Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 631: Low-key makes Wannian Ship

Since Friendship Apparel Group was listed as a provincial-level internal reference, it has changed from a big trouble to the hot cake.

Although the factory is no longer surnamed the country, it is still on the territory of Huayu District and even Jinling City. Taxes and other things cannot always run away.

Coupled with the huge advertisement endorsed by Ding Tiantian, almost the entire factory has been decorated. Therefore, more and more leaders at all levels come to visit, and there is an endless stream.

At first, Shi Qianmei was unwilling to go ahead and face these welcoming and rushing, all of which was left to deputy Qian Wenguang to deal with it.

But today it was Zeng Xianfeng, the second in command of Jinling City, and Shi Qianmei had to come forward to receive him.

Seeing that Shi Qianmei was not free, Wu Tao took the two girls straight upstairs.

Standing on the balcony on the third floor, overlooking the entire factory area, there is nothing else to read except for the pictorial endorsements of Ding Da star everywhere.

If it must be said, it is that the factory is very clean, with a clean smell of coldness.

After all, to welcome the leaders to visit and inspect, cleaning is almost one of the necessary subjects.

Shi Qianmei led Zeng Xianfeng and his party. After visiting the hot factory workshops, they had to take them to the workshop areas that had not been used yet, and let them slam Fang Qiu and say something was wrong.

For example, the next development plan is to expand the scale.

You can't leave the leaders speechless. This is also an indispensable technique for receiving and accompanying leaders.

"This hasn't changed much!" An Rong put her chin in her hands, and leaned on the side rail of the balcony, and said dumbly: "Now Mei Sister takes it over, can she really get back to life and make a lot of money?"

Wu Tao didn't take it seriously anymore.

First, because An Rong has been to this factory and knows what it looked like in the past; second, in the eye-catching pictorial that can be seen everywhere, Ding Tiantian's beauty in various styles of down jackets made her a little bit jealous.

So these words cannot be answered, nor can they be explained.

At this moment, a young man with glasses and gentle manner came up the stairs. As soon as he stepped on the balcony, he trot over to Wu Tao and the three people and said, "Mr. Wu, you have been waiting for a long time. Mr. Shi sent me to open the door for you. !"

Wu Tao recognized him, he was Shi Qianmei's secretary Wan Renfei, a very energetic young man.

Coupled with his arrival, he accidentally solved his own siege, so he said more enthusiastically: "Thank you Secretary Wan, thanks to you for running this trip, otherwise we will have to blow the cold wind here."

Secretary Wan was very flattered. It was not the first time that he saw Wu Tao, so he became even more strange.

But weird, weird, facing the cousin of his own boss, he still had to be polite and didn't dare to entrust him.

"Mr. Wu, whatever it is, it's a matter of effort."

He opened the door and led the three people into the office, and then he was busy serving tea and water.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the office door opened, An Rong, who had previously disapproved, and Zhao Li, who had nothing to do with her, were immediately attracted by the beautiful down jackets hanging inside.

The two girls just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, touching the down jacket samples in Shi Qianmei's office and admiring them.

Wu Tao took a look at this posture and quickly moved Secretary Wan into the aisle: "You don't need to pour the water, let's do it ourselves. You go to work first, tell my cousin, let him work first and leave us alone."

Secretary Wan left without any promise.

Hearing that the other party was down the stairs, Wu Tao immediately closed the office door, for fear that the two girls would die when they saw the beautiful clothes, and they would be seen by outsiders.

Looking back, An Rong was already holding a pink tunic long down jacket and said, "Can I try it?"

At the same time, Zhao Li also chose a half-length beige down jacket and asked, "Can you?"

In the face of this situation, what else can Wu Tao say besides nodding and saying yes?

Seeing Wu Tao nodding, the two girls screamed with excitement. Regardless of Wu Tao's presence at the moment, he began to try on undressed.

Wu Tao sat down on the sofa and watched in his spare time.

An Rong, who has taken off her woolen coat, has become fuller and fuller, and the curve of her figure that was not very prominent has also begun to emerge.

It's like a work of art embryo, slowly becoming perfect.

I could see that the evil fire under Wu Tao's lower abdomen came out, but because of Zhao Li's presence, I could only watch it.

As soon as he talked about Zhao Li, Wu Tao discovered that after the other party took off his jacket, he was wearing thinner than An Rong.

So that the chest is almost ready to come out.

This is a bit terrible...

At the same time, at the entrance of Workshop No. 6 in the factory.

Shi Qianmei was absent-mindedly listening to the slightly swollen Mayor Zeng saying something and nothing, and Qian Wenguang next to him was more diligent in answering the conversation, which saved her trouble.

At this time, the secretary Xiaowan ran over from a distance, pressed her ear, and whispered a few words.

When Shi Qianmei heard it, she immediately thought: "I'm sorry, Mayor Zeng, my cousin has something urgent to call me. He has been waiting for me in my office for a long time. Please allow me to accompany me first, and Mr. Qian, I will leave it to you here. Now, you must listen to the teachings of Mayor Zeng carefully!"

Secretary Wan couldn't help but hesitated, and he was full of doubts secretly, the cousin of President Shi clearly said that he was not in a hurry, and let President Shi be busy first.

When Zeng Xianfeng heard this, his heart suddenly became a little unhappy. Xin said that you have a cousin, even if there are more important things, can it be more important than me to inspect the work?

Unexpectedly, Qian Wenguang glanced at this scene, and immediately interrupted: "Don't worry, President Shi, I promise to complete the So Zeng Xianfeng is becoming more upset. The business woman on this island is not sensible, don't you? Is Qian Wenguang not sensible?

Chen Jiugeng, who was just about to have an attack right now, escorted him to the inspection without any precaution, also echoed, "Mr. Shi, you go first. Mayor Zeng has me here."

After Chen Jiugeng's agreement, the acumen of veteran cadres like Zeng Xianfeng has been reflected.

This is not right, even if Qian Wenguang is not sensible, he is facing his boss; but Chen Jiugeng should never have said the same.

It's really weird.

So after such a delay, Shi Qianmei had already turned and left.

When that figure was gone, Chen Jiugeng lowered his voice and said, "Mayor Zeng, the cousin of President Shi is the famous President Wu. Yuanqi Technology, Yuankang Water Drink, Tianqi Investment are all his industries..."

Zeng Xianfeng felt like riding a roller coaster in his heart.

While rejoicing secretly, he quickly reacted, nodding and interrupting: "I know, of course I know! Mr. Wu, Senior Official Liang mentioned it many times at the meeting..."

After speaking, Zeng Xianfeng could not help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

It's because I just kept a low profile and didn't challenge President Shi, otherwise it won't end up now.

Qian Wenguang took the opportunity to say: "Mayor Zeng, why don't we move to the conference room to have a discussion? It's too cold outside now, I'm afraid the hospitality will be poor..."

Zeng Xianfeng nodded with the help of Po Xiadong, "It's okay, it's arranged by the vice president of labor."

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help asking: "Well, should I go see Mr. Wu, after all, this is fate, isn't it?"

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