Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 543: China Internet Era (end of this volume)

When the curtain of the first National Internet Conference came to an end, many attendees were still lingering and lingering.

   As a special guest, Liang Yancheng personally participated in the closing meeting and delivered a closing speech to the meeting.

   made the specifications of this conference intangible and improved a lot.

   Thousands of words were eloquently spoken, Liang Yancheng was sincere and full of expectations. He said that this conference was a successful conference, a triumphant conference, and a grand event to carry forward the past.

   In the end, he used a sentence to set the tone for this conference: opening a new chapter in the era of China Internet.

   This evaluation is quite high! But at the same time, it also talked about the heart of many participants.

   Everyone enthusiastically left their signatures on the big question board of the meeting, and even took a group photo to remember this historic moment.

  At the same time, what was particularly special was that after the three-day meeting, the number of participants did not decrease but increased. From more than 100 people at the beginning, it suddenly rose to nearly 300 people.

  So that the total budget suddenly exceeded a lot, which is a rare situation in general meetings.

   As the co-sponsors, Tianqi Investment and Tianxing Game Company, among the Internet practitioners, can be regarded as showing back.

   For Tianxing Games, which hosted the conference, the conference is over, but the real challenge has just begun.

   A long way to go.

   Correspondingly, Shi Qianxue ended the organization of the meeting at hand and officially returned to the company's affairs.

  Wu Tao didn't intervene what exactly did he do, and it was all arranged by Wang Dong.

   But judging from Shi Qianxue's reaction and mood, it should be fairly satisfactory.

   After the meeting, Wu Tao was really lazy at home for a few days.

   The road has been paved anyway, and everything that can be done is almost done. The next step is to see whether the first game of Tianxing Game Company can be an instant success.

   So Wu Tao stays at home without going out during the day, but actually sleeping.

  Because he has to follow the time in Los Angeles at night to go to work together to track and promote the game planning and development progress.

   At present, the counter-strike game engine has signed an intent with the manufacturer, and at the same time, the team’s character design, weapon configuration and other information in the game have also begun to conduct systematic data collection and investigation.

   strive to restore the true situation to the greatest extent...

   There are a lot of things that are not very detailed here, and correspondingly, there is a lot of work for the development of the game.

   At the same time, Molly, who was still staying at home, began to double-in with Qin Xiaoxiao, commuting to and from get off work together.

   Although she knew that Wu Tao's arrangement had a special purpose, she still couldn't refuse it.

   On the one hand, she is used to the working atmosphere and environment; on the other hand, she is also very curious about many things and wants to follow up.

   For example, Yuanqi Investment distributed flyers to every participant after this Internet conference.

   The content of the flyer is very simple. It is a targeted advertisement for medium and large investment projects, and the content of the project is a computer bar, or more accurately, an Internet bar.

   Molly has seen the visions and expectations of industry professionals from all over the country at the conference; and now she wants to see how many people turn such visions and expectations into actual actions.

   Even if the feedback received by Tianqi Investment here may not be so comprehensive, it can be seen from a glimpse of the leopard.

   On the first day of the meeting, Tianqi Investment went as usual.

  Molly said that it is understandable. After all, the meeting has just ended, so people have to remember it before they can make a sensible decision.

   And this aftertaste period, Molly thinks it will be like a week.

However, on the second day, Molly was still thinking,'If there is no positive feedback after a week, then it means...' When the manager of the first investment department hurriedly walked in and reported: "Mr. Qin, just received Mr. Shi’s consultation call, he wants to open another branch of Inspur Computer Bar in Xinjiekou."

   "Which Mr. History?" Qin Xiaoxiao was unclear.

   "It is Shi Xiaochun who spoke at the conference, the owner of Inspur Computer Bar on Shonan Road."

   Qin Xiaoxiao decisively ordered: "Invite him to the company, and focus on follow-up."

   This is the first intention, and the company should naturally pay attention to it. Moreover, this is an investment project that Wu Tao has placed high hopes on, aimed at accelerating the maturation of the domestic Internet market.

   The breakthrough from 0 to 1 took a full day.

   However, the breakthrough from 1 to 10 took only half a day.

   By the end of the third day of get off work, Tianqi Investment had received more than 100 telephone inquiries, almost covering such big cities as Yanjing, Zhonghai, and Shenzhen.

   As for the end of the week, Tianqi Investment received a total of telephone consultations and exceeded the 1,000 mark, of which more than 100 intentions were preliminarily determined to be valid.

   This once again allowed Molly to refresh her estimation of China's current situation.

   In her opinion, it is pretty good that Tianqi Investment can harvest 30 or 50 investment intentions.

   After all, this investment direction is fancy, not everyone needs capital investment.

   In other words, the investment intentions that fall into the Tianqi investment bowl are likely to only occupy a small portion.

   calculated in this way, it is quite impressive.

   Molly can even imagine the grand occasion of the kind of computer bar rushing to open all over the country.

   I'm crazy, I'm really going crazy.

   Molly has nothing to say, what Wu Tao said is being fulfilled sentence by sentence. And the Internet bubble that she said all the time does not seem to exist.

   China's Internet market is developing by leaps and bounds.

   In contrast, the Internet economy in the United States, after experiencing the initial good situation, has begun to take a turn for the worse, becoming shocking, like walking on thin ice.

   Fortunately, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

   This may be the only comfort that Molly can think of.

   Tianxing Game Company.

Since the end of the Internet conference, the company has started to operate in a state of It is because there are too many things to do, and the company is not equipped with enough staff. It is still in the process of recruiting and buying horses. It's even more stretched.

  Especially Shi Qianxue, the marketing planning manager, is still a polished commander. Not only responsible for recruiting qualified newcomers, but also responsible for pushing forward the planning work.

   In this way, this day naturally flies tightly.

   Overtime has become the norm.

   However, Shi Qianxue did not complain. She chose the road by herself, and she was willing to suffer no matter how tired she was.

   Shi Qianxue was startled suddenly until an old man came to the door again.

   "Cai Wenxiu, why are you here? Didn't you go back to Taipei?"

   Cai Wenxiu asked instead: "Sher, is this the life you want? Unfinished work, unfinished classes?"

"...Furthermore, what prospects can a game company have? As far as I know, there are some places in China that can't even get enough food and clothing. The development of video games in such an environment is simply a laugh. ..."

   Upon hearing this, he was so kind to this guy, and suddenly disappeared.

Shi Qianxue's tone changed abruptly and coldly said: "Cai Wenxiu, I advise you not to talk nonsense about things you don't understand. This is my cousin's property, and it is not your turn to point your fingers. Besides, he is younger than you, and your wealth is yours. Hundreds of times, what qualifications do you have to comment on his decision?"

   Cai Wenxiu's delicate little white face instantly turned into a pig liver color. After a long time, he said: "Don't believe me, just wait and see!"

   Shi Qianxue: "Haha!"