Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 695: Interconnection in the Vineyard

The weather in May is getting hotter and hotter, which is really unpleasant.

Song Zhuang took the construction team temporarily formed in the village and began to renovate the school buildings of Uncle Dai, Aunt Hua and Liyuan Primary School.

Many people in the village asked about it. They all said that there will be a lot of rain this summer, so take precautions before they happen.

The master of the construction team did not deliberately exaggerate the seriousness of the matter, nor did he add any oil and vinegar.

The villagers and neighbors who could get the answer glanced at Wu Tao, who was sitting next to him on a pile of bricks and tiles, as if he had mastered important secrets.

Ever since, it seems that this effect has caused many people in the village to follow suit.

The tiles should be replaced, and the wall should be glued.

In short, you can't go wrong with the old Wu's kid who did big things.

It's right for others to see Wu Tao staying in the village all day long, like an idler. But privately, Wu Tao didn't have much leisure.

Although I have returned from the big stall of Jinling, I have to call myself if I have specific matters or requests for instructions.

It's just that when Wu Tao answered the phone to deal with the problem, he was not known to outsiders.

So when Tencent’s horse painting vines eagerly found Liyuan Village, they looked at Wu Tao like a young man in the village, squatting on the side of the road, chatting with another real farmer-like intellectual, with a dazed expression.

In fact, the other old farmer is no one else but Ma Shuchun, the principal of Liyuan Primary School.

This is not because Wu Tao paid for the work to renovate the classroom and school buildings. Naturally, Ma Shuchun would like to express his gratitude and gratitude.

But Wu Tao couldn't take it, because this Ma Shuchun was also his mentor.

"Principal Ma, I am considered an alumnus after all. Doing this is really an easy task, so don't thank you anymore."

Can Ma Shuchun not be grateful for inexplicable? This solved the problem he had been worried about for half a year.

Since a few years ago, I have applied to the district education bureau for funds to repair the school building, but the formalities were approved, but the money was never returned.

I was so anxious, just one sentence: no money. It sounds frustrating.

Now that it's alright, Ma Shuchun feels somewhat exasperated.

I don’t want to fall down! Lao Tzu has donated funds from well-known alumni for the construction!

The two were chatting eagerly. Unexpectedly, a round-faced young man in a suit and leather shoes stepped closer and said: "Mr. Wu?"

"Oh, Mr. Ma!" Wu Tao stood up immediately, staring at no one around Ma Huateng, and looking far away, he found that the following Qin Xiaoxiao was returning to the car to get water.

Ma Shuchun also stood up and clapped his hands to walk the way: "You talk first, I'm leaving."

"Wait, Teacher Ma." Wu Tao stopped him and introduced to Ma Huateng: "This is your home, my elementary school teacher."

When Ma Huateng saw his intentional introduction, he immediately shook Ma Shuchun's rough hands and bowed, "Teacher Ma, thank you for meeting."

Ma Shuchun suddenly aroused a feeling of honor and honor, "Hey, President Ma, it's a pleasure to meet."

"Dare not to be, Teacher Ma."

Not long after, Qin Xiaoxiao, who was dressed in white work clothes and looked like a figure in the painting, walked over. When he met, he first greeted Ma Shuchun and said: "Hello, Teacher Ma, I am Qin Xiaoxiao, the boss' housekeeper."

Although I don't know how old this housekeeper is, Ma Shuchun also knows that the scene of his experience today is a bit bigger.

After a series of warm greetings, he decisively lifted his leg and slipped away.

After all, it was enough to see such a scene, enough for him and the children to brag for a while.

Ma Shuchun is gone, and Wu Tao will not take two guests from afar, squatting on the bricks and chatting together.

Even if he is used to squatting himself, these two guests may not be used to it.

Qin Xiaoxiao found it strange that her boss was so casual at home, without the burden of the boss.

In addition, she came to the boss's hometown for the first time, and seeing the green mountains and rivers here, she felt curious and fun everywhere.

Wu Tao got up, greeted the two of them, and walked towards his vineyard.

"Mr. Ma, I heard that you can't figure out why I won't let you sell the oicq business?" As he walked, Wu Tao was straightforward.

Ma Huateng pushed his glasses and said, "Mr. Wu told me not to sell the oicq business, naturally because this business will make money in the future. But forgive me for my poor eyesight, I still can’t see this. So I begged Mr. Qin to take me. Come here and ask Mr. Wu for advice."

Wu Tao waved his hand, "You don't have to ask for advice. After all, you are an Internet expert, and I am just a ticket."

The three people said as they walked, and turned into the vineyard in a blink of an eye.

In the hot summer day, Qin Xiaoxiao only felt a refreshing coolness, blowing on his face.

Until a **** dog rushed out of the diagonal stab, she was scared to hide behind Wu Tao and almost didn't jump up.

"Big black!"

Wu Tao snorted, Da Hei immediately stopped his arrogant barking, clipped his tail, glanced at the two uninvited guests, and wandered back to his territory obediently.

Qin Xiaoxiao patted her undulating chest, and said in shock, "Ho, I was scared to death..."

Protecting the two people entered the small courtyard and went straight to the east house.

Because this is usually a place to entertain guests, air-conditioning, tea and tables are all available.

Zhang Huilan ran out of the house, Wu Tao called to his mother, and then Ma Huateng and Qin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to introduce themselves and greet each other.

I'm afraid I'm being rude.

Zhang Huilan took a look at Qin Xiaoxiao’s upright order, and added the outstanding temperament, and immediately posted it, and gave people to the east room: "You are a guest from far are not entertained well. I still want Haihan, Haihan."

"Where is it, Auntie, we are bothering you." Qin Xiaoxiao was extremely nervous, and the clever teeth of the business community on weekdays, it was not easy to get here.

It felt a bit of embarrassment and pressure from the ugly daughter-in-law seeing the in-laws.

Tilting slightly, everyone took their seats in the East Room. Qin Xiaoxiao helped Zhang Huilan prepare tea together, Wu Tao and Ma Huateng had already sat down, and continued to talk about the topic just now.

"Mr. Ma, frankly speaking, your company's oicq business is actually not new. I know that three guys in Israel made a software called icq, and they just sold it to AOL for hundreds of millions of dollars."

Having said this, Wu Tao paused, admiring Ma Huateng, rubbing his hands, his eyes flashing.

But the next moment, Wu Tao changed his words: "But if it was me, I would not sell. Not only would I not sell, but I would continue to increase investment! I believe it won’t be long before it can bring me back 1 billion or even A return of tens of billions!"

This makes Ma Huateng, who has been unable to find a way out, lifted his spirits, "Mr. Wu, I understand what you say. At present, driven by Mr. Wu, the number of domestic Internet users has skyrocketed, and the number of oicq users has also broken through. Up to the million level."

"... But the current surge in oicq's user scale has caused soaring operating expenses. And our company's current financial situation is already in trouble, and it can't maintain its operations at all. More importantly, I still don't know what to do. How to use this thing to generate profit and form a healthy development..."

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