Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 651: Your life is yours

The next morning, when Wu Tao was at work, he met Ni Guangnan and found that he had changed from the low-key and reserved, and walked with spirit and fighting spirit.

And as soon as they met, they greeted themselves very enthusiastically.

It seems that people live a breath, it really is true.

The news broadcast last night more or less made Academician Ni Da exasperated. At the same time, it also strengthened his determination to go on the difficult road of chip localization.

This is a good thing.

Wu Tao even specifically thanked the producer of the news network last night for his impulse.

After Liang Yancheng inspected, other leaders at all levels came again, and Wu Tao stopped coming forward to receive him.

As a result, coupled with the approaching new year, Wu Tao suddenly became idle.

Drinking Pei Ying's coffee every day, chatting with her from time to time, making jokes, time slips away unknowingly.

Laba is the new year.

Seeing that the Spring Festival is approaching, international speculators have just finished a wave of harvesting, and now they are beginning to stop again.

There is nothing serious about this, Wu Tao wants to go back to his hometown altogether to celebrate the New Year.

If it weren't for An Rong as a graduating class and still making up classes, he would have killed him without hesitation.

Unexpectedly this delay, the uncle Biao and the second uncle of the table, a family of children, even brought the old man to Jinling.

The old man was so old that he rushed to Jinling without hesitation, which made Wu Tao always a little unbelievable.

Wu Tao didn't accept the facts until he met the group of relatives and friends from Beijiang and the sightseeing group at the Friendship Clothing Group.

The old man got on a walking stick when he got out of the car, and he stubbornly refused to let anyone support him. He followed Shi Qianmei and the Shi family to visit the garment factory.

Now the garment factory looks really shabby, but it can't stand up to more than a dozen workshops are working overtime with bright lights.

Those machines that are constantly busy means a steady stream of business and benefits.

For a while, the uncle Shi Zhiwen watched his daughter's achievement in just a few months, and nodded with great relief. Even the aunt, who has always been very strong, couldn't help but shed tears.

When mother can't see too many other things in her eyes, she will only notice that her child is thinner again, and her complexion is much worse.

"Xiaomei, you have worked hard."

Hearing this sentence, Shi Qianmei, who has been directing Ruo Ding, almost shed tears, "Mommy, I'm fine."

The auntie patted her daughter's arm and said, "Don't worry, your daddy and I will be the masters for you this time."

When Wu Tao heard this, he dared to come back this time, there are other things.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the old man in front took the lead to praise, "Xiaomei, this child, can make the factory so in full swing in just a few months, I think this business talent is not bad!"

Shi Qianmei glanced at Wu Tao and looked ashamed to say: "Uncle grandfather, my little industry, compared with Xiao Tao's base industry, is nothing short of trouble."

With that said, the attention of the relatives and friends group was immediately drawn to Wu Tao.

So that afternoon, at the strong request of the old man Wu Ruichun, the group of relatives and friends visited Yuanqi Technology and Yuankang Water Drink. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you only know what is insignificant at a glance.

When all the members of the group of relatives and friends were placed in the Xuanwu Hotel that night, Aunt Hua also rushed over from the beauty salon to greet her. It was noisy for a while, but it was a bit lively in advance.

However, Shi Qianmei has always been frowning, making Wu Tao suspicious.

This time the family was dispatched, something must have happened.

It wasn't until he pushed open the old man's room and listened to the dispute between his father Wu Binghua and the old man who had just arrived from the construction site, that Wu Tao realized the seriousness of the situation.

When the two of them saw Wu Tao coming in, they were silent at all tacitly.

Wu Tao walked over and spread the dust on his father's body. Then he laughed and said, "Grandpa, Dad, what's the matter now, don't you want to hide it from me?"

The two of them looked at each other, but Wu Binghua relaxed first: "Dad, I don't think there is any need to hide this from Xiaotao. Maybe he has a better way?"

"Never mind, tell him." The old man leaned back.

Wu Binghua took a sip of water and said, "This is how things are..."

It turned out to be such a thing. After listening to Wu Tao, not only did he not have the slightest surprise, but he looked relaxed.

He was not surprised that Zhou Chuanwen could do such a thing.

Wu Binghua said loudly and forcefully: "So my opinion is to fight him to the end! This kid actually threatened his child's custody rights and wanted to return to the Shi family easily, treating the previous things as having never happened. nothing!"

"After all, the husband and wife are good partners!" The old man's concept is somewhat old and stale. Even when he speaks it out, he feels that it is not convincing enough: "Besides, this is also good for children."

"What's your opinion?" After the two of them finished speaking, they asked Wu Tao at the same time.

Wu Tao shrugged his shoulders, "I think you have overlooked the most important point, and that is the feelings and opinions of your cousin. After all, she is the first to affect this matter, and none of you can replace her."

The two of them looked at each other and had to admit that Wu Tao was right.

Their previous opinions were too self-explanatory, and they did not consider the issue from the perspective of the parties.

And Shi Jia, who has always loved faces, will inevitably think You are right! "The old man raised his hand and said, "Go call me Zhiwen, Zhiwu and Qianmei." "

Outside the old man's room.

The Shi family brothers and Shi Qianmei had just entered, but Wu Tao consciously stayed outside.

Shi Qianxue, who had always wanted to go in, didn't dare to be reckless in front of the elders.

"What to do, daddy and their opinions are too narrow, fearful! But my sister doesn't speak, it's really anxious."

Wu Tao smiled and said, "What are you anxious for? It's not your man who is coming back..."

Shi Qianxue bent Xiao Man on his waist, "If my man dares to do this, believe it or not, I castrated him!"

Wu Tao was agitated all over, with a look of aggrieved expression: You castrate, just castrate, what do you sign at me?

Shi Qianxue didn't realize it, and she crossed Xiaoman's waist and chattered endlessly: "It's disgusting! It's almost ruined the Shi family's shipping industry, and now I want to come back to pick my sister's clothing factory's "peaches"!"

"...Why don't this kind of person just die?"

I have to admit that Zhou Chuanwen's move is precisely to correct the weakness of Shi's parents: death to face and to suffer.

In the end, Wu Tao was really annoyed by listening, so she calmed Shi Qianxue and said, "Don't worry, this matter will eventually respect Mei Sister's own opinions."

"But what if my sister relents and forgive the disgusting man?" Shi Qianxue said with a deep worry.

"No, don't worry. I believe Mei Sister!"

At this moment, the door opened, Shi Qianmei walked out with a resolute expression and looked at Wu Tao solemnly, "Thank you!"

"Thank you?" Wu Tao asked, "You should be the master of your life. The key is that you are responsible for yourself!"

Shi Qianmei nodded heavily, "I will."

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