Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 536: Vigorously conceived quietly

These days, Wu Yingying has been busy with the affairs of Tianxing Game Company.

   Now the company's R&D has been on the right track ahead of schedule, and the entire organizational structure is constantly improving.

   For Wu Yingying, after all her hard work, it is inevitable that she will suffer from gains and losses.

   At this time, as a boss, you must not only show a sense of responsibility, but also be good at cheering up your subordinates.

   What's more, every time Wu Tao relied on a good hand of cards, coupled with making decisions and then moving, it is basically occupying the right time and place.

   On the day of returning to China, it was raining in Los Angeles, and there was a bit of cool autumn.

   Leaning against the porthole of the plane, Wu Tao slept unconsciously.

   I slept extremely deep in this sleep, not even knowing the thrill of the plane's ups and downs.

When    woke up, he found that his seat had changed people, and this person was smelling of familiar perfume.

   It's just that the face is crooked on the other side, and the face is blocked by the blonde, so I can't really see it for a while.

   But this first-class passenger was originally rich or expensive, and the crash of perfume smell is not unusual.

   After all, there are only a few brand-name perfumes. Dior, Chanel No. 5 or something...

   When the flight attendant came to serve halfway, the other party sat up straight and turned his face.

   "Uh..., why are you?"

   After a few days, Molly suddenly appeared next to her seat, and went back to China together, which made people feel a little lingering.

   On the contrary, Molly relied on her enthusiasm and unrestrainedness as an international friend, and bluntly posted: "Why can't it be me?"

   Wu Tao's face sank.

   Molly immediately added: "The Quantum Fund interrupted its entry into the China Market, and I will go to investigate instead of Grandpa. Is this the head office?"

   Wu Tao turned away, without speaking.

   Molly saw Wu Tao coolly ignoring her, with a triumphant expression: "Besides, we have a bet, I will stare at you until you lose the bet."

   This crazy and persistent woman.

   "Unfortunately, I am afraid I will disappoint you with this gambling agreement." Wu Tao is doing his part in the gambling appointment.

  Molly not only didn't care, but she said with joy in her beautiful eyes: "I like to see you look so arrogant."


   But with such a pleasing woman by his side, the ten-hour journey on this road is finally not boring.

   It was noon in Jinling when the plane landed at Jinling International Airport.

   After a rainy summer, the autumn in Jinling turned out to be unusually hot.

   After claiming the luggage, Molly still followed Wu Tao every step of the way, which caused a lot of people around to look at her for a while.

   Could it be that this guy brought a foreign daughter-in-law back, and she is pretty, the key is her figure, tusk...

   Although Wu Tao is a bit annoying to Molly, she has to admit that such a woman walks next to a man, and she is indeed more face-to-face.

   So when Molly pretended to be pitifully asking for the car, Wu Tao relented and agreed.

   Walking quickly out of the airport, Rolls Royce and Hummer H2 were already waiting outside the door.

   Regarding such a pick-up, Molly, even though she was used to the scene, was secretly surprised by Wu Tao's strength.

   However, when the convoy drove through the farmland and rural farms outside the suburbs of Vietnam, Molly's critical eyes could not help being full of disappointment.

   China, which is so poor and backward, is not as developed as Thailand.

   How could grandpa be so jealous and fearful of his feet?

   It's normal to have this kind of cognition at the first meeting.

   Especially after arriving in the urban area, even Wu Tao himself had to admit that compared with the prosperous and developed Los Angeles, Jinling is like a small town at all.

   It's nothing to ask for.

   But this does not prevent him from loving and protecting this homeland.

   Before the convoy arrived at Fairview Court, Wu Tao received a call from Wang Dong.

   As soon as I heard that the domestic part of the game company was almost ready, Wu Tao couldn't even take care of his home without saying a word, so he immediately drove to take a look.

   Just before going, she turned around and asked the absent-minded Molly, "Send you to Jinling Hotel first?"

   "No, no," Molly said proudly with her white neck upturned: "Don't want to get rid of me, I still count on you to be my guide."

   Yes, I can't get rid of it.

   Wu Tao glanced badly, then turned around and said to Song Zhuang: "Uncle Zhuang, go to Jiangbei High-tech Development Zone."

   This time, Wang Donglai set the headquarters of the game company in Jiangbei High-tech Zone, which Wu Tao did not expect.

   Jiangbei is a very embarrassing place for Jinling.

   In the final analysis, it lies in the great valley of the Yangtze River.

   Wu Tao knew that until many years later, the problem of crossing the river had not been solved well.

   So in the long run, choosing Jiangbei High-tech Zone will cause inconvenience to the company’s employees commuting to and from get off work.

   However, as the person in charge of the game company, Wang Donglai cannot even deny him the right to choose a location.

   So let's take this matter one step at a time.

   The moment Rolls-Royce drove onto the Jinling Yangtze River Bridge, Molly, who had been so little interested, suddenly refreshed.

   This vast Yangtze River, spanned by such a magnificent bridge project, is magnificent.

   This is in line with my inexplicable expectations for China.

   After crossing the bridge, when entering Jiangbei District, it is almost the same as the Ningjiang District in the southern suburbs.

   hills and hills, small towns, far from being as developed and vibrant as cities.

   Until I entered the high-tech zone, the surroundings felt a little different.

   The roads are brand new and straight, the buildings are tall and modern, and with the support of several colleges and universities, it is quite a satellite city.

   It can be seen that the Jinling City Government, and even the Jiangdong Provincial Government, have invested a lot in this Jiangbei High-tech Zone.

   Correspondingly, the expectations given can be imagined.

  The team finally stopped at the science and technology park in the high-tech It is still a small building community, but the architectural style appears regular and rigid, as clear as the building block.

   Many small IT companies have appeared in the science and technology parks, but most of them bear the name of universities.

  Such as Jinzhi Software, Jinda Portal, Jinling Domain Name Registration Company, etc...

  , on the contrary, is a name like Tianxing Game Company, which is a bit nondescript, and it seems incompatible with the surroundings.

   The car stopped in front of a three-story building. Wang Donglai, who was wearing a white shirt and trousers, and Shi Qianxue, who was wearing a white shirt and waistcoat, had already waited downstairs with a dozen people.

  Looking at this trend, it is almost all the current team of the company.

   Wu Tao got out of the car, and the group clapped spontaneously.

   "Tong Lai, Sister Xue, how come you have put together such a set? It's so hot, come in and cool off."

   Maybe Wang Donglai and Shi Qianxue didn't realize this.

   For the new employees who met the boss for the first time, before everyone had time to notice the boss's young and promising, they were already moved by such unassuming and compassionate subordinates.

   For a while, everyone clapped vigorously, and they couldn't help but feel full of confidence. They felt that this small company, which had just moved into a small building within 24 hours, was getting more and more excited.

   In contrast, this battle surprised Molly who got out of the car afterwards.

   Looking at these inexplicably excited faces and the dedication and passion, Molly was suddenly faintly moved.

  Despite the backward development, vitality is quietly gestating...