Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 546: Strong winds and waves are also opportun

Although it was a banquet, Rena Fujiwara didn't actually eat much.

When    was approaching, he resolutely demanded that he pay the bill. Alyssa can't understand it anymore, what kind of banquet is this?

   But the president was still full of joy, as if he had picked up a big bargain.

This question remained in my heart until the two of them said goodbye to Wu Tao and embarked on the return journey to the airport. Alyssa had to ask: "President, I don’t understand. Let’s go back to Tokyo from Bangkok and stop at Jinling. One stop, just to have a meal with Wu Sang?"

   Rena Fujiwara rubbed her temples with her fingers, then pinched her eyebrows and said, "Yes, Alyssa, that's it."

   "Does the president like Wu Sang?" Alyssa thought about it, but she couldn't figure it out, and her thoughts were crooked decisively.

Unexpectedly, Rena Fujiwara admitted openly, "Yes, I like Wu Sang if he is ten years older. But I made a special trip to Jinling to find him, not because of this. To be precise, I Is to seek his support."

   "So, the president doesn't have enough confidence in the mess at the headquarters of the consortium? But Alyssa hadn't noticed it before."

   Fujiwara Rena turned her pretty face and looked directly at the assistant who wanted to focus on cultivation and said, "Look at me, did you find anything?"

   Alyssa didn't know her, she glanced at this pretty face that was close at hand with a puzzled look.

   I have to admit that the new president has an intellectual and capable temperament from the inside to the outside, which is exactly what she lacks.

   Not only that, but even the skin, eyelashes and lipstick are taken care of meticulously, and I can't fault it.

   As for the change..., Alyssa moved in her heart.

   After a meal, the president's expression is obviously relaxed a lot, and the whole person glows with a bright and **** look.

   And during this time, Alyssa knew that the president did not use makeup or maintenance.

   Is it because of Wu Sang?

   For an instant, Alyssa suddenly realized. On the way back from Bangkok, although the president is also full of confidence, there is always a pimple between his eyebrows, and the gloomy expression can drip water.

   Now the president is different, even if he is no longer serious and cold, his self-confidence has become stronger.

   can even be said to be smug.

"But the president, I know Wu Sang is a very intelligent Chinese man. But he is really strong enough that you have to rely on it?" Alyssa was deliberately asking, "I mean, from the Mitsui Consortium Strength, after all, is stronger than Wu Sang's net worth..."

   Fujiwara Rena waved her hand and interrupted: "You will understand slowly in the future, now I want to take a rest."

   After a short while, there was a dense and delicate breathing sound in my ear. Alyssa was very surprised. On the way back from Bangkok, the president never fell asleep. Now it's only a while before I fall asleep.

   It seems that Wu Sang's influence is really so powerful.

   Wu Tao, who had sent away Fujiwara Rena, was about to give herself a vacation and went back to visit.

  I think it's time for An Rong and the others to enter the most stressful high school life. It's been a long time since they have seen each other, and I really miss it in my heart.

   As for the Tianxing Game Company, it has been on the right track, and nothing has happened to his boss in a short time.

   After all, specific tasks must be entrusted to specific people. Those who are bosses should be caught, and those who shouldn't be caught.

   As for the development of games, the development of companies, and the maturation of the industry, these all take time, and there is no rush in a short time.

   So it's better to take advantage of this effort and go for a bit of leisure.

   At this point, Wu Tao immediately called Shi Qianxue to inform her that she was going back to Beijiang.

   Unexpectedly, not long after this call was hung up, another call came in.

   is the voice of Secretary Sun, "Mr. Wu, senior officials are looking for you. When will it be convenient for you?"

   This time Secretary Sun didn’t even have to say anything about it, and Wu Tao immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, "I can do it now, where is Senior Official Liang now?"

   "The provincial party committee agency."

   "Okay, give me half an hour." Wu Tao said decisively.

   After half an hour, the Crown Car arrived at the Provincial Party Committee compound. Secretary Sun was already waiting downstairs, and Wu Tao hurried up to meet him.

   "Mr. Wu, please come to the office and wait with me first. Senior officials will come over after this brief meeting."

   "Then Secretary Sun will lead the way."

   Entering Liang Yancheng's office, everything here reveals a simple and heavy feeling, even the furniture and furnishings reveal the simplicity of the Republic of China.

   There is only the iron tree in the corner, with lush branches and leaves, with a little fresh breath.

Seeing Wu Tao staring at Tie Shu without saying a word, Secretary Sun made a cup of tea for him and delivered it: "When senior officials are free, they like to take care of a few hands. Something happened during this period, and if you neglect it, it will It's grown like this."

   "What happened?" Wu Tao took the tea, thanked him and asked.

   Secretary Sun hesitated to speak but said: "The senior officials will talk to you specifically for a while, but I can tell you that the senior officials are now meeting with several financial experts and economists."

   For an instant, Wu Tao understood.

   It seems that the moths made by George really make the whole of Asia like a big enemy.

   While thinking about it, the office door was pushed open, Liang Yancheng kept wiping his face with his hand, and walked in with strong spirits.

   "Oh, Xiao Wu has arrived? Sit down and let me go."

   Secretary Sun walked over to fetch water and twisted the towel, let Liang Yancheng wipe his face and hands.

   Qing Shui iced his cheeks, Liang Yancheng's old face was blushing, but the folds on his forehead were obviously much more.

   It seems that I have been worrying about it for a while.

   With a snap, Liang Yancheng threw a stack of newspapers over.

   Wu Tao took it over and took a look. It was a government internal reference, something that most people can't see. The four words that appear the most in the above title are the financial crisis.

   The financial crisis has swept across Southeast Asia, and even East Asian countries have been affected. Governments of various countries are facing the enemy, protecting the exchange rate, but the effect is not good...

"Just after Xiangjiang returned, Soros made such a thing. Do you say that this old American man deliberately embarrassed the Chinese government?" Liang Yancheng's tone revealed obvious dissatisfaction, and he sat up straight, hands together, " I heard that you dealt with that little old man when you were in Bangkok. Tell me about it."

Wu Tao put down his teacup and thought: "Although George is aggressive this time, I really want to say that he is not to embarrass the government of any country. He is to make money, a lot of money! This time he and Xiangjiang return to catch up. , Is purely coincidental."

   Saying this, Liang Yancheng's tight spirit suddenly relaxed a lot.

   "As long as there is no political intention in this matter, it is easy to handle!"

However, Wu Tao changed the conversation, "Although I know the determination and courage of the central government to win this financial war, I still have to remind. This storm is just a pre-dinner appetizer. The real storm is still to come. ?"

   "This **** wants to turn the sky over..." Liang Yancheng slapped the table with his right hand, chatting madly.

   was so scared that Wu Tao was also taken aback, touched his nose, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

   "Whatever you want to say, just say it."

   When Wu Tao heard this, he began to boldly say, "Actually, in my opinion, although this event is a test, it is also an opportunity..."

   "What do you say?" Liang Yancheng became uneasy. "There can be a robber in this house. We have to thank him, right?"