Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 449: Embrace the market embrace us

Wu Tao snorted and pointed to Wang Bo and said: "Anderson, if Qualcomm's understanding of the China market is based only on his one-sided view, then I have to strongly question Qualcomm's market research capabilities!"

In a word, Qualcomm and Wang Bo were immediately put into two camps.

If Anderson does not want to admit that Qualcomm has insufficient market research capabilities, he must admit that Wang Bo's views are one-sided.

shit, what a mistake!

Anderson, a white face couldn't help but twitching, his mouth opened, but there was nothing to say.

Wu Tao's voice continued, "In fact, for such a person who lacks a sense of belonging to the motherland, it is difficult to believe how many subjective and objective factors are in his words."

"...Without investigation, there is no right to speak. With his industry experience and information channels, I don't think he will know the potential of the China market better than me. If not, please ask Mr. Wang to come up with your research data. came!"

Upon seeing Wu Tao's fearless aura, Wang Bo suddenly withered.

What's more, he doesn't have much research at all, how can he get the data? It's nothing more than people agreeing.

So he whispered for a long time, unable to say a word, which made Anderson difficult to end.

At the same time, Tan Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement, and she even looked at Wang Bo with complacent taunts.

Hey, if you don't die, you won't die.

Anderson gave Wang Bo a disappointed look, then turned around and said, "I'm sorry, Wu, this is our mistake. But how do you explain your cooperation with esti?"

Wang Bo, who had just bowed his head, raised his head when he heard the sound, and looked at Wu Tao's side with a gleeful expression on his face.

Gu Xueli and the others are deeply concerned, this question is indeed unavoidable!

Once the answer is not good, all efforts will be discarded.

Only a few people from Yuanqi Technology have absolute confidence in their bosses.

In their eyes, there is no problem that can really stump the boss.

As expected, Wu Tao shrugged, thought about it, and spread out his hands with a smile, "Anderson, in fact, this problem is even simpler. In the final analysis, the reason lies with your company."

"...As we all know, gsm technology standard has low cost and high network coverage, which is the mainstream standard in today's world. In contrast, cdma technology standard has high cost and low network coverage, which is only an applicable standard in the United States and some countries."

"...And in our actual contact process, it has also been confirmed. etsi shared the entire content of the technical standards with us almost selflessly, and Ericsson even shared hundreds of basic patents involved in the gsm technical standards with us for free."

"... On the other hand, your company, it's not going well, I want the lion to open his mouth and bite us down first."

"...It seems that the reason for our cooperation with etsi is not difficult to explain, right?"

After speaking, Wu Tao leaned back in his chair.

Gu Xueli and the others all shined, this was so much that they threw the pot to the other party again, and even left the other party speechless.

Who asked you to make things difficult for us so far, even if there is no sincerity in cooperation?

For a while, Anderson and his party all had a **** expression on their faces.

It is too unwise to hold on to working with etsi. Even fools know the difference between these two standards organizations.

This is called shooting yourself in the foot.

But the negotiation has to go on. You can't give up in anger without eating a bite of meat.

After all, this is not the main theme of this negotiation.

"Since you had anticipated it, why did you come to Qualcomm to discuss cooperation?" someone from the other side asked.

Wu Tao glanced over, and the person asking the question was a short and fat guy, and he was full of technical rot.

On the other side's face, it was obvious that they didn't care about the verbal verbalization of the two sides just now.

So in an instant, Wu Tao put aside his aggressive posture, and said in a tactful tone: "In view of the difference in cost and opportunity, we believe that the next ten years will be the world of gsm."

"...However, this does not mean that the gsm technical standard is superior to the cdma standard. On the contrary, we believe that the cdma standard is far superior to the gsm standard in terms of communication density and communication quality."

Having said that, the chunky technical house nodded hurriedly, with an expression of ‘you know the goods’.

In the next moment, Wu Tao changed his conversation and asked a question: "However, does technological advancement mean market share?"

Looking around for a week, Wu Tao replied with a smile, "Obviously not. Many technologically advanced companies went bankrupt because they could not complete the industrialization of their technology. There are too many to mention them."

The truth is true.

The truth can't be more profound.

But it is this truth that swept away the superiority of Qualcomm and his team.

Seeing that the expectations have been met, Wu Tao's words have reached the final stage: "We estimate that if we can reach a cdma standard cooperation with you this time, then 10 years later, the cdma standard is expected to replace gsm and become the third and fourth generation. The mainstream of the next generation communication standards!"

"...Otherwise, it's hard to say."

Anderson had to exchange opinions in a low voice with the two people around him.

I really wanted to give others offense, but the other party's answer was so impeccable.

All of a sudden, Anderson and his team showed respect to Wu Tao, who had been fighting back hard.

So don’t be afraid to communicate with foreigners, it’s just anal. Anus until they are convinced.

After a lap of the machine front, Anderson's topic finally returned to the potential of the China market.

"Wu, Qualcomm has always attached great importance to the emerging market in the Asia-Pacific region. But how are you sure that China will usher in explosive growth in the mobile communications market? After all, as far as I know, China has recently undergone a laid-off reform and many workers have lost their jobs. As a result, the demand and purchasing power for mobile communications are slightly insufficient. Isn’t it?"

Wu Tao sat up straight again and said: "This question, let's start with the population base. China has 1.2 billion people, and the United States has 200 million people. China Mobile's network penetration rate reaches 10%, which will be 120 million people. For the United States to reach 120 million visits, the penetration rate must be as high as 60%!"

"...The difference and potential between 10% and 60%, naturally I don’t need to say more. It’s worth noting that this is not only a pure 6-fold relationship, but also related to the construction and coverage of mobile communication networks. cost."

Anderson and his team are all experts. Once Wu Tao has said this, how can he not understand the truth?

A penetration rate of 60% is likely to require network coverage in most parts of the country, even in sparsely populated areas, which means extremely high construction and operating costs.

On the contrary, a penetration rate of 10% is likely to be sufficient as long as network coverage is carried out in densely populated cities.

With this trade-off, the gap between construction costs and operating costs is not even a little bit.

"As for the issue of lay-offs," Wu Tao continued to explain: "I have to admit that the country's reforms in this area are indeed very strong, causing a large number of workers to be unemployed and the overall consumption capacity of the society to decline."

"...But on the one hand, in China, the penetration rate of mobile communications for the middle class is still insufficient and needs to be developed; on the other hand, it is precisely because of this radical development method that breaks down and then stands up, it can bring China a leapfrog development. , Lay the foundation for subsequent sustained growth."

"...So Mr. Anderson, since you choose to embrace the market, please embrace us!" Wu Tao finally concluded: "Trust me, that's right!"

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