Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 588: Give you a future, thank you


The management meeting ended in a warm atmosphere.

I feel good about myself before the meeting, and everyone after the meeting is full of enthusiasm.

After all, even the leaders of the three levels have been criticized. As ordinary level cadres, why don't they work hard?

What's more, according to the layout exhibition the boss said, for the vast number of people, there is a lot of room for promotion!

There is pressure behind and motivation before.

Why can't people's potential be aroused?

The weather in Jinling, for Molly, who is accustomed to the climate of Los Angeles, actually did not get too comfortable.

However, in order to find the think tank behind Wu Tao, she settled down and took root.

It's just that in the past few days, Wu Tao has been busy with Yuanqi Technology, and he rarely goes to Tianqi Investment, let alone meeting with think tanks.

As for the composition of Yuanqi Technology's team, Molly looked at it, and it was far from the think tank equipment she had imagined.

So it was ruled out immediately.

So where is the real think tank? Molly became more confused as she investigated.

Could it be that this world is so intelligent and close to monsters?

The spirit of the management meeting was quickly conveyed.

Yuanqi Technology's previous state of warm development suddenly became radical and energetic.

What's the matter with this, thinking about lying on the bottom of the merits? cant!

If you really want to eat your own money, that's okay, and be prepared to be overwhelmed by others.

Therefore, the company was driven by this faint competitive atmosphere. Everyone combines the realization of the company's exhibition goals with their own goals.

A kind of foundation called enterpriseization was formed unknowingly at this time.

The employees below each have their own goals, but Wu Tao, who has established f1ag, is relaxed.

In my spare time, I began to meet with representatives of all parties to conduct necessary exchanges and communication.

Even sometimes specific matters do not need him to talk about, he only came out to show a gesture, a gesture of importance.

Sometimes it's boring to think about it.

It wasn't until the telecommunications bureau sent someone that Wu Tao saw the old Si Chengli in his previous life, and he didn't think it was so interesting.

This time Cheng Li came here alone, unlike when he appeared as Zhang Xiaochu's attendant several times before.

This makes Tan Xiaofei very dissatisfied, because in her opinion, at the level of the office director of Cheng Li, it is not enough to talk to Wu Tao directly.

In fact, business dealings also talk about identity equivalence.

It's just that Wu Tao wants to see him out of order, which makes Tan Xiaofei very out of control.

In the huge office of the president, Wu Tao sits in the executive chair, manipulating a somewhat clumsy desktop computer at the desk.

Although he is in the Yuanqi science and technology class, he is actually operating the computer management software produced by Tianxing Game Company.

It wasn't until Tan Xiaofei knocked in with a gust of fragrant wind and walked in with Cheng Li, who was a little cautious, that Wu Tao stopped working on the computer, bypassed the desk, and greeted Cheng Li to take a seat in the reception area.

Tan Xiaofei asked them what they were drinking, and then retire first.

Facing Wu Tao, Cheng Li obviously didn't dare to be too big, even in the posture of sitting on the sand, only half of his buttocks were stained with sand, and he was so straight that he did not dare to slack off.

"Mr. Wu, in fact, Vice President Zhang originally planned to visit him in person this time, but the ministry suddenly called in and he had to go to Beijing immediately, so he could only assign me to meet Mr. Wu and communicate his feelings."

Wu Tao waved his hand, "It's okay, it's just that our brothers said something personally."

brother? Cheng Li was really flattered by the word and waved his hands again and again, "Mr. Wu, how dare I call you a brother? Don't you dare!"

Wu Tao laughed, "What can't you dare? You and I hit it off right away. Anyway, I saw Director Cheng and thought you were righteous and could make friends. Could Director Cheng look down on me as a businessman?"

"Where and where, Mr. Wu laughed." Cheng Li's forehead was already a little sweaty. "Recently, with the continuous hot sale of the 1otus mobile phones, the growth of China Telecom's user base has accelerated. Not only that, but also the user scale of China Unicom. The tide goes up."

"Vice President Zhang means that the contribution of Touyuanqi Technology is indispensable. Therefore, we have been urged to keep close contact with your company to jointly promote the development of China's communications industry."

These are all clichés.

Wu Tao didn't take it seriously, but he still patiently listened to the other party.

Because this is work.

After Cheng Li finished speaking, Wu Tao took it and changed the subject: "I also congratulate Director Cheng for being promoted to the office director this time."

"Dare not dare, Mr. Wu."

"Not the director of the process, have you ever thought of making a lasting step forward?"

When asked about this, Cheng Li was shocked.

The facts have been in the system for so many years, and as a top student, he has only become an office director. He is actually very dissatisfied.

It is said that after two years, the minimum degree required to enter the telecommunications bureau is a bachelor degree. By then, he will not be able to get a college degree.

If you don't take advantage of these two years to climb as soon as possible, it is really possible that you will stagnate in this position in the future.

Therefore, Cheng Li was very polite, and said straightforwardly: "I would like to ask Mr. Wu for advice."

"The essence of the telecommunications bureau lies in the amount of information communicated between mobile users. The greater the amount of header information here, the greater your profit." As soon as Wu Tao opened his mouth, he cut into the other party's perspective and immediately aroused Cheng Li's interest. .

"But now the cost of making and receiving calls on mobile phones is too expensive, and most people can't afford them. This also limits the popularization of mobile phone products and the growth of mobile user groups to some extent."

Cheng Li suddenly said, "Mr. Wu, we have also considered reducing communication rates to attract new customers. However, after accounting, it does not seem to be cost-effective. And the nation’s mobile network is in the early stage of construction, so we rushed to lower the communication charges. Policy also has risks."

"I don't want you to promote tariff reform." Wu Tao smiled confidently. "In fact, reducing tariffs won't give you much credit. But opening up a new data business that makes money is different. NS."

"New data business?" Cheng Li's eyes lit up.

Wu Tao knocked on the desk and said, "That's service. Sometimes, users don’t need to say a lot of things when making calls, or it’s not suitable to talk directly on the phone. At this time , It’s very useful to edit a short message."

"It not only makes it easy for users to say things that are not easy to say directly, but also adds a means of mobile communication. As a new business, you have complete discretion in pricing. As long as voice calls are lower, I can guarantee that there will be a market. ."

Cheng Li lifted his spirits when he heard the words, "Mr. Wu, you are right. In fact, some areas of foreign countries already have short message service, but because of the lack of technical support in China, it has not been introduced. Now you have your company’s all-tech mobile phone. , The domestic short message service technology is ready!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Li stood up and bowed to Wu Tao, "Thank you, Mr. Wu for your advice!"



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