet must be carefully calculated.

Wu Tao took the lead, and other people couldn't complain.

Until March 6, the sky in Hanover was raining lightly.

The delegation embarked on a new journey with full harvest.

As everyone boarded the plane, Tan Xiaofei was already looking forward to the romance and prosperity of the Champs Elysées in Paris, France, and even Xiao Zixia couldn't help being full of longing.

As a romantic capital, Paris has always been a place to attract women.

For this reason, Wu Tao specially chose to stay in Paris for one day, and then transferred to Nice to visit ETSI, the organization of GSM standards.

After being out for so many days, Wu Tao started to feel a little homesick.

Especially when standing on the streets of the Champs-Elysées, looking at the hurried blonde girl, suddenly there was a feeling of a world away.

Ten years later, twenty years later, it has always been like this here.

However, China has undergone earth-shaking changes in China. So that he is standing on this unchanging street, there is a kind of illusion that everything is not going to happen again.

It wasn't until the afternoon meeting with the expert group led by Gu Xueli that this feeling was completely diluted.

One is old and one is young, and after eating, he walks on the streets.

Gu Xueli couldn't help sighing, "Compared between our domestic and developed countries, there is still a big gap. Whether we can catch up in the future depends on the efforts of your generation."

Wu Tao couldn't help but smiled, "Grandpa, catching up is sure to catch up. The key is to look at the length of time."

"I am old after all. Of course I hope that one day sooner is one day." Gu Xueli's tone was a little less optimistic.

Wu Tao Dang even heard it, "Grandpa, did something happen?"

Gu Xueli waved his hand, and sighed after looking back at the vicissitudes of life, "It's nothing, just because of some gossip, it put a little pressure on him."

After speaking, the topic changed: "Do you think there is any problem with this contact with ETSI?"

"There should be a problem, but I think it shouldn't be big." Wu Tao saw Gu Xueli's uncomfortable look, so he avoided the seriousness.

In fact, there must be some problems.

Because of the sudden emergence of the Lotus brand, it is bound to affect the interests of European competitors, such as Nokia, Alcatel, and Ericsson.

As a standardization association, many of its members are from these big foreign brands.

To put it bluntly, the European Telecommunication Standardization Association itself is the product of a compromise between multiple manufacturers.

If this is the case, the representatives of the relevant manufacturers will inevitably get in the way and affect the cooperation between the two parties.

Stayed in Paris for one night. Early the next morning, two delegations, with a total of twenty people, took a train to Nice.

The five-hour journey passed without knowing it during the scenic sightseeing.

After leaving the train station, the ETSI pick-up bus was already waiting at the door.

Responsible for receiving is a golden wavy French girl, in her early twenties, named Isabella.

A very French name.

Isabella seems to love to laugh, and a smile makes people feel like the sun is shining on her face. Coupled with the pair of uniquely exotic eyes and eyelashes, Wu Tao discovered that it turns out that foreign girls also have a side that fits their own aesthetics.

Along the way, listening to Isabella's voice and watching her smile, Wu Tao's mind relaxed a lot.

After half an hour's drive, everyone arrived at ETSI's headquarters.

As the initiator of the 2G standard, ETSI is not big at this time, and it even seems to be a bit of a copycat.

There are only two small buildings in the entire courtyard, and the staff and resident committee members are only 20 or 30 people, almost the same as the number of our own this time.

The deputy director headed by Frank is a thin old French man. When speaking, a pair of blue eyes always like to dodge around, which makes people feel that they are not sincere.

After the meeting, everyone was hungry.

Frank said a lot of welcome words, and finally Wu Tao discovered that it was a fixed meal similar to a box lunch.

I have to say that is a bit shabby.

After dealing with lunch in a couple of mouths, Wu Tao wiped his mouth, and said casually with Tan Xiaofei: "It seems that ETSI doesn't pay enough attention to us. Could it be that we are not welcome?"

Tan Xiaofei hadn't spoken yet, but Isabella next to him asked without warning, "Is there?"

Although the voice is a little weird, the French beauty in this receptionist can actually speak Chinese.

"Uh, what do you think?" Wu Tao was surprised, exchanged glances at Tan Xiaofei, and then threw the question to the other party.

Isabella thought seriously for a few seconds, then shook her head and said: "I don't think so, because we eat these at noon every day."

Listening to this exotic Chinese, Wu Tao feels that his bones are softened, and you have a big breast and you have reason.

"Isabella, how did you learn Chinese?"

"When I was in university, I studied with classmates of overseas Chinese students. It's a pity that I can only speak, but can't write, so it's not good..."