Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 593: Who is not so long-eyed

This conversation with Liang Yancheng was really stress-free.

Wu Tao has long been accustomed to rumors and rumors. At this moment, speaking from Liang Yancheng's mouth, it was nothing more than that he wanted to take a reassurance.

Since he wanted to eat, Wu Tao gave him something to eat.

And what Liang Yancheng gave back to him was about a small mess.

A reassurance was exchanged for a meal. It was said that this business was a bit uneconomical, but Wu Tao was very happy.

After all, the food in the agency is very different from what is eaten outside.

Especially when it comes to the provincial level, many things seem unpredictable, but in fact they are more or less special.

This may be one of the few systems handed down in the era of planned economy.

The two of them finished their business talks and started talking while eating.

One is the veteran in officialdom, and the other is the young rookie in the business world. Naturally, there is no shortage of topical conversations between the two.

Especially at a time when China's international status is steadily rising after the return of Xiangjiang, many things at home and abroad are undergoing subtle changes.

As for Liang Yancheng's topic, he naturally talked about the battle of Xiangjiang's financial defense.

There is no lack of sorrows in words: "In the past, our country always wanted to be in line with international standards, what reform and opening up, what joined the WTO, what has been established in the world of nations. Now that we have really reached this point, we found out that we first rushed towards the world. Yes, it is the cruelty of this world."

"...If you want to blend in with others, you have to abide by others' rules. The adaptation of the rules comes at a price."

Liang Yancheng spoke in a daunting manner, but Wu Tao became accustomed to it.

He knew what Liang Yancheng meant. This kind of thing would never happen before.

It's okay now, so I don't want to say anything, but I still have to maintain my demeanor on the surface. As for how much was lost in private.

No, no matter how much you lose, you have to straighten your waist.

Because it is related to the international image and comprehensive strength, we cannot easily show our cowardice.

When it came, Liang Yancheng said with sorrow and concern: "Let's talk about it, how much did your Apocalypse lose this time?"

When Liang Yancheng said this, he meant that he wanted Wu Tao to make a request.

But Wu Tao frowned and he laughed, "If you always don’t mind, I’ll make a request. But having said that, Tianqi Investment didn’t participate in this thing at all this time, at best it’s from the sidelines. That's it."

"Uh..." Liang Yancheng was quite surprised, "Your kid just tasted the sweetness last time, but can you hold it back this time? I underestimated you."

Wu Tao waved his hand and said: "To be honest, these financial games are not something we can afford to play. The most important thing for us right now is to seize the time and opportunity to develop our industry and strengthen ourselves."

"Okay, your kid sees more clearly than I do." Liang Yancheng smiled comfortingly, "In this case, don't mention any requirements this time. This opportunity is kept, and it will come in handy next time."

When he left the organ compound, Wu Tao had a round belly and smiled.

It's just that when the car had just left the compound and turned into the main road in the city, his interest was chilled.

Unexpectedly, Yuanqi Technology has developed to this day, and its various strengths have been shown one after another, but some people are still waiting to see the jokes, which is not good.

Yuanqi Technology wants to become a trump card to dominate Asia. Is this goal very exaggerated?

Wu Tao thought about it, not at all, okay?

With this in mind, the car will naturally go to the ecological lake factory of Yuanqi Technology.

Until standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the president's office and looking at the vast surface of the entire ecological lake, the whole talent became relaxed and happy.

Pei Ying brought in a cup of coffee, with a little caution in her words and deeds.

Even when he speaks softly, he lacks a noticeable sense of prominence.

Wu Tao came back to his senses and turned around to see that the secretary had quietly walked to the door.

"Hey, wait."

"Boss, what else is there to order?" Pei Ying turned around, with a hint of funny cover-up on Qiao's face.

Wu Tao picked up the coffee and took a sip, "I asked you to prepare the ingredients, are you ready?"

"," Pei Ying couldn't help but said with a guilty conscience: "It's... it's done."

"Did you get it right?" Wu Tao asked in a leisurely manner.

In fact, Pei Ying naturally got it right.

Just because she is a newcomer and took over the first task ordered by the boss, she is always a little bit worried about gains and losses subconsciously, worrying that this place is not perfect, there can be perfected and so on.

The result was such a swindle by Wu Tao, and he could only say honestly with a low eyebrow, "It's done, boss."

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Bring it over and show it to me."

"Oh~" Pei Ying turned and ran away, with a little anxiety.

Soon Wu Tao saw the report compiled by Pei Ying, assessing the impact of SMS services on the development of the mobile phone industry.

I flipped through it casually, and it could be said that this report exceeded my expectations of the other party.

But Wu Tao still didn't show it, and continued to watch with a serious face.

Pei Ying was so scared that she was sitting on the chair opposite the desk, like a little daughter-in-law waiting to be sentenced.

"Emmmm..." After I don't know how long, Wu Tao finally said, "There is still a problem with this report!"

Pei Ying felt a sudden heart, and she didn't know how to answer these words.

"For example, in the argument chain, the connection is not close enough, the excess is not natural enough, and it looks very scattered..."

"For another example, the processing of these data is not enough to be clear at a glance..."


When Pei Ying heard, the boss mentioned all the faults. This is over, it's really over.

The beautiful mind suddenly fell to the bottom, so that the sky outside became gloomy.

Until Wu Tao's voice changed, "However, although there are many shortcomings, they are all small shortcomings. But there are also many advantages, and they are all commendable big advantages. I must praise you for this!"

"...For example, the thinking is very clear, and the quotation of data is also very More importantly, you can complete it within 20 hours, I am very satisfied."

Ascending from **** to heaven, for a while, Pei Ying couldn't turn her mind a little, and her pretty face couldn't help but eagerly said: "Boss, really...really? You must not lie to others..."

Wu Tao laughed too, and even said such petty words. It seemed that this female secretary was really frightened by herself.

"Really, I promise."

No matter how much praise is given, it is better to send more tasks.

So the next moment, Wu Tao suddenly said with a serious face: "So now I have a new task, which I want to entrust to you. Do you have any confidence?"

Excited, Pei Ying squeezed her chest and said highly: "Yes!"

"Well, very good." Wu Tao paused and said: "Now some people question the ability of Yuanqi Technology to become Asia's trump card. Go back and plan, make a voice, create a momentum, and respond."

"Can I ask, who is so short-eyed?"