Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 461: It's time for the rapids to retreat

Both of the two top schools gave Wu Tao embarrassment, but it also made his reputation soar.

The name of a genius who had been silent for a long time once again swept the entire Beijiang Middle School.

The past achievements and brilliance were turned out one by one and became the students' talk after dinner.

Many girls are actually expressing their inner love through the use of their literary spirit.

The head teachers of each class also took advantage of this trend in a timely manner, boiled Wu Tao's deeds into bowls of chicken soup, and then poured it on the students without hesitation.

As for people like Ren Jie who are so clear-headed and know that they can no longer surpass Wu Tao, there are not too many.

The power of role models is endless.

Suddenly, Beijiang Middle School set off an upsurge of active learning, and there were even activists who took their books along the way to eat.

Chuanchuanxiang Malatang chain store took this opportunity to add the words'Recommendation by Wu Tao from Peking University and Tsinghua University' on the door. By the way, Wu Tao became famous in the entire Beijiang area.

Many parents bring their children into the city to eat a bowl of Mala Tang recommended by Wu Tao at Chuan Chuan Xiang Mala Tang.

In any case, this is a very cheap one-time presentation and a bowl of educational chicken soup for them.

However, Wu Tao felt that it was time for the rapids to retreat at this time.

In front of the lawn, Lu Wei still stood in front of him, but this time he didn't deliberately condescending, but looked directly at him with relief.

"Have you really thought about it?"

Wu Tao nodded, "I have already decided."

"Being able to teach students like you is my greatest achievement since I started my career." Lu Wei sighed, "I have nothing to teach you if I can be accepted by the two top schools. You plan to choose these two top schools. Which? I personally prefer Tsinghua..."

However, Wu Tao groaned for a while and never said a word.

Lu Wei suddenly felt a little worried, "You won't choose neither?" Then he exhorted again, "I tell you, with these two top universities, you can't go to a worse university anyway. NS!"

"That's natural!" Wu Tao nodded, "unless I receive an acceptance letter from another famous international school."

Lu Wei was taken aback, and immediately patted him on the shoulder and said: "Okay, I won't be surprised how much your kid will achieve in the future."

The last in-depth discussion between the teachers and students came to an end.

Wu Tao returned to his seat, but glanced at the classroom with nostalgia.

Zhao Li's joyful eyes always stayed with him; Yang Zili and Sun Xiaoyu found the beauty of classmates from him again.

This small circle reproduced the active atmosphere of the past.

"Boss, you are really good! Originally I thought it would be awesome to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but I didn't expect you to be directly recommended! It is not enough to recommend one school, and both can pass. It is simply against the sky!" Yang Zili is very concerned.

At the level of top students, Yang Zili clearly understands better than others, the difficulty behind this kind of transportation is not easy.

Wu Tao patted the other person on the shoulder and said, "Lao Yang, don't be humble. Work hard, see you in Yanjing!"

"Yeah!" Yang Zili nodded, "For nothing else, just to fight Ren Jie's arrogance, I have to work hard too!"

Sun Xiaoyu said without doubt: "Can you do it? My eyes are like that! People Wu Tao studies so well, and he's not myopic like you."

"Can you? Can there be a little warmth between people?" Yang Zili was also anxious.

Zhao Li chuckled, and Sun Xiaoyu wanted to laugh too, but was afraid that he would jump the wall in a hurry, so she just held back.

Seeing all this, Wu Tao was also reluctant to give up, "Perhaps today is the last day of study time I will spend with you."


That night, Wu Tao left.

Except for the three people who knew the inside story and Lu Wei, everyone else thought he was leaving again as usual.

A residence in a wealthy home.

An Rong escaped class for an unprecedented time, enjoying this rare time with Wu Tao to his heart's content.

Little don't win the newlyweds.

Coupled with the impulse to give birth to a tiger head, and the bonus of today's good news, the two of them have been so tired since they came back.

Outside the window, the material is cold in spring, and the room is warm like spring.

The two youthful bodies are entangled together, creating an incomparable beauty.

The syllables of r-o-o-m circulate from An Rong's Tan mouth from time to time. When outsiders hear it, they may really think they are learning a foreign language.

For a long time, the cloud and rain rested for a while.

Before Wu Tao had time to calm down, the body around him writhed up again, with slender hands and jade arms, along the center line of his chest all the way down, and his tone was weak and whispered: "My senior at Tsinghua University, people want to continue learning. What about foreign languages..."

Wu Tao wanted to say that Tian had already plowed three or five times, and the old cow was very tired and wanted to rest. But because of the man’s face, the words changed to the lips, "Look at my memory, I said yesterday that I would give you a gift, you wait..."

Talking about this, he pulled out a beautifully packaged jewelry box from the cabinet and handed it to An Rong.

Pulling the thin body covered, An Rong took the exquisite box with scorching eyes, and said with deep curiosity: "What is this?"

"You'll know if you turn it on by yourself." Wu Tao said, turning on the light.

With the light of the desk lamp, An Rong slowly opened the lid, and a shiny diamond necklace appeared in front of her.

The whole necklace is made of platinum, and a small square pendant is hung. The pendant is inlaid with a peanut-sized diamond. The cut is exquisite, flawless and shining.

"Wow~" An Rong held up the necklace excitedly, "It must be so expensive, right?"

It doesn't matter how expensive it is, if you buy it for your loved one, naturally you have to do it at all costs, just to like it.

"For you, of course I have to buy the best." Wu Tao said naturally, "Do you like it?"

An Rong was touched, "Of course I like it, I love it so much!" After offering a sweet kiss, she held the necklace and said, "Hurry up and put it on for me."

Along the swan-like jade neck, Wu Tao put on the necklace, and took a look at the beautiful body of Yi Ren. The exquisite diamonds have been hanging down into the gully...

"What a nice view!"

An Rong snorted, wrapped his neck, and eagerly said in her beautiful eyes: "I really don't know how to thank you, so I have to do it again..."


The days of March gradually get warmer.

Early the next morning, Wu Tao called to tell his father that he had been recommended for admission in advance.

Originally, Wu Tao planned to take advantage of these two days to rationalize the market in Southeast Asia, and then bring the admission notice back on the weekend, but when the father heard the news, he was so excited that he couldn't wait for the weekend, and repeated explanations made him return quickly. Family.

At the same time, he prayed with bitter thoughts, saying that the ancestors of the Wu family have finally revealed their spirits. After several generations of ups and downs, the old Wu family finally has another scholarly child.

Since the old man had his life here, Wu Tao naturally couldn't violate it.

This is no longer his personal happy event, but a happy event involving the ups and downs of the old Wu family and the ancestors.

According to the old man’s temperament, this time he appointed a whole set of grand ceremony to comfort his ancestors and eat him on the flowing water table for three days and three nights...

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