Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 469: A paradise for international speculators

Rena Fujiwara's face was dumbfounded, she did not expect Wu Tao to react so much.

And she was so deliberately obvious, even a little naked, so there was no doubt that Alyssa said anything.

She just felt that she had nothing now, and all her hopes were pinned on Wu Tao. It seemed that she should do something.

In addition, the situation of falling to the bottom of the valley also made her physically need a kind of comfort.

It's just that things have evolved to this point, she is dare not to make mistakes, and even some six gods have no masters. Even the accosts made by other men next to him fell on deaf ears.

After that, there was nothing to say until Bangkok Airport.

Wu Tao got off the plane, changed clothes, got into Qin Xiaoxiao's car, and separated from the master and servant of Rena Fujiwara.

The weather in Bangkok is a bit hot, and the streets and lanes reveal the Chinese style in ten years. Whether it is the traffic flow on the road or the density of buildings, it is not comparable to the current China.

After all, they are the four Asian tigers, which are called together with Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. They have experienced huge amounts of international capital, and their development is obviously not the same as that of China.

On the way, Qin Xiaoxiao understood Wu Tao's eyes, and then explained: "Since 1991, Thailand's GDP growth rate has been maintained at more than 8 points. Such a development rate is far ahead in the world."

"...In addition to the rapid development of real estate, housing prices have skyrocketed, the housing market has been surplus, and a bubble has emerged. Now, it has in turn affected the raw material market and the people's livelihood market, and all kinds of costs have followed suit."

"...This kind of economic situation is the most suitable model for international speculators to harvest. Coupled with the Thai government's **** system for the Thai baht and US dollar exchange rate, it has become a paradise for international speculators!"

But listening to Qin Xiaoxiao's words, Wu Tao didn't say anything.

In fact, in his mind, there is even an illusion, as if everything in front of him is so familiar, it is almost the same as Huaxia 20 years later.

But in China 20 years later, housing prices are more exaggerated than Thailand now, and the bubble appears more stubborn.

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Wu Tao turned around and said, "Tell me about the current situation of the company."

Qin Xiaoxiao cleared his throat and said: "The company intervened 500 million baht from the Bank of Thailand in early March. This is just one of our attempts, so the scale is not very large."

500 million baht is equivalent to 20 million U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate, which is indeed not a big deal.

"What's the situation now?"

Qin Xiaoxiao said with an expression of expression: "Make a small profit of 3 points. At present, the capital predators of Soros are still moving in the international market. I believe that the Thai baht will continue to fall in the future, and the profit margin will be further expanded..."

When Qin Xiaoxiao was talking enthusiastically, Wu Tao decisively interrupted: "Lock in the income immediately, and withdraw first!"

"But..." Qin Xiaoxiao hesitated, but seeing Wu Tao's firm eyes, he immediately took out his mobile phone and ordered to go down.

"Boss, can I ask why?" After Qin Xiaoxiao finished the order, he was still a little unwilling.

Wu Tao was still very satisfied with her decisive performance. He explained with patience at the moment: "The Thai government will not let this situation go by itself. In addition to the news I just received, Mitsui Hiko has transferred 9.2 billion US dollars from the consortium. ."

Qin Xiaoxiao was shocked, even the faint hairs on her delicate hands stood up.

The game in the capital market is an invisible war.

In one thought, there is heaven and hell.

Only those who have really experienced it can experience the thrilling.

"Other than that," Wu Tao continued in his voice: "I think this should be just the first feint of the capital predators like Soros, and they shouldn't do their best."

Almost two hours after Apocalypse locked in gains, the baht rebounded strongly in the international market.

Subsequently, the Thai government openly held a press conference on television, saying that it would work with the Singapore government to jointly maintain the stability of the Thai baht exchange rate.

The determination is strong and the tone is urgent.

Behind such determination, it means that a large sum of money is thrown in.

If it is stabilized, the money will not be considered as a waste; but once it is not stabilized, it is trash.

However, the casuals in the international market are all things that are moved by the wind. Seeing that the Thai government gnashes their teeth like this, they seem to be emboldened, and they quit the game early.

The Thai baht's buying bill continues to rise, and the international market's Thai baht has begun to pick up.

In an office building in the center of Bangkok, the trader team of Tianqi Investment is located here.

The surrounding traffic is convenient, life is convenient, and it is not far from banks and major trading places, which is conducive to the timely acquisition and circulation of information.

Qin Xiaoxiao looked at the Thai baht market that was gradually picking up, and couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

When I looked back at my boss, I found that the guy was humming an unknown song in a relaxed suit.

"Boss, thank you for your prompt reminder, now the Thai baht market has bottomed out." Qin Xiaoxiao is also a little bit arrogant, "Then what should we do next?"

Wu Tao saw the group of people all looking at him, and immediately said, "600,000 US dollars is not a lot of money, we will celebrate tonight! Xiaoxiao, you can arrange it and let everyone relax completely."

"...If you want to see a ladyboy, don't hesitate to see it! If you want to eat seafood, don't hesitate to eat it! All, all can be reimbursed."

A speech caused everyone to cheer.

Qin Xiaoxiao was secretly anxious, "Boss, how can you encourage everyone to see the ladyboy? What if something happens?"

After that, Qin Xiaoxiao glanced at Wu Tao with a strange expression. It was self-explanatory, ‘Boss, don’t you want to see it yourself, right? ’

Wu Tao also smiled, "Just now that dumbfounded and dejected look, how can we fight the next battle?"

"...So looking at the ladyboys is just a superficial reason, and boosting morale is the real purpose. Besides, everyone is a high-achieving student, so you don't want to do something indescribable with the ladyboys, right?"

Qin Xiaoxiao gave him an angry glance, and walked to the other side to make arrangements.

The food in Bangkok is dazzling. Although it's not that exquisite, the food is fresh and cheap.

So when everyone is eating, they can eat and drink happily.

The group of people ate that was full of enthusiasm, and then they organized a mighty group to watch the ladyboy The ladyboy show arranged by Qin Xiaoxiao, it must be formal enough that it can no longer be formal.

Even so, there are some indescribable activities in it.

For example, the ** took a group photo, and so on. After all, **** actors have to rely on these to earn extra tips.

But with the leader Qin staring at him, which of the people below dare to take a photo with the demon?

Tired and crooked, isn't it? !

However, Qin Xiaoxiao still felt that his supervision was justified, which made the group of people below feel eager to move, but couldn't let go.

"Xiaoxiao, come, let me tell you something." Wu Tao greeted Qin Xiaoxiao as he walked out.

Qin Xiaoxiao went inside without knowing, "What's the matter, boss..."

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