Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 629: Self-inflicted, can't live

"Is it the contract amount or the order amount?"

"Of course it's the contract amount." Shi Qianmei smiled and straightened her hair on her temples and said: "We make clothing, but we can't compare to yours making mobile phones. At the beginning, there can be a contract amount of two to three million yuan. I have already I am very happy. If there are two or three million orders in the whole year, then I will be able to wake up in my dreams."

Wu Tao laughed.

In fact, the order of two to three million is not a big deal to him.

After all, down jackets, winter clothes, should have more audiences and volumes than mobile phones, and the order volume should be an order of magnitude higher than that of mobile phones.

However, Shi Qianmei's goal is not high right now.

At least it saves a lot of money, accidentally overturning the car.

"This is a good start!" Wu Tao thought: "The more you do this, the more cousin you have to take care of your body. Because this is a protracted battle, every good body is guaranteed, that's not good."

At this moment, Shi Qianmei's mobile phone on the table rang.

Shi Qianmei glanced at the number, and the joy on Qiao's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a snake-like disgust.

Wu Tao noticed that her face was wrong and raised his brows and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Shi Qianmei let out a sigh and continued to lower her head to pick up rice.

It didn't take long before the phone rang again.

Shi Qianmei took another hurried look. After all, there are a lot of calls from customers at the moment. In any case, you can't miss business calls because of anger.

But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, the whole person's mood immediately collapsed.

The state of relief, as well as the grace and tranquility that had been so long, were all destroyed and couldn't be picked up.

this is life.

Some people always linger like a ghost.

At this time, he had to spit decisively, and then stepped on a few feet, Shi Shiran turned and left.

So Wu Tao decisively grabbed the phone, opened the flip, and responded with a low voice, "Hey, who?"

In fact, Wu Tao knew that the other party was Zhou Chuanwen, but just asked this deliberately.

Zhou Chuanwen couldn't help but paused, "You, who are you?"

"I'm Meimei's lover, Meimei is going to take a bath, do you have anything to bring?" Wu Tao said lightly while leaning on the tabletop.

Originally, Wu Tao thought that at this point, if the other party knew a little shame, he should stop.

But I didn't expect Zhou Chuanwen to be the Binbin man who used to pretend to be decent. Now he, because of the gradual depression of the Shijia shipbuilding industry and the sudden emergence of the Friendship Apparel Group, his mentality has long since collapsed.

How can you care about decent and reserved?

So Zhou Chuanwen on the phone suddenly smiled, and said frivolously, "Lover? Do you know that Shi Qianmei was my woman?"

When most men hear this, they feel a little angry or unhappy with Shi Qianmei.

But Wu Tao is not an ordinary person after all, so he smiled and said, "No, Meimei told me that Ziheng's father is dead, and he died of eating too much."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for three seconds, and then a thunderous voice came, and Wu Tao decisively cut off the phone.

Looking back, she was greeted by Shi Qianmei's ridiculously ridiculous face, "Cousin, your mouth is really poisonous."

"Generally so, third in the world."

"But he will call again." After all, after living together for many years, Shi Qianmei still knows Zhou Chuanwen quite well.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the phone rang again.

Under Shi Qianmei's helpless gaze, Wu Tao picked up the phone again: "Hello, who?"

"I, Shi Qianmei's ex-husband, Zhou Chuanwen!"

Wu Tao said with a sigh, puckered out his ears and said, "What is Zhou Chuan?"

"Zhou Chuanwen!"

"What is it?"

"Zhou Chuanwen!"

"What is Zhou's text?"

"Zhou Chuanwen!" Zhou Chuanwen subconsciously replied several times, only to realize that he was being tricked, and he was about to have an attack. The beeping busy tone came from the phone again.

Is this hanging up again?

Seeing Wu Tao picking up the phone in time, the last trace of haze on Shi Qianmei's face also disappeared. Instead, she couldn't help laughing anymore: Hahaha...

Wu Tao shook his phone, "Do you want to play with him again?"

Shi Qianmei trembled with laughter, so she had to akimbo and waved her hand and said, "Forget it, it's enough for him to be depressed."

The next moment, Wu Tao immediately pressed and held the power button to turn off Shi Qianmei's phone.

So when Zhou Chuanwen dialed the number for the third time, he couldn't get through anymore.

The suffocation in his throat made him frustrated, and he swept the papers on the table, as well as the phone, all in one breath...

Shi Qianmei looked at the phone that had been turned off, and immediately understood.

Wu Tao shook his phone and said, "Don't be polite with this kind of person. The wicked should use evil tricks, otherwise he will always think you are a bully."

"I know!" Shi Qianmei shrugged and said in relief: "Then I will answer his call next time, what should I say to hit him?"

Wu Tao spread his hands, "It's very simple, you can say a lot. For example, calmly tell him how loving you are with your current lover; or tell him confidently that he will retake the Shijia Shipbuilding Company within six months..."

Shi Qianmei's eyes lit up, "This is really a good way!"

Zhou Chuanwen has been very depressed recently is very depressed.

After he accepted Shi's shipping company as he wished, he realized how difficult it was for Shi's to control the company of Nuoda.

Up and down, thousands of people, relying on the company to eat, ask for money every minute and every second.

It is not easy to make this home.

In addition, entering the end of the solar calendar, international hot money speculators led by Quantum Fund launched a new round of impact on the economic aspects of various Southeast Asian countries and regions.

The Taiwanese government resolutely abandoned the exchange rate and allowed international speculators to drive in. The exchange rate, stock market and futures fell sharply. It was a devastating blow to the Shijia Shipbuilding Company, which was closely related to the three aspects.

In less than two weeks, the stock of Shijia Shipbuilding Company plummeted by as much as 40%!

This is also the result of Zhou Chuanwen's repeated rescues.

And several futures transactions have even dried up the cash flow of the shipping company.

However, all this is just the beginning, and Zhou Chuanwen's heart is unable to support, a kind of regret has begun to sprout.

So Shi Qianmei, who has always attached importance to love and righteousness, became his last straw.

In order to grasp this straw, he did it even if it was shameless.

But today, knowing that the other party already has a lover made him completely desperate.

It turned out that time has changed, Shi Qianmei has long been a stranger to him, everything is irretrievable...

Zhou Chuanwen slumped down on the ground, his wooden face full of decadence. I really agreed with that sentence, committing sins, don't live!

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