Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 626: Strong join of Chip Fighter

After sending away the three of Qiu Xiaotian's family, Wu Tao's thoughts were also suddenly clear.

Looking back, I saw Ding Tiantian with a scent bathed in fragrance and a dull face, and her frown also stretched out.

"What's so happy?" Shi Qianmei said with sweat and sweat.

"I have a cure for sweetness!"

Putting Ding Tiantian on the bed of the master bedroom, Shi Qianmei followed up with a hairdryer.

Didn't know that Ding Tiantian sat down on the bed, and immediately shrank into a ball, hiding at the foot of the bed with a guarded look.

Shi Qianmei took a hair dryer to call Naihe, and looked back at Wu Tao, but he was rummaging through the cabinets.

At this time, Wu Tao had found the alkman that had been on hold for a long time, and was looking for some healing music tapes.

In his impression, some foreigner's main songs are very healing powers.

For example, yesterday reappeared.

Another example is this situation.

Even my heart is eternal.

Those ethereal and penetrating tones can break the heavy shackles of the soul, hit the deepest part of the soul, and cause strong resonance.

Fortunately, although the tape is not listening to the demand, it is still there.

Find the Richard Marks album, put it in the alkman, and then put the earphones into Ding Tiantian's ears.

Alkman's LCD screen went on and off.

Shows "Righthereaiting" is playing.

At first, Ding Tiantian didn't have any obvious reaction, but when Shi Qianmei took the hair dryer, she stopped trying to hide.

When Shi Qianmei turned on the hair dryer to lift her long hair and began to dry, Ding Tiantian struggled subconsciously and then gave up.

Sniffing the fragrance of Yiren's hair, Wu Tao stared at Ding Tiantian's pretty face without blinking, observing the changes in her eyes.

The first time passed, Ding Tiantian's eyes remained unchanged. It was just that the nervous body relaxed a lot, letting Shi Qianmei blow her long hair up and down indifferently.

Immediately after the second time, she began to nod gently. At the beginning, the rhythm was not able to keep up with the tune. Gradually, it became more precise and powerful.

It really works!

Although Ding Tiantian did not get out of that state immediately, the result was already very gratifying.

Shi Qianmei was relieved to feel the subtle changes in Ding Tiantian after finishing her work.

Wu Tao said in a nutshell: "Cousin, you should go back first, there will be a lot of things in the factory tomorrow."

Shi Qianmei stared at the solitary situation of the two of them, opened her mouth to say something, but didn't say anything, she just said, "Rongrong is a good girl..."

"Don't worry, sister!"

Wu Tao is now wholeheartedly trying to cure Ding Tiantian, so that she can restore her pure and perfect appearance as soon as possible.

Shi Qianmei left and closed the door before leaving.

Sitting on the floor in front of the bed, Wu Tao moved the writing board to the bed and began to write a paper on the use of software engineering in the field of game development.

This idea was born during the actual operation of the Skywalk game.

After yesterday's project meeting, he was born with a summary idea. Now, taking advantage of the opportunity to guard Ding Tiantian, it just happens to be able to write it out.

Both do not delay.

Alkman played those tapes over and over again, and Ding Tiantian's body gradually softened until she lay on her side on the bed, like a newborn baby.

Wu Tao covered her with the quilt, turned off the top light, and then continued to write the thesis under the lamp...

Until I woke up ignorantly, I only felt that something was stroking on my face from time to time, which was very comfortable and itchy.

When I opened my eyes, Ding Tiantian's bright and burning eyes were met: "Are you awake? Good morning!"

"Are you awake?" Wu Tao straightened up and asked intentionally.

Ding Tiantian raised his alkman in her hand and said, "This is very useful! Thank you, Master!"

Apart from joy, there is no lack of shyness in my heart. That's right, this is the silly white sweetness of the normal state.

As Wu Tao sorted out the thesis materials, he said lightly, "Thank me for what I do? I'm a wicked capitalist!"

"I know, capitalist, I will try my best to make money for you!" Ding Tiantian opened the quilt and stretched her waist, showing her good figure.

Wu Tao couldn't help but his heartbeat.

Sure enough, he is a potential newcomer in the music and film worlds, this stretch is so good-looking.

The weather in early winter got a little bit colder.

After Wu Tao had breakfast, he planned to finish writing the thesis at home without going out today.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xueli made a phone call and couldn't think that the plan could not keep up with the changes. He couldn't sit still, and simply tidied up the draft of the paper before rushing out of the house.

As soon as he got in the car, Song Zhuang saw the excitement on his face and said, "Boss, what good things are so happy?"

"Academician Ni Guangnan is finally letting go, and is willing to join our chip industry!" Wu Tao calmed down and said calmly.

Song Zhuang didn't understand the way too deep, but he knew exactly how much his boss paid to recruit an academician.

"Then I congratulate the boss first!" Song Zhuang was also happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

Wu Tao looked out the window and couldn't help thinking about the chip industry.

As far as he knows, Tao Changxuan, who was on a business trip to Dongying, has returned and is writing a summary inspection report in the company. So he called immediately and ordered him to prepare first.

Ni Guangnan's joining is expected, but it is still a major event for Yuanqi Technology.

So important events must be done solemnly.

It shows the importance of talents and highlights the commanding heights of the company's strategy.

When I arrived at the company, the conference room No. 1 in the office building of Yuanqi Technology had been grandly arranged.

Although no external reporters were invited, the company’s own propaganda department has already deployed cameras and cameras.

Warmly welcome Academician Ni Guangnan to join Yuanqi Technology Chip Industry!

Under the leadership of Pei Ying, when Wu Tao rushed to the meeting room, Tao Changxuan was busy and sweating commanding. Seeing him entering the door, he immediately came over to report: "Boss, what do you think, what else needs improvement? The place?"

Wu Tao glanced, nodded and said: "Very good!" Then he turned to Pei Ying and said, "Also, notify the directors of all major departments to come to the meeting."

At this time there was no one besides Tao Changxuan. Wu Tao raised his eyebrows and asked casually: "Old Tao, I invite Academician Ni to join, do you have any ideas? If you have an idea, just mention it, and I will consider it comprehensively."

New talents should be valued, and old backbones should also be taken into consideration. As a leader, Wu Tao was already proficient in this way.

And Tao Changxuan is not a small pole anymore. He heard the song and understood the elegance, and immediately said clearly: "Boss, don't worry, I will have no problem! In fact, without the joining of Academician Ni, I would really be a little unsure. Now Well, whether it is the cooperation negotiation with Dongying Devil or the future layout plan, I am full of confidence!"

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