Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 496: The industry with the most value-added p

Ding Shisan was proud.

   Fairy Zixia is not willing to let him be alone, always thinking of killing him with pride.

   So even with Wu Tao's words, he brought additional damage, "Boss, you spent more than a year to establish Yuanqi Technology and build a mobile phone industry with annual sales of tens of billions."

   "...Then, although I don't know what industry you are investing abroad this time, you have made a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars in just a few months, and you have caught up with Yuanqi Technology."

   "...But what does the Internet industry have? Could it be that it has more potential than your big business of hundreds of millions of dollars this time?"

   Ding Shisan's pride came to an abrupt end.

   Although these remarks are only additional damage, they are also straight to the point, so he has to face it squarely.

   Wu Tao replied, "This time I went to Thailand, and I should be involved in the financial industry. In four months, I doubled the capital."

   "...The potential is indeed good, but this kind of opportunity is hard to come by, and it is really inferior to the Internet industry."

   "???" Xiao Zixia answered three question marks.

   Yang Ge followed one back, "?"

   Ding Shisan hit a series of question marks at the end, flashing the screen instantly.

   Wu Tao explained patiently, “The Internet industry has a large market capacity and a wide spreading effect. As long as the quasi-demand points are continuously attracted to join users, and finally a user group of a certain size is formed, it has the potential to go public for an IPO and realize rapid asset appreciation.”

   "...The middle period may be a bit longer, but once the IPO is successful, the asset appreciation it brings will be geometrical. This growth potential is not the same as the financial industry."

   Ding Shisan was full of confidence in an instant. Since he founded NetEase, he has become familiar with the domestic Internet circles. Obviously, he has heard of the development ideas of Internet companies' IPOs more than once.

   After all, Lao Mei has always been doing this. Even though experts and scholars have been clamoring that there is an Internet bubble, there are still many Internet companies that have really turned around.

   Now when Wu Tao mentioned it, Ding Shisan's eyes became firmer.

   "The sound of the waves is still the same, how much do you plan to invest in me this time?" Ding Shisan came back to his senses and asked expectantly for the first time.

"Ding Shisan, I have no plans to invest a penny for you." Wu Tao replied, "This time the entry point for entering the Internet industry is not NetEase Technology, but other small companies. Later if you are interested, we can cooperate. ."

   Xiao Zixia couldn't help being proud immediately, "Haha, Ding Shisan, this time it's fun..."

   So everyone happily started the game of hitting Ding Shisan...

When    walked out of the study, the room was quiet, and Wu Tao thought that Qin Xiaoxiao had already left.

   went into the bathroom to put water, and then took a hot bath in the guest bathroom.

   After two days, it is July, and the weather in Jinling should also be hot.

   Wu Tao originally planned to go back to Beijiang, and after a phone call with An Rong, he realized that Beijiang Middle School would be on vacation within a few days.

  As the summer vacation of the second year of high school, it is also the last summer vacation of the high school era. In fact, it will not last long.

  According to the school's arrangement, the time for remedial classes for the third year of high school starts approximately in early August.

   So actually, An Rong only has one month vacation.

   In order to avoid that the time to get along is always so short, An Rong decided to come to Jinling to accompany Wu Tao as soon as the summer vacation.

   On the one hand, it does not affect Wu Tao's business affairs, on the other hand, it is to stay with him as much as possible.

   After all, this is an excellent opportunity to absorb the essence of high-quality students, how could An Rong let it go?

   In this way, Wu Tao also avoided the pain of always traveling between Beijiang and Jinling.

   took a hot shower, as if the exhaustion and fatigue of the whole journey had been wiped out.

   Because he didn't change his clothes, Wu Tao came out wrapped in a bath towel.

   There is no one at home anyway, and the big house is only one person living alone, even if it is exposed, it will not have much effect.

   With slippers and humming a song, Wu Tao swayed towards the master bedroom.

   Passing by the living room, suddenly a figure stood up on the sofa and was relaxed there, yawning, a look of sleepy eyes.


   "Ah, why haven't you left?" Wu Tao was also taken aback in fright, and the bath towel wrapped around his hip fell gorgeously to the ground.

   For an instant, Qin Xiaoxiao watched all of her up and down.

   Qin Xiaoxiao stared wide-eyed for a long time, before he came across such a sentence, "Rogue!"

   Wu Tao wrapped the bath towel again, still holding the corner of the bath towel in his hand, for fear that it would fall again. At the same time, I felt wronged in my heart, so I repeated it again angrily, "Why didn't you leave?"

Qin Xiaoxiao was not a twitchy girl. Seeing that he was no longer embarrassed, he immediately said confidently: "I finished cleaning the kitchen and made a cup of tea for you. Seeing you are busy in the study, I will sit here and wait for you. Who is that? I know how to wait and wait, why did I fall asleep..."

   Seeing that there was indeed a cup full of tea on the coffee table, Wu Tao suddenly had nothing to say.

   Qin Xiaoxiao didn't stay too much. He simply yawned and walked outside: "Well, I'm going back to sleep."

   bang, the door behind him closed.

   Qin Xiaoxiao breathed out a sigh of relief, and her pretty face flushed with fire.

  ‘The boss’s job is really scary, it’s literally! On the way home, Qin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but think of the scene just now.

   At the same time, another voice in my mind was accompanied by reprimand, ‘Qin Xiaoxiao, you are enough! Don't think about it! ’

   Just like that, his face blushed and returned to his home. Qin Xiaoxiao kicked off his shoes and returned to the bedroom barefoot. He fell asleep in a I slept very sweetly.

   Until the latter half of the night, Qin Xiaoxiao suddenly scattered her slender black hair and sat up from the bed.

   The two eyes stared roundly, and through the messy distribution, they looked like Sadako alive.

   It's just that the eyes are different, Zhenzi's is resentment, and Qin Xiaoxiao's is consternation, sluggishness, and even embarrassment of shame.

  ‘Qin Xiaoxiao, Qin Xiaoxiao, he is still a child! How can you dream of doing that with him...’

  ‘And it’s done so intensely that the **** are soaked...’

   The next moment, Qin Xiaoxiao covered her pretty face, feeling the fire on her cheek in the palm of her hand, and she felt ashamed in her heart.

  ‘But he is really manly, not like a child at all. ’

   For an instant, Qin Xiaoxiao thought of many scenes of Wu Tao pointing the country and beating Fang Qiu, something in his heart was gradually sinking.

   ‘Hurry up, you are enough, Qin Xiaoxiao...’

   This night, Wu Tao slept particularly peacefully. Until dawn, I wake up very early. When I opened my eyes and saw the fragrance of birds and flowers outside the window, I suddenly felt that I hadn't felt the early morning in Jinling for a long time.

   I didn't sleep in bed right now, got up quickly to wash, and went downstairs to exercise.

   After a warm-up trot, he felt full of vitality under a slight sweat, and then he knocked on Qin Xiaoxiao's door with two soy milk fritters.

  Is there a relationship, after all, I ate someone’s dinner last night.

   The door opened. Before Wu Tao had time to see the face in the door, he banged and closed it again.

  What the **** is this...Wu Tao's face is inexplicable.