Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 683: Accumulate hard work, catch up

At the beginning of the listing, the Counter-Strike game was so powerfully crushed by StarCraft. In fact, Wu Tao was under more pressure than anyone else.

But when he found that China’s local registered users had grown rapidly, and even exceeded the registration scale of StarCraft, he was finally relieved.

In addition to the factors of free drainage, such a large-scale user growth can at least show that the game itself is not bad and has enough appeal.

This is the foundation of a game.

With this, Wu Tao was relieved.

After more than four days of release, StarCraft’s game sales and registered users have increased, and it has begun to stabilize.

Approximately maintain a daily sales volume of 10,000 sets and an increase of 20,000 registered users per day.

According to this trend, it will only take three months for StarCraft to exceed the sales volume of 1 million sets.

This is definitely platinum-level sales.

Looking at the other party's data, Shi Qianxue couldn't help sighing, "Boss, when will our 1 million sets be sold out! Lost you added a quota of 500,000 sets, but now you can't sell them, you are starting to be dumbfounded?"

Shi Qianxue was right, Wu Tao was indeed dumbfounded.

But he was dumbfounded, not because he was worried that the game could not be sold, but because he found that the number of registered users of China had begun to explode again.

Early this morning, China's local registered users exceeded 400,000.

Wu Tao originally thought that after the initial period of rapid growth, his own game would definitely undergo a period of steady growth like StarCraft.

In other words, the data will still rise, but there will not be too much span and surprises.

However, I never expected that in just a long time, the number of registered users in China had crossed the 500,000 mark.

This growth trend is really a bit fascinating.

Seeing him staring at China’s local free registered user data, Shi Qianxue couldn’t help but break through: “How much paid conversion rate that data can have is not yet known. No matter how fast it rises, the gold content is not as good as that of StarCraft every day. An increase of 20,000."

"That's not necessarily!" Wu Tao, who has been silent, rarely refuted: "Go and transfer the data of VIP registered users online today, and notify Wu Ke to ask him to update the number of registered users of the domestic battle network and the number of online users every day. The number and login rate are all counted."

Although he didn't know what Wu Tao wanted these data for, Shi Qianxue still turned around and went to supervise it.

After a while, Shi Qianxue returned with two faxed documents.

Wu Tao took a look, his eyes lit up, and stood up, shocked Shi Qianxue, stroking his chest and said with lingering fear: "You scared me to death, what's so exciting?"

"Haha, because you are going to marry the rich and handsome, and you are at the pinnacle of your life!" Wu Tao sold it off with great interest.

Shi Qianxue glanced at his delighted look, and immediately folded Xiaoman, "It sounds like a good thing, but if you can't tell you how ugly you are, don't blame me for not acknowledging your cousin!"

This threat, it seems, is not lethal, right?

However, Wu Tao didn't bother to care about it. Instead, he pointed to the fax document and the data on the computer screen and said: "Come over and take a look, what can you find?"

After such a reminder, Shi Qianxue saw the difference at a glance.

"Although our VIP registered users are less than those of StarCraft, the customer retention rate and online activity are 10% higher than them."

"What else?" Wu Tao asked.

Shi Qianxue adjusted her hair hanging down her temples and said: "China's local online statistics are similar to our VIP data. This means that China's paid conversion rate should be much higher than that of regular games. But these features What does it mean?"

Wu Tao stood up and said: "This shows that our counter-strike game itself is not bad, and its commercial potential has not yet been fully released. I can even boldly speculate that our daily sales data should be In the far future, it will surpass StarCraft. As for total sales and registration scale, even if they can't keep up with each other, they will at least not be far behind."

"This... how is this possible?" Despite the previous data, Shi Qianxue felt a little unbelievable when she heard this conclusion.

Not only that, even Qiu Xiaotian, who had just entered the door, felt like a fantasy.

"Boss, are you too optimistic?"

Wu Tao waved his hand, "I have made such a speculation, but there are actually traces to follow. Come and see!"

"Since the launch of our Counter-Strike, except for a small burst of sales the next day, the data for the rest of the time has actually grown slowly. Even though StarCraft's sales have stabilized today, our data is still growing."

"That's true!" Qiu Xiaotian and Shi Qianxue nodded together.

Wu Tao continued: "The second point, judging from the discussion on the forum, the number of counter-strike posts and replies has gradually increased in the past few days. From less than 10% on the first day, it has reached 100% today. It's thirty-five!"

"...Even if we exclude the network navy component we hired, this data continues to grow. And I found that most of the new posts here are posted by local Chinese netizens and game enthusiasts."

"...The addition of these various factors is enough to show that the potential of Counter-Strike is gradually being released. As a new company and new product, word of mouth must slowly accumulate. We need only patience and time!"

After Wu Tao's in-depth analysis, the two of them have nothing to say.

Qiu Xiaotian immediately rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "If this is the case, that would be great!"

Not only was he excited and inexplicable, but Shi Qianxue was also excited.

It seems to confirm Wu Tao's analysis that three days later, at the node one week after the game was released, the daily sales of Counter-Strike and the increase in registered users both surpassed the already stable StarCraft.

This means that the total sales volume and total registered user scale data will reach the level of StarCraft, and there is a first-line possibility.

It's just that the gap in the early stage has been too large, and it will take a lot of time to equalize the gap.

Fortunately, today's Tianxing Game Company has enough patience and self-confidence.

Because of such achievements, it is already a great honor for a budding new game company.

As for catching up and surpassing established game companies like Blizzard Entertainment, it is equivalent to raging and playing rabbits. It is naturally best to catch up. Even if you can't catch up, everyone will not feel too disappointed.

After all, the future is long, and the first shot can achieve such an effect, far exceeding expectations.

While everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Wu Tao did not relax at all.

In his opinion, Counter-Strike has a lower game threshold and higher playability compared to StarCraft. It can maximize its entertainment and fun in teamwork and on the Internet.

So it doesn't make sense to be worse than StarCraft.

With such thoughts in mind, Wu Tao was not eager to open champagne to celebrate, but continued to pay attention and wait silently...

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