Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 699: Set up a FLAG for you

After sending the two girls to the new west gate of Beijiang Middle School, Wu Tao rushed to the new factory area of ​​Beijiang Glass Factory.

Half a month ago, Ding Haifeng dared to find himself because he dared to take the initiative by relying on the small performance of the factory.

Now, through the car window, Wu Tao saw the new glass factory area in the distance, the chimney with pure white gas, and he realized that production has started to make money.

And looking at this emission, it is much stronger than the previous thick smoke billowing.

It seems that this investment was not in vain.

The car drove to the entrance of the factory, and the doorman wearing a poncho routinely came to check the car. But when I saw the face of Wu Tao in the back seat of the car, he immediately stood at attention: "Hello boss!"

The security guard who was checking the car was so excited that the companion sitting in the guard room also stood up. He watched the crown car slowly drive in, and then hurriedly called the general manager's office.

As the deputy general manager, Ding Haifeng, who exercises the authority of acting general manager, immediately put down his work and began to dispatch troops to meet the boss for inspection.

Those battles brought out the style of welcoming inspections by higher-level leaders in the old factory.

However, it took only five or six minutes from the time the car entered the gate to the time Wu Tao appeared at the top of the stairs.

Even if Ding Haifeng is good at preparing, he can't prepare much.

So when we met, Ding Haifeng couldn't help but stepped forward and held Wu Tao's hand and said, "Boss, you want to come and don't say hello in advance. I can make arrangements?"

"What arrangements?" Wu Tao said with a stern face, "which arrangements should be shown to me, and which should not be shown to me?"

Ding Haifeng was speechless for a while, and he smiled and scratched his head and said, "How can it be, boss?"

But Cheng Jian, the technical person in charge, stepped forward and said, "Boss, Mr. Ding doesn't mean that. He wants you to see more progress and good side of us, the boss."

Wu Tao pointed and scanned the crowd and said, "If you think this way, you are very wrong. Really hello and me, hello everyone, what else can I do? I am here to discover your problems!"

With that said, the key members of the factory who were present immediately slid in their hearts.

I'm most afraid of this kind of sudden thorn.

So a group of people followed Wu Tao tremblingly, and began to visit and stab each workshop and production line one by one.

Wu Tao didn't know if he didn't visit, he was surprised when he visited.

It turned out that the glass factory that invested more than 100 million yuan in the first year has achieved such a high level.

Standardized workshops, standardized processes, standardized operations, and standardized operations.

Good factories and bad factories are almost clear at a glance.

Wu Tao walked in it, originally intending to stab him, but found that it was a bit similar to visiting the production workshop of Yuanqi Technology.

It seems that this technical project as a test water cooperation, after the training of Dongying people, unexpectedly exceeded their expectations.

This is a bit of a surprise.

But this thorn is not easy to pick, and it tests his level of being a boss even more.

So along the way, Wu Tao did not pick out a single thorn except occasionally to do some understanding and exploration.

This actually made Ding Haifeng and his party nervous.

Everyone knows that if the boss doesn't scream, he has already made a blockbuster. Now that he hasn't screamed, he must be preparing for the blockbuster.

It wasn't until an hour later that everyone returned to the brand new conference room, Ding Haifeng finally couldn't help but said: "Boss, you can raise any questions, and we will work hard! Don't say anything, go back... "

Having said that, Ding Haifeng didn't dare to go any further.

But what he meant was also very obvious. He was afraid that Wu Tao would be dissatisfied and would go back to divest or cut projects.

After all, as the two leaders of the new and old glass factories, Ding Haifeng is fed up with the previously half-dead business situation, and therefore cherishes the new factory's thriving development.

Not to mention, when the special glass produced by the factory attracts buyers from all over the country, the joy of success is not to mention more joy.

Even Ding Haifeng thought he was twenty years younger.

When Ding Haifeng said so, Cheng Jian and Wan Fang immediately let the group of people stare at Wu Tao eagerly.

Wu Tao was stared at like this, and he couldn't hide it anymore.

Reached out to take the brewed tea that Wan Fang handed over, reached out and pressed a button, motioning everyone to sit.

Everyone could not wait to sit down, but most of them didn't sit down, waiting for Wu Tao to follow.

"Frankly speaking, during today's inspection, I have nothing to challenge, and I am very satisfied. Your production management has reached a modern scientific level, even in developed countries."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to relax too much. Because this kind of sentence pattern is usually accompanied by a ‘but’ to turn, and that’s the point.

So Wu Tao continued, "It is precisely because of this level of production that our special glass has been favored by customers and won a small part of the market! For this, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication!"

"Should—" "Where are the duties~"

Everyone was humble, and even the tension in their hearts was relieved a bit.

"But," the next moment, Wu Tao's conversation suddenly changed: "I want to ask a question and see if any of you can answer me."

"What is the development goal of Beijiang Glass Factory? How do you plan to achieve it in a few years? How do you go about it?"

"This..." Ding Haifeng was asked immediately.

Everyone knows that this question can only be answered at the level of vice president like him. However, his vice president had never thought about this problem at all.

Ding Haifeng immediately became ashamed. He was in his fifties. Facing a young man who was less than twenty years old, the sweat on his face fell Fang, as a woman, did not speak. The man was so scrupulous, "Boss, our situation is not very good now! Compared to the old factory before, I don't know how many times it is better!"

"Yes, yes!" Many people followed, most of them men.

"But my expectation of you is more than that!" Wu Tao held hands together, "Frankly speaking, I have more projects that can make money..."

Before finishing speaking, Cheng Jian finally plucked up the courage to speak. After that, Wan Fang kept winking, and he still boldly spoke out without saying anything.

"Boss, I have thought about this problem. Now we are relying on Dongying people's technology and craftsmanship to turn losses into profits and bring them back to life. If we want to continue to develop in the future, we must develop our own technology and craftsmanship based on this, and have different characteristics. never fail."

Wu Tao nodded, saying that there is something, but it is still not enough as a company-level goal and vision.

Seeing everyone's heavy appearance, Wu Tao simply stopped selling it.

"Everyone, now that the new century is approaching, China is about to join TO, and the country is ready to take off in emerging industries such as the Internet, and is brewing overtaking in corners. But as a traditional industry, glass factories, we can't lag behind!"

"...In fact, with the rise of emerging industries, traditional industries will surely be driven and usher in good development opportunities. The key lies in your awareness and actions."

"...Here today, I will set one for you, that is, within three years, it will develop into the top three in the domestic glass industry, open an IPO, and finally complete the listing!"

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