Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 483: The wolf that eats meat is also going to

Up to this moment, Mitsuihiko didn't realize that there was anything wrong with his situation.

   In fact, he feels good about himself, and he has never been better.

   After all, according to his professional vision, the fundamentals of the Thai economy are still good. Although some bubbles exist, they are normal.

   As long as he helps the Thai government to tide over the difficulties this time, I believe that with the favorable conditions and development channels provided by the government, Mitsui Hiko can even complete the ambitious plan of ‘establishing a foothold in Thailand and radiating the entire Southeast Asia’.

   As for the fact that the opponent Fujiwara Rena and her little friend Wu Tao are completely knocked out of the dust, it is purely a struggle of will, and it is just a matter of piggybacking.

   The next day, the international financial market saw a resurgence.

   The Thai baht, which has been silent for a short time, once again fell into an unfavorable situation of being sold off.

   For a time, the Thai government was also in a hurry. Many people in the government don't even understand that the development situation in various places is obviously good, why the exchange rate of their own currency has been fluctuating and not stable.

   However, the Thai government is uncomfortable, and the party who is the instigator may not feel comfortable going anywhere.

   Especially the speculators like Wu Tao who follow the trend, the non-slippery aspect, the most uncomfortable.

   There is neither the overall view and the calmness of Soros, who is in charge of the overall situation, nor the relaxed mentality of those who simply follow the trend and drink soup.

   Even so, in front of his subordinates, Wu Tao still had to show a calm and breezy appearance.

   More importantly, he knew very well that such a day would not be a day or two, but it would take a while.

  Because I have seen the Thai government's strong determination to protect the baht, ordinary people who really decide the overall situation will only hold money and wait and see at the beginning.

   And the wait-and-see time will be longer than last time.

   So Wu Tao knows almost without thinking that the initial sell-off will only be a self-directed and self-acted drama by the Quantum Fund and large-scale institutions.

  The purpose is to create a short-term effect and trigger a panic effect, until the largest ordinary people are involved in the selling operation.

  At that time, big households and institutions will take the opportunity to go ashore and retreat.

   Repeated these processes in his mind over and over again, until he confirmed that there were no details left, Wu Tao let out a sigh of relief. After relaxing, I realized that my shoulders were a little sore.

   This is an unconscious state of tension, which is maintained for too long.

   I really didn't expect that my body just as a teenager would experience the same old problems that ordinary middle-aged people would feel.

   There seems to be something, but it looks simple. Only through personal experience do you know the meaning of hardship and hardship.

  Especially Wu Tao himself also opened the hang-up, knowing the high probability of the result, but when he really invested in this kind of financial war, he found that the tension and anxiety were almost uncontrollable.

   From this point of view, God is fair.

   When Qin Xiaoxiao knocked on the door and entered, Wu Tao was moving his shoulder joints, and he kept clicking.

   "Isn't it, boss? You have not done anything this day, why are you so tired?"

   Wu Tao didn't bother to explain, the woman in front of her can forget her menstrual period, how can she be careful to understand her situation and mentality at this moment?

"what's up?"

   Qin Xiaoxiao handed the newly printed statistical form to him and said: "As of the close, the trading volume of Thai baht today is about 2.6 billion. Because it is sold at the exchange rate of 1:26, the transaction volume is equivalent to 100 million US dollars."

   Wu Tao made a calculation, according to the official exchange rate of 1:25, on this first day, he directly paid 4 million US dollars.

   is not too much.

   "Continue to follow up." Without looking at the form, Wu Tao got up and walked outside.

   came to the office outside, the members of the Tianqi team were surrounding Laimo'er, asking how much they had earned today.

   Laimo's dark face said insultingly, "It's not a lot, it's just a four-point gain."

   Wu Tao smiled, although the final result of this storm must affect ordinary people. But if you are more flexible in your mind, better vision, and bolder, you can also use this opportunity to make a lot of money.

   Just say that the income of four points a day, where do you usually find such a good opportunity?

   Seeing Wu Tao appear, the group dispersed. Wu Tao waved to Laimo'er, "Come here and ask you something."

   Qin Xiaoxiao stood beside him half-believingly, and did not go far.

   "Mr. Wu, what's the matter?" Laimo's expression was overjoyed, and even the whole person was a little relaxed and cheerful.

   "Are there any well-known massage shops around here?"

   As soon as Wu Tao said this question, before Lai Mo'er could answer, Qin Xiaoxiao said in a hurry, "Boss, are you too self-loving?"

"No, Xiaoxiao, why don't I love myself anymore? What's wrong with me? After this day, my whole body is sore, so I am not allowed to relax?" Wu Tao also complained a lot. You, a careless subordinate, don't know how to be considerate. Even if the boss didn't care, he was still talking nonsense with presumption.

   is really unbearable.

   If it wasn't for you to follow yourself for so many years, plus so beautiful, I really want to... hum!

   Lai Moer also explained: "Mr Qin, in fact, there are many regular massage shops in Bangkok, which are very first-hand. And Thai massage is very characteristic, and many foreigners admire it."

   Qin Xiaoxiao disagrees. In China, massage parlors are linked to that kind of place.

   This kind of thing is the more you explain, the more you can't explain it.

   Wu Tao waved his hand, "You also go with me, now is the head office?"

   "But we have to work overtime for meetings at night~" Qin Xiaoxiao couldn't get up or down suddenly.

   Laimoer waved his hand and said, "It's okay, one hour is enough."

   Even so, Qin Xiaoxiao turned around and confessed to Wu and then went out with Wu Tao and Laimo.

   got in the car, when Song Guanghui, the driver, heard that Wu Tao was going to get a massage, he immediately patted his chest and sold himself and boasted: "Boss, you want to go to the massage parlor. Ask me, man, I'll take care of everything!"

   Upon hearing Song Guanghui's breath, Qin Xiaoxiao immediately showed an expression of "Sure enough, how do you want to quibble?"

   Laimoer explained more urgently: "We are going to a regular massage shop, a regular one."

   Song Guanghui still smiled, "The place I go is also very formal..."

   "You shut up!" Wu Tao was really angry.

   Song Guanghui obediently shut up, followed Laimo's guidance and drove silently.

   Qin Xiaoxiao in the back seat took the initiative to break the embarrassing situation and said: "Boss, suppose the plan to break the exchange rate **** system is realized and the Thai baht enters the devaluation channel, then when should we stop?"

   This question has to be considered seriously.

  Once the Thai baht enters the depreciation channel, national speculators and large institutional players will all choose an opportunity to go ashore and run away after harvesting.

   How to maximize the benefits is worth considering.

   Whether it is running too early or running too late, it will lead to reduced profits and even risk.

   In fact, even if a financial crocodile is as strong as Soros, it is difficult to say exactly when to leave the market to maximize the benefits.

   They will only set a profit target, and once it is reached, they will never fall in love with it.

  Before that, all efforts were carried out to achieve this income goal.

   This is the so-called take profit target.