Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 517: The perfect combination of technology an

The radiant body and angular texture make it almost like a work of art in your hand.

Mobile phones have been available for so many years, and they have always appeared in clumsy and ugly appearances.

For a long time, people have accepted the convenience brought by high technology while also accepting its humble appearance.

So much so that everyone thinks that high-tech products are like this.

Now, the launch of Lotus8810 has made all the reporters present shine in front of them, which really refreshed their understanding.

It turns out that mobile phones can be made like this!

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the press conference became unprecedentedly warm.

The reporters who had previously talked about Yuanqi Technology's fooling around this time shut their mouths obediently.

Lotus8810 is undoubtedly an ingenious work! This is a fact that no one can deny.

In addition, Guanzhi thinks that Xiangjiang will return to the name of gifting. After the listing, it is difficult to think about it or not.

Looking back, the reporters on the scene began to realize that the all-Chinese technology that Yuanqi Technology previously launched as the highlight seems to be a bit underestimated and ignored.

So in the reporter's question session, many people started to ask questions about all Chinese technology while caring about Lotus8810 itself.

The scene was out of control for a time, and the enthusiasm of the reporters was unprecedentedly high.

Fortunately, it was not the first time that Yang Ge hosted this kind of conference, and he held the audience easily while talking.

Wu Tao sitting in the background completely relieved his heart.

Right, this is how the outside world should react.

At this time, Xiao Zixia walked over, with overjoyed expression on her face, "Boss, the publicity effect of this press conference has once again greatly exceeded our expectations."

Xiao Zixia pointed and said this, and she could win a few compliments from the boss.

Unexpectedly, Wu Tao stood up calmly and said: "Maybe it's time to raise your expectations. Otherwise, how can you sit on the top of the mobile phone industry?"

Xiao Zixia's smile stopped abruptly, looking at Wu Tao's distant eyes, she muttered: "Top spot? Boss, you are really not worried about squeezing us out, no one will help you work?"

Wu Tao repeatedly shook his head and said: "I squeeze you out? I won't do this. And I will go into the Internet industry right away. If you don't worry about being surpassed by the Internet industry in the future, you will just lie on your laurels."

Exciting generals!

Definitely an exciting general!

But Xiao Zixia took this trick. Not only her, but even Tao Changxuan, Leng Ning, and Tan Xiaofei standing next to them were instantly full of fighting spirit.

After all, Yuankang’s lessons learned are right in front of us. Although it has a contract value of several hundred million yuan every year, it is a well-deserved leader in the water and drinking industry.

However, compared with Yuanqi Technology, it is obviously insignificant and unwelcome.

The most direct manifestation is that the boss can't go a few times a year.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zixia couldn't help but screamed and said on the spot: "Boss, you can rest assured that in order to develop Yuanqi Technology into a mobile phone industry giant comparable to Motorola and Ericsson, we will continue to work hard."

"Very good." Wu Tao nodded and left first.

This press conference of Yuanqi Technology has caused such a strong response, and Wu Tao has a spectrum of many things in his heart.

The success of new products for at least two consecutive years has basically allowed Yuanqi Technology to gain a firm foothold. At the same time, it has accumulated strong capital power for the accumulation and research and development of basic technologies and has won enough breathing opportunities.

Leaving the scene of the new product launch, Wu Tao did not go home, but went directly to Jinling University.

During the summer vacation, there are not many college students on campus. On both sides of the main road, the sycamore leaves that were knocked down by the rainstorm piled together wet.

Wandering around the campus and occasionally coming up to a few college students, Wu Tao didn't worry about being recognized.

In this way, all the way to the Shaw Science and Technology Museum, I went up to the second floor in a familiar way, found Gu Xueli's office, and gently buttoned the door.

There was silence in the room for five seconds, and then there was an energetic voice, "Come in."

Wu Tao pushed in.

Gu Xueli was still at the desk, wearing glasses, reading the thick literature meticulously.

After becoming an academician, I didn't enjoy many benefits, but the whole person was a lot busy.

Wu Tao noticed that the white hair area on the other party's head has spread a lot.

Seeing someone coming in for a long time without speaking, Gu Xueli removed his glasses from the literature, glanced through the upper edge of the glasses, and then said, "It's your kid, a rare visitor."

"Look at what you said, Grandpa, why am I a rare visitor?" Wu Tao will bring a small packet of tea from Liang Yancheng and put it on the table quietly. Row."

"Your kid is this mouth, no wonder Rong Rong doesn't want to go home when she comes to Jinling." Gu Xueli complained slightly, changing the topic, "What's the matter today?"

Wu Tao waved his hand, "In fact, there is nothing wrong, just came out from the launch of Yuanqi Technology's new product launch site, and made a special trip to see you."

"Why?" Gu Xueli frowned, "The new product launch conference is not satisfactory enough, and the response did not meet expectations? This is impossible. I have seen your products. The gimmick can be said to be more full and sufficient than last year."

"The effect of the conference is not bad." Wu Tao's tone is obviously a little humble, "but the smoother Yuanqi Technology goes, the more I care about the things you have at hand."

Gu Xueli smiled with comfort, "You kid, no wonder Senior Official Liang said that you don't have to worry about your growth. Now it seems that you see higher and think farther than us."

"Okay, I won't say more nonsense." Gu Xueli is still a scholar, and the praises are also the end. "While you are free today, I will briefly tell you the progress of the Torch Project."

"...Based on the good cooperation established by your previous special research groups in China have quickly made breakthroughs in the new third-generation communication standards, more or less a lot. new idea."

"...In this regard, the foundations of all countries in the world are similar, and we, Chinese scientists, can't be much worse than foreigners, right?"

"That's great!" Wu Tao was very encouraged, "Hold on forming patents and implement them. Especially international patents, don't be afraid of spending money, don't be afraid of wasting. Some humble patents may be of great use."

Gu Xueli's brows clenched, "You reminded me that I will solemnly raise it at the next meeting."

Wu Tao held hands together: "Grandpa, I think we have to establish a benign incentive system to encourage everyone to actively participate in the development and deployment of new technology standards. Yuanqi Technology can establish a fund specifically for patents. The writers give out rewards. Even if someone is willing to sell the patent to Yuanqi Technology, it is perfectly possible."

"Now patents are not worth much in China. If you do this, will you lose too much?" Gu Xueli hesitated, after all, this elbow was still turned in.

After all, there will be many patents that do not produce any benefits.

Gu Xueli is worried that he will suffer.

Wu Tao smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Grandpa, you won't lose much. Besides, when have I ever done something at a loss?"

"That's true! I almost forgot about it, okay, I will bring it up at the next meeting." Gu Xueli nodded, "This is a good thing for the domestic university research team."

The grandfather and grandson were having a lively chat, Wu Tao's cell phone rang, it was Xiao Zixia's phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Xiao Zixia's excited voice came: "Boss, there is a letter from Nokia..."